The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-06-05, Page 15a Luekuow Seutiva WedWS LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH., Wiles`Yoli To Worship Wilh Thom On r?ny June 4 1 % 10 tun. owl NO pafo, Nwsory downslolm roomlop it elms EVERYONE '1At1t1, QME The expression on this high jumper's. face makes you wonder what is going through his mind Is be competes during the recent track and field day at the Lucknow District Christian School. Do you think he cleared the bar? This photographer will never tell! (Pat Livingston photo) Cora Barr is honoured on her bfrthday Glen Haldenby returned home from the Wingham and District Hospital on Wednesday. The Pentecostal Young People had a W" L a thou on the beach at Lake Huron on Saturday, ending up with a wiener roast at the 6th con. corner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr held a family gathering on Sunday in honor of Cora Barr's 89th birthday. .v Present were Cora of Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barr of Aurora, Donald Barr of. Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Gareth Turner (Cynthia Barr) of_. St.. Catharines, . Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fair (Jeannette Barr) and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van de Klippe (Susan Burr) and family of INLOUGH by May Boyce: Kincardine, Michele Hodgins and Murray Barr of here, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy, Winifred Percy, Mr and Mrs. Glen Handenby of here, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks of Listowel and Bill and Brian Percy of here. We all extend best wishes to Com on her special birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Detrick Douglas (Marilyn Bushell) visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and also with her grandmother, Cora Barr at Pinecrest Manor Luck otv.. Derrick and Marilyn flew `from Edmonton to help her parents Mr. and Mrs. Motley Bushell of Wingham cel - &urate their 40th wedding anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Laming and baby were here from Western Canada owing tothe illness of Herman Laming. Edna and May Boyle and Dorothy Anderson spent a day with Jean Hodgins, of Wingham and helped her to celebrate her birthday. Ruth Wilson returned home from the Wingham and District hospital where she was a patient for a few days. . Visitors on Sunday with Nina McDonald were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guest of here. and Essie Bloomfield of Paisley. Nina McDonald and her sister Essie Bloomfield spent a day at Wiarton with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Young. Miller family: visits with Farrells Janice Miller, Rachel, Colleen and. Louise Miller of Thoe visited on Saturday and.. Sunday with Jack and Janet Farrell of Purple Grove. Janet returned with them and attended the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Huron. at - Altkouse College in London on Monday. Janet and Jack Farrell helped celebrate the Tiverton School Reunion on Saturday, June 1, a good place to renew and visit the school chums of yesteryear. The Barbecue pork and lamb supper will be at the Purple Grove Community Centile on Saturday, June 8 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from Courtney's. Feed Store in Ripley or Finnies or Farrells on the 10th concession. Everyone is invited to come. The Ripley and District Horticulture meeting will be held at Bette MacLeod's home for a potluck picnic at 6 p.m. on Wednesday June 19. Katherine Collins is in charge of the program. A number' of residents front Purple Grove and district attended the Community Choir program in Kincardine Sunday evening and enjoyed 68 members from the Ripley schools choir with their eunPtE GROVE singing, also the adults who practice faithfully during the yew with their songs. The Purple Grove W.I.: will meet at Cheryl Bridge's home on Wednesday evening at 8 p,m. The roll call will he answered by a donation to the Purple Grove Community Centre with an article beginningwith the first letter of Jour name. Gladys : , Arnold and Juanita