The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-05-08, Page 8• • , e 8 LitCitaow 8etiue1 WoJuesdax• May 8, 19ti• *Ivtiitt• H &AR Presenting interesting facts about the achievements of leading ‘, businesses in the area Format and copy ammo*/ iu ibis review cannot be reproduced In whole or la part witilmet pergialookin fro* the wilier* by Tofu Gleallektand Garry Bow ,'•:cr • V' V Restaurant (Se Ba' IN' act' Halt ' RATED AS ONE OF THE BEST IN THE AREA CLINTON • HOLMESVIL-L-E 4824420 There is a great frontier' of restaurants out there, and heing a reataurant•explorer has its occasional rewards. Sue* was the ciantonlerecent visit to WHITE CARNATION RESTAURANT'S; BANQUET HALL where you can enjoy diningat its finest, in a, very relaxed ambience. Accompanying unlade atinoephere ere .4.ory affordable prices. The chef becomemagician with the entrees, each atiperb in ite execution, WHITE CARNATION FtESTAURANT & BANQUET HALL opened for businessin 1972 and today' itis owned and .operat". ed by ANDREW and JOANNA SPENCE., _ Their SMORGASBORD is ,second to none offering a salad bar. hot buffet. homemade **Sett Pius beverages (teai oaf - fee, *oft drink). They Nivea new :CHILDREN'S RiENU.priced to please everyone, Their Sunday Brunch is on from tt, a.m. - 2:30 Pm,. Sunday Dinner 4;.39p.m. p.m. .* - You will experience *what dining; in sOild stifle can I* *: an atmosphere of provoked thoUghtfulness. Silent and proles. atonal, service and cuisine that elevate. cooking • to an korai with Its aromas, visual compoildon, textures and taste*. Thhe was some of: the finest food we have experienced In, some time. They are open 7 days a week and are licensed by L.L.B„Os„. The armor. JOANNA and ANDREW SPENCE are Proud Of thisireataurant and rightly so.. When., it's time for an evening at the table that will sullies* the ,mundane and generic, try WHITE OARNATIONTI,ESTAIJ. RANT Ilk BANQUET HALL. They accept VISA, MASTERCARD and ROYAL BANK DINERS CLUB, , They: COnfilitie to offer you a formula tharreanyworks gObd food, • good atmosphere! good prices served.bir a 'friendilfp courteous staff that care; Seven days a woad': „ • The omit time yoo,decide to •dine out tirtart ers!rrung.ror noelay4 exiihAatakett"-.,""Int;or WHIT* CiPiRSAllOtTrfESTAu. RANTkeiliatTE7171;41r. • • 4, 0 PIS 1.1,fiCgI WHERE YOU WILL FINO CONSIoffiNT QUALITY AND. gXcE4401t $E01pg 59 River ROad,'OrandBead:208.4602- • Canadians' today are.becoming .more health.Onscloya and worry about such things' as. Cholesterol:and saturated fats, whiPb.1.'abriund,.in red :ineetl;'''Cahada,a wators 'sPaWit`6111401is of flareyfroin erCtIC'',Chap,ilatM00,,,artkrrhitelieh rte ralribow, tro(kibilioO;•iiitittob*Oreli'WhO*IliOf Ore caught at foot tho'4947:' • doloi*Otoffor•-looroos000.00lloory .00000.0004.• ;Orley* • 600.ititeri-leefriedineinia have coma..; 4.10-04,*ay'oitato, yo61:,.eare..,saire with seafood that 1. poach�d, steamed, frl�d, , b*.d.,..haibecired and chopped into earned. witle:more. accent pleceethan tuot,prooley oodiom011i, • • Vifheo*io rarete revieika liste;market we look fOrtedglilsr clear eyes, Vibrant skin colour tinitproper fleileteXture.10.11M flanprodunt.orthestrire. " • The OWnere NIATIVIIKLOVIC and ANDY •pLICOVSKYtiratePro.,. vidsdthiCholeest'Vrakiktien ;eh and seafood thie*itia, " ""' ''•,' LTrary have a vat selection of WhIteflsh, OlOiter. Lake., TrOut,''. Per011,?beell Lake seefOod; and.0010a • „..'4,011;' The flab 'retelling tritlitatry .4$1 going' thrOttliks,0010-'Inelot,.. changes and ki the. -10401OPOOt,IO are 'Ott -1000r Orenerettto entat,..place, that sinags.',0(410k. like the worobousoo • , • • . 