The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-27, Page 161. •Service Directory COUATNEYS SANG MACWNE$ Seise and Servias, Phone ,38104341, Pt Cis Monday Fy.12�15 For the Supply Of Material and Construction Cl! A Now Roof 'Structure and Otpar A1%raUons Kinfoes Township Equitsment Para ; Holyrooth-, Ontario as Towdsbi Br i e County SEA 0 TENDERS, clearly marked aS to, contort will be received by the Clerk of the Corti -oration 'of the Township of KinS until 4.00 �,i local tife f any April 1, 1091 kir the supply arnaterial and construction of a'rievir roof structure and other alterations for .the :Kinloss Townshi .1a . Equipment p ment Garage. Hvlyrood Ontario, Each tender shall be accompanied by a certified cheque in the an mountrof 10% of the tender amount. Lowest or any tender will clef necessari accepted, Details Can be Obtained from Maitland ngineeting, Services Ltd.. i *t (30i; . 70, 4.'49 Josop iIJ .. -Street,' v.ii1 j11a n„ Ontario, l',101i 2W0,' 049) 357-1521 WOULD YOU LIKE your driveway p dt W+ Id yam lir your dr%v FLOORING 'INSTALLATION,HANDY MAti�!((. v�A"electric* *V anO floor leveling Mao- sales rind installation offfooing, kitchen cobi.' ialyf 'yp , vinyl replaoermt ilea 'P e . salt Cad -5129-3164' bnr;p4m.1lI1y' I ILL WElliVi Aluminum Vin sear envesh' hing et* Poneif 357 SMAi-L EQUIPMENT RENTAL d .9814004 concrete;; •autornolive,, mov , painliing* ` cleaning, . sanders,.,, power tools, myth Store, .DoupeasEquip- ` 1, ment L , 6 mites East of macardine On.' Na 8 highway. 395-2685.' -4 Arnouilcenenih DR. ALAN WILIJAPAS is pl taad lo announce thin his Op is prac . y i rn will continuo under whip of Dr, Kevin Ha ma 'Cra --Hagorman r.. been working in the pry since July of lost yaw and fgKo7 7,62 Vaz, f 4113We; v e, f .. dfl aLy�..,,,..;r' ��'"e�i���„-.'i.'�-•xs�tdi��_. �;�r- U�:.' r�_4u111.•,.�•r p is � lo. Sao . Inc''� qy'�O 'e. ndud. Or. WNW* : Iskes tire...opportunity to eronere ftk'�siincere appreciation lo tin, piiwcplarr of Lud�, rmow' roundkrg communityWho'Won*** have as m for. their v Won *** °1950, 'it hair . arrnhontour and apray¢ UNCLAIMEIPTI. Doyc a iri limod photo at .tho tlrirrltyou'dliko to hawthorn 'WOWS ti~pi lei a "It '« ND, Applian i .vice bulit appliances cash for hair~' used appllances� CallLucknow ffpiiance'Centre, :528 29 48,-h4:tfar PLEASURE 01) or your gut yr v Uv pr, comfortal attractive rooms,; double #; breakfast Inclliic tea anytime OI . year round, Excellent lo},cai katnly� Eklok no we�,, :a4I��t,Eorsai or holiday trips, Apply Jct; Mart , 858 Rose S!, LLucknow,: NOG 2H0, or Pinata o1i -528-3601.-13 Fora ge collection along the lakesitor'a,from Amberley; ,Beach tp P A bort. Detail* of the tender may be obtained at the-cibtained4at -thee MunicipalOffice '? on. Huron -Co ty;'Aoad 20, ,at Lot 5, Concession >>g, E.D.. Township of. Ashfield, regular office hours... Sea eat tenders to be received': oy re' un reigned by:30 p.tn. era addrlesday, April 1Oth,1991'. o test. air any tender" not neces- fierily accepted, yf Linda Andrew AMC �1 rkk-Treasurer T,aenship of AShf 'he Towns.h p Waste .squeal Site will be open r'pry Saturday from; RQB, m a Qo pr: effective April 1 99 l,'`until further notice. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of term niachinory tor LAMAR FARMS Lot 2#, Con. 3$ mess "spa, 2 cot. nets South of Tsww.ter on liwy. fI tiaerir 1 ► mi , Wit on Con. Rd. 211 az '!(#1¢"'tf1'p• t vlvTy 10:30 . a4 . TRACTORS; Whiter 2 1550 coop• pled sn ovstha ut & rocondi. 3 pais 204 drasr.air oondl* timing; Wlrll. 2 108 tractor* 20.8 liire% duals, 3 p good condll 'rn Whits 1355 tractor, 104 x 30 lire *oafs; Nuffiald4 'ik kr. w. TILLAGE at .PLANTMVG , Whl$s 540. s n1-notainted 5 furrow'peough,18 bottoms;:1at,Model 4500 24 cultivator With frivolling harrows; -ft. section FN►xlcoll,pack r; rotary,botti.stone victor bucket;Whlfs 5100 iktOweorri'Plantrir.ffh monitor at insac •app ►' cafori hydraulic folding frarne: markers, ON'', converted to 36" rowel''self-proptriled *galla ' ty °atop sprayer with 'Raven 440. spray computer system, 35 f't. boom with hydraulla h•lulrt coni' trot,suitable far. tram .lines; '5th .' +2arl. Cantufy.'sprayer tank. with electkiii#011001Cand 1000 rpm. Hypra ca►nfrl(uyal pump ' (pump ).' ye.' c�hth,.f,►' Husky iiquid manure I' sprp'+F` pump; 4.raw corn: d lain scuf� ner. HAY & HARVEST gotsiPMEIrI White, 8900 Corn' It Special c wmbine wlfi~ rr orn pick- up headers, Perklna,dta+ sir conditloning, di tail air•vM r ” 44. x 2 fires, .xcell.nt n ltlon;-:° Cama LH 1020soybean header, f�5 , 1e[fh Rertse aet; t t antral, ya rlabl `ap•+sdi * . for'350 ss, ;ytrl8,111 hlte' !; 8900 or~CaseI.Nt. c separately); Crary reelwlrh :fern tfieilfi Gravy sir r.M IY)ie Wlr 15 Kvi (tor, parse); case 11 hfri�',ririh..irr,r �s JOB. EAR., fl" 1 war corlstruCfio b ri Hf h aero p$rsonnel. canstructlon, p p lived, trades labouretrrlii D%ricer "`.accrniruharwnte, engine r i. Lucrative 1 t' tree : fro al' Free tranisportatio some/ atlon. For processing and placemtlint ( 416) 631-::1384. --13bc •New 601Wivc110 •fterrOPOOlisk \ •00r _. • r.: •AIrdmfllum rib Work and Doors •Farh.Btrrtidings •Roolkis r Ll ensedcahrter 13 ygars '. $ jIWeS tee : *f otse. Sicitnr�s •'W /revs Vate.e Truths '"ofres. ''POrntitio, Wali poring,. HAROLD NIC OWN 6284440 LOSE WEIGHT L GREATI Free information, All new WOW. paw. Fast results, Send ri*iiie, s day: Diet Service Institute, 2 8ioor St. W., Ste 100; :Tororrlo, Ontario, : Miwif 3E2, --13bc HAVING A 1DRIi KING P OBLEtiM?•.AA ottit:40101 Phone GedePiblt'5s4op1 or wale 1.4.--4 yoU IIAV'E.A, PROBLEM.:: IT ' E FOLLOWING? I eso d Chidimod',lssue •Living -with sonlooney • is ar problems dnnlrer. HELP AVAILABLE BREAK.THRU SERVICES $g•&. �1' ':sac+ thr 11 1..,.