The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-04-17, Page 14Page 14 latekhow Woillaseday. April It 1011 r1-4- 1 A 1 48. Coming Events DIEINVIT Whissoburch 140$1. APO 20 at 1 Pim Aoraiimslon 0.00. Uvetyorap wetoome. by VI& 0-10,17 o....1‘ for Tmcey kDorsagh and ' SimPlon AP* 25 from 74• *their new in/0SW. Everyone wuloemL 48. Coming Events AMP Goderlob **me of toiuinbue, Tfasideyo 730 p.01. $elilord Valley Hai, MOO in Out $1000 jedpot MOO go 4tts 16 • CaliMUSITY 101100110400101. Por Kathy 1.10°00, metro on• 27, at 2, pm; et the Lucknow tirilted* ChOreb ent Everyone w.Icorni, —1617a FOR* THF BUM The pocknew Kin** present. en 1* Sunw FasMon. W 11 247` at Community 141nott soy 7,10t..••• BALL AEMSTRAT/014 Minor Rep Travelling tfilMat registration will be held on Monday Ana 22nd and Tuesday Aprit 23 from 7:00 9:00 .pm at the irticKnow ,Sports ,COrnoleX. Also, •dont ` forget 1ba,PubLic Meetrng, ThursdayApril aS at sicknow Band prepares for concert As nay nom *se Ladino" Pelikvoing Ilse bend conceit the The Looknow Bud teceody scud owe* god wt et SloopWil havel in Vanes and received* invitation so pity at the hmell so ready lot musical est wen kw their newnni kar Asy heed school in ,Prnkeninutlii osinta, Members have been stip. ThsJoiwiacyIvillcostunence 00 They played at this school kat yew y new nowical flUIR TuNdsy, May11011 old co yon the bend low ad feel hollowed wilt h., lihav *14111. taw* *haw ihistam orararikallwair - • Manor Motor band7,411 not be able *allay at that dielopervia7406001* the lourTddiii not Wide win t i GI se Leecb, Ms. tioste3r hlicidyn this ye* w Howertevtheir rope* occur in tin* honsetc4,11 of Haniamt, siml Gordon veyley. Dur. inviauce may beconsidered for perfoitiouce = IS inj tke der *BY will be PetreW further bend MaY 3 *8:15. If you :Ing at vadat* *boots in the Shoot 10 litho- he atec. They. Ala slave their days All the members of die Lucknow this cvcnt plesse sec yoiw %dem* 'filled witha grist4 total of eight Band hope.. tow you at our cora* ,„ If book at which to tilav conceit& .4;0 , • • numb= in Ana -repertoire. Tite •mot • Apri122, 1: 10 °Odin(' Mondiy, 'Ryon() vio1oorne-- 110at In el; •tookft. day.- 't 22,1 euchreprizes. - tlirtjt14t). LAttAit, WI)" P 11/ ttObilt and Rick Klaus, ai their 'children, .,Lindsay, IM Michael and Special guest, Brindley, recently returned honle fromthcir eXtendoeg SPda ‘sviirigo Is; trip 10 Central Y m jaclu yWcrld tverSAty $ with ./2,0 vie* 1118 and ongrattdations) rarldrna VisitinginL .' week with MO 11 village: and Dad, Hele •NIV$011, was 'Karen ch with It score tSf 79. Lew y the evening was Bernice Henry. (igh gaidenum for the evening was 01t Russell, with Imv gentleman . g Tem Young. • 1GRICULTURE NEWS :ullural en THENE) comoir EETING of. tho.Advisoiy surturti tlop aocl 441r / ,, ',1r4i,,, 4 . a lOrn A If. : ..11 11 Itince4i . '77.0,7 : I PoUnnsabks 410140,0* b�rBiflgo,Sundayn coriuntiniV- Wit Bingo II: a Louchoow • Lucuaimil Otrnrdel: BLYTh LIONS DABBEB eitteto every Tuesday 1:30Myth and ▪ District Community C9ntre, $309 Jack- Otii CVOrr 11000 In pilot. 'Pretienleot offered a SOCI81- ' d lackpOt m inner take alt u aroints$10," '30. mts itsop.M. Individua addieS • t rif0 thirtritriorisSOosiind probiriffirr fito. „, ing Ourro9iort1 our PloVinOrarld nut otAntrY7 • 2. VVhat OM you r views on Officiatbili hew/ What impactWOUld an independent %woo ° 8 * 'haw, on 'Canadians? What* yetithinkabOut thaiilatioils1410- , 9 • 'botwoonaholiginal peoples oridoort.shor10 . *. nets, andwhat ate yourvIeWs *illative land. ' • claims and the ideas otebotigitialsollagoiternt. 4 di roorit? , . yo 0° f00011011* individual rights\ and responsibilitios with community or collective mets fe$0#1,eibiliti°10 .ho,-eoustitutiOha1 riatilbtition orpowers: what vows doloihaVe On the lover olgOvoineiont IhOilddo what thiags4' What we Vie 11)10010, We.,valuo most about our tOrbinunItY;, Ontailo_and 00440; What IS a-Cantidiant What /bakes us uniqu� WhatdowoexpOctcafladatolookfikeinth�, . ,„ , , • , ° rotor.? Ana' iffnal,ars, we'pro leo 'to oo fur:: 1 . . , OP tagiOilikt diVitt; Canada to makeiibokthewaywswouk1prs d ` Is Itpoistble lobe Ontatlaosic, , Sa. Cilhadlen4. , • varsity „ • . • • • veil, a tant with the Otey County of Educations the third lionscoutivo year I•• ntheeafladc-1. illtroilftlt in LI* twont buries tt 1 • ON *vitabut that but kblurt