01 ,yelteryear. Consumer*: today .ospect talc! outiJeleart•'' !dote* With refrigerated ':vloWitikaitims kept at the sight teM-. Orator* to ritato flavours. With better 'tfahriPortatiOn and.proieasing Methods, fresh fiskin,gaileridis :tertillableina• fresher state than it need to'bea &Cade acid, • VV.1610w from PereoreaVexpedellet that a Oldie tO Fog*" LAKE'0.314'. . MARKET Wit be 'well worth your While In Saving* . • • .andtatality. .00.. • • Idsralit*CAVIIIMO mistravscAtartirtat• (40.• •••. ' ASM-4ALTINO 166101.1net St. E,, Godorch. •:.• • ..024,2045 Today,;tho *Iwo of loadoo*Oli.ig *004 10•• *Ito' Iranian" for theiirmieowner or garifere erithuelairt MOUS* Of the'Vast aireoutite,Of different phintieendPrOdaPtif oitolkiblit'On th mot* • Thitt_ffritkprovides evergreentt..botft spteettbigan4 upright . which are.,quite poptitar,MainiV becaOse theY tatV,arloile their leaves and provkle.an. excellent winter centristwitit, snoW, The flowering obrtibo ototdiogiy.tiukibe.000dt Ofah011ie OF!' ,demir, With ithrObberi thatproVideirtroittirk contraStairaVersi fruits and fejt lerd Colour..-Thris.Shrubs'ivallable 'Mattes One metre to .0:me metres will Mahn. quickly and carf.eastly be: kept In shape by ;Priming • • • ,•, • ART'S LANDSCAPING. NURSERY AND OARDEN CENTRE LIII.csin supply . youwith ,grOuntt cover such as the Stifled perennials' to use as a background to accent other plants in tbe garden., Vviiiie slopes can %). more visually iIntiriiiitlng•'th.in- , flat surfacei, they tenor/0% erosion and mitintenatickprob.i • tem* and that Is viherit !proper ground covet can.*** both theeeproblioss. •• • Organic niaftet tofro* Of .aniouio 60.0est masa fairad St ARTS LANDSCAPING williintiroYetkahlatle and feed the bow *Octal amitiorderileMeln rite ' : - • SoMehem* gardener* .spend a lot Of their UM* battling , "weeds because titioy .are 'unsightly and compete with vegeta, :bleoand fruits for .itiltrlent‘ There are, Woo main methods of wiedcontrott meehritikat and 'chemical. ARTS •LANDSpAp. .ING;tert help yott with theft stock of:herbicide*. • -ART'S LANDSCAPING:NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTRE • LTD. 'issfablNhed In 1065 and le owned and operated by ART • • and DOROTHY ROURDEAU.. • 'This Gartktro Centre has an Indoor *tea with ail 'kande 'of *40(104 bulbs, potted Plitntei soils; diecoratiVospote and planters. The outside anoints -evergreens. teeth, ,ffowering, , ahoihertliao bedding plant* 'galore. Evetything is manly pot* ted and marked. You Choose all the 'things you need and desire at comptititiVe Prices., This firm has a record' for mai* tsittlisg a large stock of fertilisetso garden ornaments, peat tisossiAnd ether gardening side. . . We found,the people at ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY AND GARDEN' 'CENTRE knowlodoorkbfo about the planting twastorik.wateringOleeding nem* and theft valutti•ersi do not Istaltatet0 recommend this otiaatopgoodmingtenitei Chaet 0F.14 Ith.11i) NH' isikittiii.u.s; Qrstibtritto. re. . THE COLUSIONANQ Auro PAINtINO. PROS 441086YOOkil110°' ,. ' . . :' r • ' : 52441 01 k 1 ' . After many' winters,. some wilt look into having their Oar .. repainted in the near future. Others will .decide hi irepairittheir . car due to a collision; affhOugh *do body shoos tiO have your oteourildicildraliti-iiirborri. polltitantiCandlikemay have.creat,... -- egi5-.4. egret_ OliTteding 1:16- the piginerit, rindalito•chectrIng.Or . reduction 01 0100,0, One door -repainted :••courtesy:Of your inourauMr oompe.ny can oftenleave' the,,balitsce of lire car lOokingpali layvianearlitOrti . .. . - . 