Fletcher attended the Ontario Genealogical Seminar at Kingston on May 24 to 26. Joyce McEwan and Doris Bradley provided the transportation. This seminar was the 30th anniversary of the Ontario Genealogical Society. During the evening program several awards were given to members who had provided outstanding services throughout the years.. Gladys of was_ them one who is a chatter member , and has spent many previous years with the Bruce Huron and Grey Counties. Gladys, bein , a lady of many words, the many people for the Five Star Qttilters Guild meet in Teeswater award and ' for their help in the Genealogical ,field. Following the close of the seminar, Joyce took her mother to- Retort 'to- her --sister Olive and her husband Hector Knight. Visitors to help Don McCosh celebrate his, birthday were his son Richard, Mary Anne Kukoly, Gladys Arnold, Currie Colwell, June and Earl Elliott, Joyce Farrell and . the girls, Don Chadbourne, Gage and Joe Harnick, Sherri and Ian Elliott, Carol and Sonny Roy and their twins and Bettor Scott. They all had a piece of cake, Other callers during the week were Ruth Galbraith, Listowel, Eleanor Hemingway, Brussels, Rose Kosktimp, Brenda Gervin. Teeswater and her mother Audrey Currie, Durham and Dianne Clifford with Christine, Megan and Julie. - Lorraine Kerr is home after surgery and feeling fine. Janice Needham's shower at St. Andrew's United Church on Monday evening June 10 at 8 p.m. Call Marion Gamble if you have news for Purple Grove column at 3954692, The Five Star Quilters Guild held their May. meeting in Teeswater, with 31 ladies in attendance. Rose Wadel was the hostess. Barbara deBeer presided with Lorna Lang giving the minutes of the last meeting. The coming events included the fact that five quilted articles arc to be at the Milton Museum by July 29; the quilt show is August 9, 10 and 11 and picked up by August 12. Muriel MaccKenize and Barbara deBoer have agreed to paint a sign for the Five Star Quilters Guild, Nellie Brock was the winner for the quilt lottery. The Lucknow ladies made a large quilt and the Ripley ladies made a quilt for chanty. Quilt tickets for. a large single quilt . and two pillows, in the Cathedral window pattern, will be drawn at Teeswater Pair,. Doris Bushelldemonstrated the reverse applique and gave out pat- terns for pot holders,' 0 Muriel MacKenzie . dis laycd: a °Celtic applique quilt top. The June 26 meeting will be a pot luck lunch in Lucknow. Aelembers are to bring a quilted acle, appli gtie or pieced. Hostesses will be Joyce IVIacnoriald and Jean White, Warren and Marian Zinn To celebrate this occasion, family and Mena will be;welcumed at an Open House on June 16, from 3:00 'to 5:00 and 7:00 to , 9:00' pm at their r home in n uc wiow. Let your presence be their treasured'. ghk. Coe tulaiiuils from your family. aye June 191— Page 13 i Birthday Club TAL Irwin Juno 2„1 2 YommOld ChristOpher Hocken dun* 1191E 9Years Old' Steven Coiling. 4une 11,1987 4 Years old Kaltiin, Coiling June 11,1901 .. 4 Yearspid:. Adam MaCLefnan June 11,"1 7 4 Year* Qld. 11:MINDER ,Residents of the: Townships of Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich,, Stanley, 'the Town of Goderich, and the Village of Bayfield: YOU are invited to the- second discussion on WEST HURON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; there will also be a presentation on similar initiatives in other areas. JUNE 6th, 1991 0P.M. ,Colborne Central School atr(located . 1%' miles south of Carlow on = 17 County Road 1, Ontario Ministry of between Carlow tic Berjmiller) Agriculture and Food .d' I I June , rf ?I:...;....; ; - ,I,i , _ (f: - or ,,A -t,v11 :t,o 1, 1 [L4r.L-1_=.--.-__.4 Dairy �;' .ern. t .$ ti i'' 111� `„ .,.., t. j f .,. ______ ____-- ,. ,i 0,4 SAVE UP TO ,- SHUR•GAIN 1 % ON ALL DAIRY RELATED IN-STORE PRODUCTS.....- •UDDER TOWELS. aUDDER WASH 4TEAT DIP .GERM KILL.. & OTHER DAIRY & HEALTH PRODUCTS New at Dauphin's BAILER T1fIlINE FOR ALL PETO aR Pn CEDS Your Partners ire Performance SUPPLY LTD. PIAVIANNNONf 5261661 5294131 TOLL [R F' i 4--6 rs I IDAUPHIN : • i FEEDIitt WALTON WW1 .d'