The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-05-01, Page 20• • Page 20 - Lucks*, Seatinel, Wednesday, May 1, 1101 Spring brings changes around the viliage Spins veually means eheaget and 1111315115r11.1111111 so owe we hem cheer* around atatrow.e.cometatcrinkDeb Staley= GaPe= Lby Mildred Lome &MCC ssi 1* renoviiilsvg ---imumiumwmignommemmirer Tony tealI . Howski are so Rads hilagaMis, 91 as /fay 3, I I romoredog she home co Havelock his Lw 93 on Msy 5 mod Street south they 4 fro Silos Ordis 91 ea May 7. Corr James Bela Won, , gratelatiosis to these semi= dt r Mr. and Mrs. list ,Lavis moved zci, ikonspartmentoa Stow Street Tim vat_ Haws ilkilsipie - a home la Wire** end Ms. end Mrs. Reid Murray are sow las that • alwits. isiammharali shoot idniOng Saint - at Ludtnow Presbyterian lady 'Isobel CilpmiCk high. t. for Try lkleDotsgh and Wesley Ymniii; -cAlr ma Bob Steve Simpson., C risit and Birthday wit110-13 $0 out this week moet shoots. ow .0( LWOW UNITED CHURCN Worship limbs - 11:00 AM Sundsy *shoo. 11010 AM Nursery Provided RW GERALD MoFARLANE E .~mw leAgoeupgh • ILK:KNOW CHRISTAP4 • REFORMEDCHURCH *Ohs iha buIIplitiailh Thom Ois "April 14, 1991 so CAL good 730 pm. tqlogogy dovailidno googolge fit •goegooky _ tiratTONEVALCOME le 4 F- V ',Zoeteritier "- ars rixt.4 Centre 004• 0000 44, 79° ,, '8,1,hs. 3 ' . ., ' ' ''...--L _ , '7,,01111041.1i.--';..„„. ot': •' oalvi,ga.„-xtr .,a:we e Artldot.rir,Oirgraodieit, ..' :' . Barb. ' tr, ,,,,,dtatitiviitsji ',iinit.•,,,shirto- .-,itoits-,tatkc-tinaof44- ,, ,.},,,,!!"7!,,.. ,,,,,.„„-„: , ,,,,,.,,, ,,, -----7-77---: ' - . sortaxi; .:':' -,:,- • ' ofiLlickm*; `:':'' - ': :'''' ''',. '... '''': ....,1 ..' .-........in , 7 ntere uture o Your. If you are.a resident o oWnships.o Ashfield, Colborne, Godefich„ Stanley, tb Town of Goderich,and the Village o ayfield YOU:aiv..insite(1 a AiscusSiiii �n LOCA .......•.COIVISU4ITY...DEVELPPM4NT om It II lir es lei ft* it At emir* CMS& IAflI A MIRK iiii1611111Miri .11r.41111,7 um, ...144, •• 7i30 p.m. I Goderich Township }tall, (in Ifolmesville) For further information, please contact the Comity of Huron Planning & Development Department at 524-2188. INFORMATION SHEETS CAN BE PICKED UP AT YOUR •LOCAL MUNICIPAL OFFICE.