'Your • older Sellicie, may net have even had the benefit 01a AlgOlayorod:paltit system Whichis now Practically an.indits. '. tryetandard. With such a syeteinf..ofteikknoWn itira-halec000-. . . Clear Coat .0;0110496, the base pigmented coat of paint Is covered by, a -: Ighlyprotectiveclear.acrylic or orathMt*.i• utast". lit eL. The -Mo. ‘,. is a paint •vvhiCit:lit more reeiet*nt,to *Oro onot• . todog; oil ...: aOstossier :with an "always wet.' look; ' • ' ' • SOUTH.: 0 BODY' toortERI0f4,LTD. have. ffirt QUY, CHART . LASER •ECI PMENT for keine .straightening MilhOdy VeldOlOS . and tioVo the OoPOOfitti:th::toothte, cars that wo0.14.appear to be '.- ,Itityond repair.. ., . ,,i.. , , ., ,'- .• ,; , ' * SOUTH ' END BODYIGODrEFOO11). LTP4LSOecialize...in Auto, , body work wheel .01acypoont.:aodbia06000; .: . .4.0$1, .01.0.beif.a, a ler..00 ,4aY Witillirlia'Aneirwicaaing°10cainaaa ' Of large.truCk repairs.. „SOtillit 4.140.2'.;i3OpY:isoWned by.. BILL • ,P011ELICK.WbO: has Mani years 01 iot,00,00rwk,ln thit'lletd,:-., ., Th. staff at 40fiTti•Nof poor attempt toiesseie the incort*. verdellOOW111,0 often' accOMpanka ColiTelon repairs, and WI.11.,. do lborlOb'proliody•-.:tbO firot-th*,•,,,. ' ,..• . • : ••. • • ....., , ......-....„ -....• '.:. • •If your car bea,inet: another .14f..•aCcirtent 'or. *0.0,:*iiiii.-1•07 . 011..hon*YtiOr', i.!.0.41010:***eantoOti,'.1.41000-401.0Litt„*ISO_LO., . yoke* seek out 'ths.,:professionais.at SOOTHErty-APRIff (GODERIGil) LTD.; • • • • ' .YOUR:b.0 ,otoo:poJcEorig,1 HURON COUNTY .101.2`;.;Oothitio: ,,..;..tvo..,10,.*Outkotoodericii • .,•• :524.9804 ijoth today..*.;0046:'0**onneo'*00*,;:and, waterfront property deMandinglop.dollar; it kr ,,nOlongerluait. a Wary to •have. a •'Itoot In: YOUrown beOhtetd;::bOtit Oark`pin:,:tuvestaient,:fhls. • Year, *I* :u00.3.,:vot4' pr!vrf With: clianiliffireed Water inelead of driVing,te;:'a aWIMming that May even brepohated7*meriyoro*dlakO.O.'•Oro. no .-loogoroofo*Otoko*Airboroo:oollutoototoll.***.Of Odd ram and ohoolooktboO0100 11-ov.00pi.•tootobUtods,10`. !he lom. 11 'yOir're•.tirretype:Of. per.Orr*h0:40.en't.islikeweerls;',, leriches,-rOOkei;POliated Water,,eko-COOSIOM, the advantages of having, yo0r.,Own.-Swilinnieg,000110, •O*O PrivaOY:Of YoUr. yard, You 000•Looloyo eporin'youttiackyard.,tot cool - Ing off, exercise, sunbathing.tir sociat gatheringiwpianitics are showing that the of an Inground orain#0 ground svolmoriing pool"; can :contribate'greany to your OtOnctly valtni, • anctresala feeiWility,,,IfWeffintrintairlOW". .9414k. 6'0ViiZOtt'POOLS. Is a teoil/bustriess -00ined',bY ONARLES.'.0141114414k..L..', ": EXcehent SMVICe Is Mairnained.after the sale. or installation -. Of aniaWardWineingingtound; **Ore ground pool. - sLug' NORizok.:POOLS:_oftersitho'latoot ire•computorixed, • iiiidie„onoiyofol*.'9"yo y0040- ocoototo,toodiottokoOoody What ,caasalail.4re„ required. to Maintain properly balanced • and healthy water. At lboblocatick you Can find a good den -of speclelty:chernksierloys; game;; ihlatinatorai solar — blankets,. filters, .pumps ,- parts and accescorleir, and anything .1.. you will sod In thls omegtbefd,. • • , • , • • .wdh: the *oath r :getting hotter and ,summertime or vacation . Oohing nearby, 'Marty.ara thinking otbumnIati entertainment. • When 11 get. hot, youcan'either jump In your OWOSSO, MM. el tothe beach,with:the.,croWds or use a better altemativitle • figlithigtrafffp or crowds by „hiskstaying 00Me in your Own :backyard. •..'