The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-05-22, Page 11Joan Murray attend: the ` Centre Det, Annual ineetin ood. e Midden e after ` 'vias .with eoul Edward The Holy -tutu Niforowes instituit the Brame South Di n watt e halt days May 21,. p - Vinod was reedyed hese of the. death of J Webster of Edmonton. Be' spent hisearly life in Ontario and made may' trips and we remember y. happy clings together.We-' extend Y 'r the bereaved. We were 'haatof the. sudden, deal` ofgld Broome wlio n lrved a plyrrgo ea. We extend syr thy F and the AMily. eladv- from here wet of the `deathof :late J h=putv�.J o e and wee Ehxabeth have. visited .. at e'. n. o _ also , Olive: na's home. In .1986 Tean (Lane),lips, Fonthill.,and heat: sister. 'J3 ssle Maulden and theit cousin, the; latkxFoie lian4 'went to Colorado where theyattended the rurvie Poiden 'weading. Mr. and Mrs. uglas'Teixe� of . her Mother' :nth I ves,hetet . Sym t is ,..extended to is - Al hod in the ,death grundotcuh ivyr;ICelly,.of Wian011i Due bleu from. C Georgeuncoil-, Houle on Friday at 2o.m. her home on Wolnesday afternoon for the ItinloughPnbyte\VMS meeting, /am' DM Pouted a. wed. the mange with an, followed `b a . rig, Belies . the purpose s m umsonr the Lord's prayer. The secretaiy. read ;the, minines add cor.resPqadeoPe and plays wex# finalized for the church Onkel' lawul whco ork 9#tanan%rL ' pr.m with the Rev 'Robert Shaw;,..“ of ICitchener41.0st ra. inter* The roll callvie , � thought . d �o Mother's Dar, . answer • by 12 Members, . lin oidhad the ev�: ,. nh ,y� e °hens, " ppy theYhome where !hod is: -there" Isla, M, the lathe` Jesus and • °Hannah as,e a pies. Bet.Bu_ talk a ,lx 9f stn.i When you have kids. thews never a dullInornetW Right now.. our- 15-yearTold Belinda ' is into these' rock groups. Ref bedroom w.aUs,are plastered with, pictures of the strangest young men wear ng eye makeup, Uoly roolyl she ::recently zot fooled.iitheu' 1 sigh Up for the. topio °!Watts Amps.' in her' sclenee l lhtr%iri 9t had:tei have something'to do with heavy y a al 'she WaS:a little is r_nayed ,to f b she had up with 1papet:-1on *Wm( works. „ But "'sta"e 01w4s 'been, a spunky 10 -'411,0 good tit science,. t so :al lei .a het of typical :do lesceut.ovcrreaetioOh, not , can't stand, stn ,his 'is. the wort 4hfng h t' 'qo annp„ir'in!r - in my Whole life! T--shte,bue led ...ia# aR{{,,�a .444'tflr'I': racv +ti a 1[11tfi, w• .I .. p..r. R.•".y i.•.i► ,L...l; aL.r7 ri' lin' " cai1y'g g bi u1ca tires the pr'osstr1C f;41 ,electric current.Yon can Oa*: of it as a haud,pushing the elec- tricity, 'Belinda 'said. The harder you push; the higher the voltage. When .the electricity is pro. duced9 ies%cr ied fro .1/5,000. t volts, dependingn bow far it has r travel along 1410 ,eL$ . ofcx4 &IQ Ont io. r cforethat ' volt ' its g 1 y your house, transformer sta- tions "step down" the power to a;000 or 21., volts; and lea small lianSfortriers located On street poles :reduce'it even fur thea, to 10 or '0 'volts r Ahen it enters;;: our:ho e, y. 1 + i f�` Out shy 't u ., .� re� and e, o r` �' ro. GCI. $(1t,1 �:�� � ou`:tllat:. toper and kt her' fq when engineer, Ira and caul on her to look uftrr .us rn°'our d 4441 14'4,4 . she didn't�say no, �"i`his ne► spa er, ire corx;%unc¢ tion W44 ntario l.lydro, bei n ►ou Phi` 's '13trsern0t' to help f�brin ' ` 'm�e" ideas ,sir: o h a to: sav To r . ceive; a1ure y, ally lino' :tiydra of 1-800.263-9000 rind teal )(INWOOD GREENHOUSES *Uranium iNanuing Baskets oVagattibie l 6u i o Phirsiti erd Her OPEN: To...