The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-06-05, Page 16Page 14 LWIt:now Sentinel„'WedueStlays, June S„ 1,91. PlIESBYTETHAN CHURCH • MINISTElt Roe, Mawr* Kinsonn 'Writs: hip toarvic` e 1,141510n Sorianyiehool - 1,1;14 oat _wI UCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Worship %Moo -1100. AM Sunday School .11:00,AM Nursory Providod finv. GORALD ilcFAFILANE. Evaivono Wow. 4"*. .10.9.• 5.1 West WavianositMutual Insurance : Company Duifigatmon 5194922 1400465.5595 Farm. Orotection Fort &ropey • * . din$Ora xi+ • • • If uterruption rneflre pespetUn Femquotation„-pleese contact any of the following agents: FRANK FORAN, Ludmow 528-3824 LYONS & MULIIERN Godetich 524-2664 DONALD IL SIMPSON Ripley 395-5362 JOHN NIXON • . 13 juuels DELMAR SPROUL " Auburn ' 529-7273 Clinton. 482-3434 KENNIMIA/aeLEAN Paisley 368-7537 SLADE INSURANCE BROKERS triC. Kincardine • 396-9513 •Coien Sound 37647/4 LAURIE CAMPBELL Brussels 887-9051 • 5 Year Annual • also as high as 1/2 % 3 and 4 Year Annual on , 1 Year Annual Rate Qiiatetas of Joe 3/91 - Red MeDonagh- Investments 528-3423 528-340.6 after six LUCKNOW • Huron Township proposes to sway cer- tain areas throughout the Township's right-of-ways for the purpose of destroying noxious weeds, commencing-, approximately Itm,P10, 1991; using 2.41) Dychlorprop.There will be no spraying in built-up area . If further information is required call Huron Township Clerk's Office 395-3735 or Lorne Robinson 396-8045 coned, if necessary at any VILLAI NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all persbns in 'possession of land, in acordance with the Weed Control Act* 1988 Statutes of Ontario, 1988 Chapter 51 Sections, 3* 16 and 23 that unless noxious' weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the Village of Lucknow are destroyed by date of June 17 1991 and throughout the season, the Municipality, may enter.upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed* charging the costs against the land; as set out in the Act, The cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited • Weed Inspector a Lorne Robinson 39641045 • Clerk ai BAIL Whitcroft 5284530 olyroodWL hots Bruce South WI The Bruce *Mk WiMigiiN 111411144 DiSuket Annual was held at Mimed on Kty 21, with Joan Mousy presichug. The secretary„ Doreen M.ucA4aniso read the Minutes-, Sho requested that each branch secretary make a list of Life Members and if they are wive,. or not., There are four District Life Members. A, letter was read from PONY Knapp saying she could not attend the meeting. The MO_ report was given by Metier* 'Lowry. More Pennies for Friendship are needed, The ACWW CouveationliS. to be in Victoria, ReOstratiou is still be. sc. eepta-it- anyone is interested attending. •- . Four thousand blue, bags have. been sold to date. The price Per bag IS now .$10, The new price list is out and everything 'is .uji in price, Huron. We Boon West Women's Institute 91st, District Annual meeting was held in the Londesboro 17. The theme : was "Women for Home and Countre- Lois Elliot welcomed a good attendance. District Board director Irene Richardson that the Women's Institute continue to promote its activities. Following the Piesident'a message the 'Belgrave branch conducted- , a sing -along. Mrs. Richardson installed a.: new slate of officers., Pita. President, Mary. Hunter; President, Wilma Higgins: 1st Vice Pi".esident, Len Archainbault;.