• • • • if yonhave.consideredbuYing,amvinimingpocil, we.suggeopt that you conitiltowe.moRtzott foots as they can turn yow.backtfird htto •tiort4iimilt VacatiOnlarid, They Can • 'dee* a Pool to fit your landicapeasivtAl (*.your 04000.i* v • HEA TING rotorkoucts.'oF. TODAY AND SERVICE FOR THE. FUTURE 55 ikingskir6 .doderkh : • 04480 .HOPPMEYER PLUMOING & HEATING op:Wallet* In • plumbilig,..hestingi tilt conditioning and teatime tmoveri,goiti CLARE 'Figotkoli; W0041 and go* torOttook 'heat 00100, sale., iiervke, rePare. • In their APPLIANCE CENTRE they feature WOODS freezers Inglis stovinti,lefriciereforso microwave oven's, tilaihWasherk Th ia hileiranar operates suOcestifoily under. the capable guld. ance of JACK HOPFMEYEA; • , - • if you have taten using the **Me electrical appliances in your howl. for the pest 10 years or mor., you are Wasting Money and time. Most of the newt products are assisted by computer electronic, and alsO:desigiled to make cooking'. food storage, dishwashing or.launderIng more effichirit and econoinkal, They woe WS power; And you spend lees time in the kitchen oristindry room. Many of **ye ovens still provide, the *erne *WWI *Motion, in terms of cookingfooth however, they are now easier to clean with the Iritroductiari of lad csit,iton elortiente. They also, feeture such optton* as billit.in'tetisseties, electronic controls, and selkietirting capabilities (and others even have buUt4n:barbecue facilities)-. They wilt show you the advantege of one model or brood Over another, and enquire about Your orefonenc..in colour, etyle and of Catille, Coat %fibrin 'helpful and knowledgeable ***latest*, tesionable prides and service after the este ate requisite* .wheri **or*, log for appileneetto 'top ki at HOPFMEYEA ,PLUMOING * HEATING.. ifittfitihtesis 11110010014411010/ii THE KITCHEN CABINETSPECIAUSTS 150.TboSquara9Godarich. 524.11600, ifbasy 524.4324 otobori has b000meacenfor ot. family actIvity in many • homes. And-homeownetet through careful ItItcherriplaanft..' Ttaboorooloolonogoe•0010100,-,orriONOylooliO* • , . , fkore and metelsoineownereare finding that ttw kltcbens of their*: z.,-".74.'Nr.o311.;:;•cOattiaio .allay Way have assitmeli. - ,TOderti•••cabittets and:40ceSsortee ,masitroiXe -apace 'up* WithOlit cluttering your kitchen; Mike your life toiler and'your :1010hertmore FctistOmIxed" with such readlly available inner. •ottbinttt storage. features as Lazy ',Speen** 'n.tttleryfctittIng, • board draware 1.4.741 Sitcncit dividars. Spi td414 Sid cAOITOOt r tani b°11 rlit*ted OaragW•lotSonirit. appliiincoli-sim„ona other :decorative a0essorie.„-:ina,k. your ItitiolienWork for you. • SAECHLER KITCHENS* INTERIORS it your authorised • HANOVER ,KITCHEN dealer and IS rreOettnixed for prOper ming ,Mid -cOneultatio.n40.:geCthe moat out of the ,available • , spa0e;In renovations Or new:home coriatorollort • -Vett haVe-a.cinnittiter •assieff rig . thedesigroing,... When you - OPP Into their•stoo-06,01*.o0o0! 10.,i0ok'oolY,kitoboos; They: 01*(140.***110100011 i.A.09171471.0Airt10; 'brand: naive carpets. rby CORONET, RICHMOND,,, the nsw In. of cA0tht .CRAPTS carpets ptus a Woe selection of :In, *lei:4. ..,v4i.oaa*e. STRptiGnssietant flooring and KITOHEttAID.Stillatici4.* 'MS bttehseee ‘ieewatto and:Operated. by ROBERT '104.:E.c.,•:, 4eft.' A new ititOhen. can be., a **tricot investment. So .naturaily you Went to tieCthe.mOrat valet for your MOnew-ArictlititOne',..- *mime that guaraoleeelt.ie-BAEOHLER TheIr **000000.your measuremants and are rosponslbie for their, accuracy, relieving you Of anyViorry.';.0iimpletiedriliv• • ory•Ood)oopioodoobytbokool000*off•profookd000to ••,,Bringf:11,0.0.if:VOOr:'..1.10yout*o&aosoloed:quot000tttivAr!* competltor 00 *COraparahhe'proditok and tayoirt superior Serikeieand'icare.;.Stry,thelieSt,.SavetheMosti ,Call.