* 114111 am4. pm._ Wald. $ am4 pm iaMtlee Bruen . . ' tie Each year,. the Druce County Librarian A oc tions provides : a Young Author's Conference '10 which, students, who have written, illustrated, -,,and Created their own poo I are invited from elementary and seconry schools. Teachers at tach school. select a specified aunt', ler of students to,attend the Confer approximately ' 200 students hear published authors to their -own story and get valuable tips f creating theiir: liter efforts . , In futureY. , Y of the..students' books tour the county the following year prior to the 1992 Conference. On June $ of this year, Brice County's • young authors wilt inti Barbara Smucker, award wig author of "bays of 'Wive, "White Mist ,Amish A.. veiitrre , "Under - d to- Canada", and - others. Students will also hear the expert advice of a children*s: Book Review editor"' Anita Winnings also an author visiting from Toronto. The Conference has been so sue-, cessful that the northern em 'end of the county ,enjoya' Conference on alternating year This year, student authors fr im tin southern part of Bruce Cour; w Ak. attend A 'Y.A.C, in v e , June:S q; e4young asPkin me fro fogo irii°ti'':: x'.. Wry i,`.':ia' '•... armta c entrttt,, ipteyistrtct t :` Ripley Huron Center Brat den- tr" : Walkertd.' bli+ � u. card Walkerton i st>r t ne Vistikt. `El. �. t, Aron . Heights; Kincardine -Aloe n, alytt ` . Thompson The " librarian► assodiation..'trusts solely on the s oai rship;of 'se c clubs and contribu merchants in, `::. the area areitin.Order to held :a sc- conference. Thea �aaon is most gratefidsupporters : who are *vett the Conference and ht, s re10004, . following the: ear � + A olid cia Qutham :ton, NOH 2L0 797-5$57 Pak 51,) a,U lit COLID WASTE FIO, IN ASSOCIATlO 11V�,pis announce that ws ares g o ttaAnclUde,the:Town of cd the Township ot Alb side. w pick ups schedule an as of N+ ill ►iilx give Milo'Qrt'ooliec- T, . .to tie ire lernentin un nb' 3,:1,'t 4 VILLAGE Oi tion onf `t•IJ :rk8. Points to R l� BER When recycling: I . filo se have EMyour blu boic at curbside by TAM to ensure that it is emptied S ,: • Please rinse outli carts' before placing in your blue' box. 3, ".►lease' rel "ov°e all iida Itempl stic bottles; and containers. n.n. THAA y(yaryy YOU. FO:R VOtiR PA ''y{ly�C/ln�A11ATIO A'#IR1 ,wr lallE. BOX PROOt.'•/!�.7..f' •y ' More and more, seniors aare beconing.aware that it is never too late to underle a more haalthy, activf, lifestyles- This , ter have • positive , effects ort prevetrtint delaying, or lessening the Offe6ts'of throttle 7 Pot example,` we now. know that the senior who stops, smokingwill reduce his risk of heart attack, - that ttacck, that of aton-s eerafar only two years. Other g�tt benefits -include,, reed iung thei of such diSeases as emphysema; chronic bronchitis; lung ncer, and serio infections, rood tastes better tool . . 1 obility- can improve with ager, berating our 'activity level, even 111 410611 ways, can slowly 't sure- • ty build up the strength of our hew; lungs, bones and muscles. It etre; enhance self-confidence!" Simple' stretching exercises, per- fry regularly* increase flexibilw ty, preventing muscle strain and Peed exercise too» e� slues show that training improve scoots on r. even ; Individuals. e of seventr. The loss of way to and other �j�'�men�tal spa yytot Ilse thein • byconhuedpint/ 'c r , ing ourielvesvithourselves soul ►lit Mg t v - Igor. Research a rodtt You. fib.. take s obi the we wish lj oa ► Whither increasing ouractiveslevel, cutter down on fat,and salt in our f , of cultivating wane and `supportive rel aionships with friends , il y may. score as ,they,approach' older ageare concerned ldgability toget da look after sely , loss g." mems skills, or la a eringy illness - in short*in 1 re :�MF` penile 4t ,' on Ot R But'tm y of thee -t ing can be prevented or . delayed by' tising.p t'vet healthy ways of:. lvng ty li ` is; r o .it at ao age - you're wort it. t t Enjoy a .Nursed 'School and 1 9 school year M: a 'Friday, n 6th 'nth, ii dren m end tel - i tabled. ►ted --1.00 4,oinr. 0_ Town•Hal e- one •-35M062 .for more • treinforitat s