*..1 Proposal for rnunioal 'Grain repair for . thaw : year 1991 s 'a d' re e . eco „thee Cler�k''s tieulr , bby Aspntril 15, 1991 'tor consideration, or by contact- ing=' G. Rh,ody, Drain I spectc$r, 395,6287,. or the .lerk at the 'Township ,�t 08...:, .. . l iT i 3EEEY . MONfor . anyrpttr el I Mil Off . bit aril* ' coedit Eeple • booircW$10,000, y $1. .Obi tthly. ..'quualifying:i DWI tntransi Flnaitnciarl toil 1:000-208,-1429 -» 13 8. Auction Sale NOTICE 1" CR0I1TORS. AND O�THERS. Jilt °claalmji,t�.egainst **vital cat.' Of dto: Vile (Ji ° a cinowr :County of 'B d lrari d, On oir *bout the lath :doryof Fabnitat 19Ot. Most be . filed with ,the und.mlgn.d on or, bolo* Mahal 290 1991; thereafiar tilt E&ecu. 1 of the istais' will *tribute she a *testate having reed only 61110 Cann• of:whle i 1 * und.rslprrod thoro has mol s, Dated March 1',.1991:', Tam Hogan* .Executor*.Jim Hogan, 'Seri'.', Tran GEORGE J. S HY, M ri 4100. USCKN", 1ttlat 2, 11,'1215` kY 11'w AMM. Reavis Farm quiLucknow,t Auctl .. ren rdon #40 Brindley eery Grey CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME r+vrui /aero tnr;• racks with irwaig- ke;. Ma ►are elevator.; ,r. fa`rag. bIOwer,' 2 tit beads -; t wide row; Supreb 60 lrr .r oxo; bioWerC pias; 2. Pomade'1aC O f a2 'ln. flax /.auger (new; Farrrr}artic ;au ort, a�ppwox. 2u ft.; verflcal with dlrrfrlbut r•'er rtlsoWn spouts.; Whew air`; 2f w 1t,, wlf slsctric motor; Sazooka.augsr+ 1d x 8 In. with motor; 3i yrawltyL boxes and Wagorps;* Toxiwik 500 grain d ►ir. VEH,1CLESt Antiqu 1950 pickup truck alth 1lan C ..corn- dleansd and .p ntsdco , run- gtilrry ordarr 2 1971; FOritMus 'Ma* for parts; 1578 Choy 41X4 pick+ up f a Is)i 1974 Pard ,F600 artiiok truck with holat as .le); 1973 Ford :10:01‘910* Wi iN ing* bIoW.r and. pipes (a s Is); 1954 GMC t ruck with hydfa.ull-au9sr (as Kee) some es d Y' t Itsmrs. MISCELLANEOUS:' onar; FM 2• •way iradlo and tower with bas. antenna and anrbilerai;• Pr+eglitioficatoer .s FrlafaNirin stir o... ventilator powsrt units:; wilt*.* trainsfor`' pump 'With gas englit. Farm ifand rnrix' nllf Shp..Farntatle. mix colli; 3 pith. csrnent:mixer;. quantity of " caabls; 4 T. hied tank; 2. T. feed tank; power beak es* *ciao, Iron 'treet.ltractor parts fort i.H. ViDit and 480 hluiltlartd• ...L AUCTIONEER'S CONNMENT$1, All machinery has h welt efired,far,' twin' exceptionally good condition.; and field reedy..' , ORDER OF SALE: Small Iteam., machlrtery at approx..12:30. No teflon, - Lunch milk TERM: Caeh Ar oh.qui with ID. day of sate. Any a innouncweivients day of sa fake pr ria. ovarr yrrwrflitsn oda. Owrtarr, and, Xuctlontio it toot re$potarsiblart for arccidonics, ',Mho** or IOss.s e to *O rotated f �6 OWVNERS:: Wrrfltilc Balla gh, (519e-8170 • BiponGary .S r (519 AUCTIONE Grant McDonald • (519)39 Bruce Coulter (619) 2384000 I i l`J�rvs`tCai •. • ...., fh✓ ? 17 kFrrr t r voila PAOOFIr '• ,•ruinoonr4a' FREEESrIMATE$, f . 4ANOVERr 364-3327 DOUGKaon E HAt Vgntitlistr Doftrup Kertero vert911* . •New 601Wivc110 •fterrOPOOlisk \ •00r _. • r.: •AIrdmfllum rib Work and Doors •Farh.Btrrtidings •Roolkis r Ll ensedcahrter 13 ygars '. $ jIWeS tee : *f otse. Sicitnr�s •'W /revs Vate.e Truths '"ofres. ''POrntitio, Wali poring,. HAROLD NIC OWN 6284440 LOSE WEIGHT L GREATI Free information, All new WOW. paw. Fast results, Send ri*iiie, s day: Diet Service Institute, 2 8ioor St. W., Ste 100; :Tororrlo, Ontario, : Miwif 3E2, --13bc HAVING A 1DRIi KING P OBLEtiM?