-.0AEONLEFVIOTCHENS .:LINTERIORS.1hefbirtineirtr In (ioderichwe recommend. ' • NOT YOUR AVERAGE I in 355 Bayfield Road, God�rich 524-7 • itiCrOSetrOM',M0 • Tittle are.,*,Metetrinsieitinehr for menti auterootitisSiStioro, r,ow.ver, by not malntalnlng lit*iiitr 40' iiiiiihtio0****:`#;'It wilt cost you 14; fuet'econOtnt -000,00 andllr.lIfe. Atit*OltVoi ti0OhaVeundergope-gaintiii*leops Wtachnolt • gy:40tingnsaipeat decii4i,..104:manutectuterSioffer,* Wider : eele0tiOnindudinti squat 'oide**14, 'wide :oorePtIter*Sirined • treads. and Yaricies 'tread- compounds for higher tire perfor- mnce. Tire I9s40.611*;141-#11014 be.016.110i.iirerit12400:killOrnetree and balancing la alo&lovortitOlt to keep your*. On the road. GENERAL TIRE .PERFORMANCE" -CENTRE :hccete cf ,c1c;41 • tocatiOns -and OPened the ,Griderich loCatleo' on Jan. -it,. 1990: Thleatote is loostkowtied by 0Ave,HocKmuaL . . This iire.,:centra'proVides tire arose,: rePairettrid'Indancing,- .shnekebrak*Wort4 alignMink,4:01..changee, laihrleatiOne as well aira rciactaarvi00; - If you -need tires and tire service!, the locket platie). GEN- ERAL TIRE: Theythki*.tho time to help You.with your Selection. and give sound advice on Your purchase. Whatreter,the.reasoll or, the Mason, GENERAL TIRE has the seleetion.riod,CoMpetitive 'prices,,and Is a welikestablished company that:Will beareniiiid forona0Y Piot* to •60100. you adtlithileseivices up; you Will See that GENERAL „ TIRE has the products and expert servicithat your .vehicle Will eirentirala, require. Many people throughout threirea con - tine• *IWO #Ith Confidence at GENERAL, TIRE, a business wortlerecOntatending to friend*. • oriD 0 4.„ • t* •AJ . ALL.00CASIQN -GIFT SHOO 40 WOO Stal:00-datiOit- „ $2474101 birthdayeandatinkerearleir are traditional events' *Mich warrant the search for's special gift In Order to help „col, • Orate the occasion:: Howevero purchasing,a unique item of unsurpassed quality for that special person in your life villi also make that often frustrating Search a vioribtablit burtult. Whether you are looking for something extraordinary to add diatirictiveneis to your home or perhaps &gift for a friend, end your search by Welting ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. This unique *Wm opened 7 years *0;11* owner MARGO MIDDELKAMP took over the business In Aug. 1990. fAarg�. and her fiersonable aloft will attempt to Matih an Item that is both Suitable. for the *vim at occasion -and also *Oda your allowable pricerange. ' ; • • Th. logo selection is Well. (teatehill0 displayed to alloW a good vie* Of what le being offered. They feature kitchen *tilt* 'Noy* Print*, shower' curtains, towels, place' Metes:IMO soaps and Much more.. . . If your bathroom is beginning to Wok dull, now is a. good flowto got•lt:sprueodup svith new shower turtatne, soap dill - es, Soaps, towels, •Mincts, bath Mat seta, etc. The numy acceseory Items available aHow anyone to get a rinta 61(itstfilditift and Individusilty Into their bathroom with Mimi Supplied by Management and staff. Bathrooms today are abatis Symbols and because of this,* more varted selection hi now rivalleble on the nierket,•To enjoy baMitifailY cO.ordinated Or urinsuat decorative and fiMetion. • al gift selection When•thoppino, we, ituggeet that you visit ALL AROUND THE "douse. Many of thegift item may not be found Mother *Motto the area to such *large degree a6 that your selection should owlet as quiteiuniquo. • Yaw**, you aro modoulotody toorebtog for %moo fo' tom. - plogorant your hoinee deCer or pothob* desire to tigosee onto. boo opoidoi in your Ilfeo make your choke from ihts allytiod'of gift lines availahio et ALL AROUND THE HOUSE