•2od Vice Pre& dent; Mrs„Erie Anderson-. ; Secre- tary -Treasurer, Mrs,. Clare • Van Camp;- Assistant Secretary, Jean Nethery; Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Leonard; James; Assistant Mr.S., Leslie, Jacklin; Cura- tor, Mrs. Wm. Porter; Assistant Curator, MKS:. Cecil Elliot; District DireCtor, Mrs. Ross Higgins; Alter- nate Director, Mrs, . Len Archambault; District Director, Mrs. Jim Hunter; Alternate Director, Yeast Nethery; - Program 'Co-ordinator, • Mrs. Eric Anderson; Resolutions, Mrs. Harold Cooper; Auditors, Mrs. In 1992 the convention will be hold at 'Thunder Bay, with the theme Roch for the Stars. If anyone, needs rthospitality room. they are to call Marion Lova. • • M tirvel= are urgoAl to donate • mote money to Adelaide goodness and Erland-Lee. ' • Mrs. John Bushell, gave a report OR the Bruce County Wan sales, • which have been very good. The tads's, is not available in the stores• . Mrs; ALvin Thompson gave a report on the museum, which mem. bets are encouraged* to visit. - Mrs.. MOt10, Scott reported on _scholarship,. Four -scholars' are, Chosen and .the first will be for the, provincial and the second for the -county. The Rural Organiiation .$1*iitises,'114ort was given.- It was suggested that all branches invite here to attend One Of their., r meetings. Nancylizowna of the Junior Womens Institute gave a good open, 011 their setivities. Lacknow And Beivie inStittnes citte-f-'. airied with 'skits, • a The 1991.92 officers are: 'Mt' jporeSidfentae4ft McGuire; 'readout' , Joan Murray;—.fitst vice, Eleanor Coavant second -vice, Jean Whitby; sectetarr.treas,uret„ Doreen MacAdams; asststant se0retarYt ; Lorraine- McPherson; Pala' Mar- gam Harkness; program• -.4utatorilna relantiz, curator, Lar- gare .Mclunest. -;ulterucae..Jcar Meponaldt., museum, ., Yttene ThoMpson;',4cholaTalulk:-.'000000%'. Scott; alternate, , Janet Farrell; tartan otntinitte0,j, -Largarets , ; nate,- gait Murray; .6004 director, Marion • Glen Coultes 'and Jea Medico. The roport or was given 1)$'r Nick OeleAsc, After a lunch served by the LoudeSboro branch Mrs. Atcharibault introduced the head • table, The President of Huron East Leone Poetter and the President of Huron South Lois. Hodgins each brought greetings. The in memoriam for four deceased mein - bets was conducted -by Londesboro. Lois - Elliot introduced the guest 4neaket:H.1,,de Morden -the ,Area President Pennies for Friendship was orgaruzed by Dungannon. The Maitland Branch, Norma Hamilton _had two readings, "Mum Mother had the Women's Institute and "Bossie's Boit"' • The Public Relations report was given by Mrs. Leonard James. The Curator's -report was given by Mrs. Wm. Porter, The Program Co- ordinators rdbort was given by ,Mrs.. Wilma Higgins. The Huronview report given by Mrs. Elliot. Delegates to the , workshop at Centralia on June 17 are' Mrs. Leonard James and Mrs.. Eric Anderson. Londesboro is orgaightg a bus trip to the Agricul- ture MOSOMM" �n AarrUSI, 9 for a quilt festival showing, phone 5. 4487.AlinterestiiggrstWaSrl° srideutadwhohrefrie: - Zealand with her hustvind who is in Ontario on a share -work project. Virg. Bridgeman has been a member • of Dungannon branch while, she is th4earregt.iorisShier4tOowldzvalanof herd. brOcsli in ottely-winners, Wiratvls in last weeks draws Tot' 'the Belgrave Kinsmen's ' Calk' 'Calendar lottery were: Jean and, Walter Willits, Wingliani;Ned Olson, Wingbanoftlactrawfordi- Wingham; Marl/Ail .,MotligamerYt Teeswater; Bill Taylor, Wroxeter, . who all won $50 each. Sam ,Thompson of Winghain was.a big' winner of $250 and Krista Rich - "mond, Brussels won $100. • - StatFaets ‘• : • Drugs Among males who identified ihemseives as currentusers of .00-- itabis in a 1989 Statistics Canada survey, 25.6% said they used the.0 drug at least once a .week.,Am�hg women users, this rate*tis.154% . • e These shoes were made for walking, aniCthat's just.what they did on May 27 as these five (left to right) Lois Goodhue, Joan Robinson, Art Ernewein, AmuDexter and Mary Lavis participated in the Spacewalk 2000, a project of Canada's ritweek. The extreme beat and humidity of the day no doubt contributed to the ispnidl number that 'boned Out to log ogles towards the goal of reaching Neptune this year. (Pat Livingston Photo) Batty Gordon • BASF SEtles riepresontative Agrichernicals for a growing world riazinevaresistant roadleaf weeds in corn? our answer is rm.r r. For nior6 information About Laddok ontact your local agricheMiCal supplier. *took is kiiimeted traddtgaltd 43AS1 AG. AFCad Inc. islho reOtttred tse Agricultural Chemicals BASF