•.AA ottit:40101 Phone GedePiblt'5s4op1 or wale 1.4.--4 yoU IIAV'E.A, PROBLEM.:: IT ' E FOLLOWING? I eso d Chidimod',lssue •Living -with sonlooney • is ar problems dnnlrer. HELP AVAILABLE BREAK.THRU SERVICES $g•&. �1' ':sac+ thr 11 1..,.*..1 Proposal for rnunioal 'Grain repair for . thaw : year 1991 s 'a d' re e . eco „thee Cler�k''s tieulr , bby Aspntril 15, 1991 'tor consideration, or by contact- ing=' G. Rh,ody, Drain I spectc$r, 395,6287,. or the .lerk at the 'Township ,�t 08...:, .. . l iT i 3EEEY . MONfor . anyrpttr el I Mil Off . bit aril* ' coedit Eeple • booircW$10,000, y $1. .Obi tthly. ..'quualifying:i DWI tntransi Flnaitnciarl toil 1:000-208,-1429 -» 13 8. Auction Sale NOTICE 1" CR0I1TORS. AND O�THERS. Jilt °claalmji,t�.egainst **vital cat.' Of dto: Vile (Ji ° a cinowr :County of 'B d lrari d, On oir *bout the lath :doryof Fabnitat 19Ot. Most be . filed with ,the und.mlgn.d on or, bolo* Mahal 290 1991; thereafiar tilt E&ecu. 1 of the istais' will *tribute she a *testate having reed only 61110 Cann• of:whle i 1 * und.rslprrod thoro has mol s, Dated March 1',.1991:', Tam Hogan* .Executor*.Jim Hogan, 'Seri'.', Tran GEORGE J. S HY, M ri 4100. USCKN", 1ttlat 2, 11,'1215` kY 11'w AMM. Reavis Farm quiLucknow,t Auctl .. ren rdon #40 Brindley eery Grey CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME r+vrui /aero tnr;• racks with irwaig- ke;. Ma ►are elevator.; ,r. fa`rag. bIOwer,' 2 tit beads -; t wide row; Supreb 60 lrr .r oxo; bioWerC pias; 2. Pomade'1aC O f a2 'ln. flax /.auger (new; Farrrr}artic ;au ort, a�ppwox. 2u ft.; verflcal with dlrrfrlbut r•'er rtlsoWn spouts.; Whew air`; 2f w 1t,, wlf slsctric motor; Sazooka.augsr+ 1d x 8 In. with motor; 3i yrawltyL boxes and Wagorps;* Toxiwik 500 grain d ►ir. VEH,1CLESt Antiqu 1950 pickup truck alth 1lan C ..corn- dleansd and .p ntsdco , run- gtilrry ordarr 2 1971; FOritMus 'Ma* for parts; 1578 Choy 41X4 pick+ up f a Is)i 1974 Pard ,F600 artiiok truck with holat as .le); 1973 Ford :10:01‘910* Wi iN ing* bIoW.r and. pipes (a s Is); 1954 GMC t ruck with hydfa.ull-au9sr (as Kee) some es d Y' t Itsmrs. MISCELLANEOUS:' onar; FM 2• •way iradlo and tower with bas. antenna and anrbilerai;• Pr+eglitioficatoer .s FrlafaNirin stir o... ventilator powsrt units:; wilt*.* trainsfor`' pump 'With gas englit. Farm ifand rnrix' nllf Shp..Farntatle. mix colli; 3 pith. csrnent:mixer;. quantity of " caabls; 4 T. hied tank; 2. T. feed tank; power beak es* *ciao, Iron 'treet.ltractor parts fort i.H. ViDit and 480 hluiltlartd• ...L AUCTIONEER'S CONNMENT$1, All machinery has h welt efired,far,' twin' exceptionally good condition.; and field reedy..' , ORDER OF SALE: Small Iteam., machlrtery at approx..12:30. No teflon, - Lunch milk TERM: Caeh Ar oh.qui with ID. day of sate. Any a innouncweivients day of sa fake pr ria. ovarr yrrwrflitsn oda. Owrtarr, and, Xuctlontio it toot re$potarsiblart for arccidonics, ',Mho** or IOss.s e to *O rotated f �6 OWVNERS:: Wrrfltilc Balla gh, (519e-8170 • BiponGary .S r (519 AUCTIONE Grant McDonald • (519)39 Bruce Coulter (619) 2384000