The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-27, Page 4t1 I� •' t1a�-014 n ' ,9 Ai3n�7`,5T 7 Page ' 4 linow $eottnel, Wednesday. March 27„ 1 a r p�S'•,t 1 Established le u r` 4? u Thomas Thorn. ", +i erti Jng.:arnage Pitt in stun o eral maser ittf' Subscri .tion 'rates i dvance: Loa*. neoutir 10.1a (tea'0; 1.00 nier!14°p ;fie G s. ..-$ 4 •Locih Tr it�tte �e3odeaic�9a, Hanover, �:jT ; �:p10413,42 Out-Ot-aree (40 4es) I 7., pus ia.12 postrg. +'2.3 G,S.Pt' 3514, Fig: + u,S.A. *6 Sind class nailing mg, 410, 0847 t+ Advertising isaccepted on the condition th.alin #heevent of atypographical' ypaarephlcal erro the ala #ihe advertisingSpace •iccu ied. , the erroneous item m toke#hnrwi«h.a tnssaM�lenllQuance for/signature,orature. ��� but the baiance.of Ile advert emelt wilt be paid tithe !r� Y'1 err r oto, *Iv World Dictionary Atm• e:and itt Bird o ,assoc; close scquam.- m on the lamer c;-014 W140 'enemy, foe;ar: ';a sYMPatitiaez th like a friend in being: helpful, rreel , " L 1 ..dekinition of a Wend Ude_ simpler a person, who Is,. there for you and takes you as you are. ;' :There is.noth 1 r"!�. t mon. w Aging you for some reason or who has been ye'out tii►at who has o4 T aec+��a deal .vi 'ourselves° r 4�':hand.of friend: r r4w - rb e the ettunity,to. some lc watching. **the weekend.'1 evele watc�eg.. e . : tie wind in Kitchener Wang in a con* of large...night spets w*d 0004 a 'large . a run c'aUe •"Wd Stagesin. to tchensr forr. u ' . sneak vonilf what young` c typ le, do on the: wend.. ttRae wasn't up our ally,but. was very: interesting m sit back and watch the she* - the word show .has more than. one coni' tati o n. ' r The firsto e loins ivat pte h ht -:e or n wrti the music played by ditson to strobe Tights therc'w t"laY of la hghthng v fining. fid, we wi celst of the; l ght tum Pamiglentalia.c.nightclu cry contribtinng mega to .Ontario Hvdro! oar cenired around wII,i47,0su y inti e; The romans Lulu's was 1/'siti one evenings:: What a•i>�,1'havc oftenbearddf t1 appr of t1 p'� itt' liy it until youvet i You imagine:,a night club that` houses. 4.000wider one Oaf? Cto y people .a Now Lulu's clientele r rnges in age from the youn to the t `so young. Can."° • both per. I was completely fascinated by clothing. htlir les oird and'colou' and antics;. the who e the aliens lt,._ lkiio dil'ii� ' ihOuld toil drive flsshr cf s li'ons.ln o ,Iasi #f rhno; Jnfortanatetl make. egoon `:maker nOk: �e�rs aro selr om 1li pportunetime to iittloodar: A✓ i► seri f, trier : net; tlr :te-,pr 11 off `to do eo. To �noi +ilo so: is or thank vee,;. ue teres is inane' 0 0 e. mess. 'oar rrlatioiht len ma e 1t!_. tfrivero. els Mrs, Selkirk sada. "Someone's 111 • PL lineal ple meat is on the- e Closed or cut i tc .dramatically In their 'work • ti .' F 111 tri finding at Increatiltialydiffictsit to maks + 1 r antes forced to call yup' tnmcr and Mit • Bank for help.; { . h supplies,at am so to very lam el. 'Coembine fb` do you PASa v y S 11111. between:* dons and -p t C.,� It s !allll be laced in" tib el. parklni ;iota ki Lucknowr► hKincar• dine, and th twealt l rri andtho Suhof ... . ._ in 'RIp1'ery. .P1401080 itenlember the : d doing your shopping thlt.. rri r edit i While reading the. cFet ry 1 1991 issue of the Luck now Se tine' 1 was interested regaing"11 "Now we . w f i Comer's." 1 Sin Imo of the• _ atC: Car 1wan miso des; A picture ri in 1931 Waned that t x 1rbridge. own then .as Johnny Macee sited at, north end and.,. Jack Charlie's sideroad at south across the Odds from Jim Li 1 am Bain h+ cad's dao Ind all that otRon the 1 ` tie's Corner's." Yours Flora E. ►unpitz t, . '1"illsonburg, tariio.' Donald' MacGregor, Drennan, iH Drennan, f Mtiela Billy Colli .... rs MacEthelMcKenzie, . *eat ;art t`,Ja Dr a l ire 70y. ago • March 31,1921 10 p When Post Oe, tall baht 'and. the 'electric wailer . ,work. No trouble to show it :S. Robertson Item 1 ToVeiship about - $500 for � , weiried by gs„ last, year. The taxes col. laded ort dam' amounted to about $600.• - A juvenile brasS bald, which l D.C. IVIctioran hat in -training, is making "yeti good : rolitt0.- itidsolt byecerittierfonnantesort the :D• this year . will have to gges itt townships, viiilages,i towns.After.� st, dog owners # � to fine of $25.00° if their are .not. tagged. •n s e are: advised by Constable `tat aftet.Apri is a iy person driving a motor vehicle in the vil- lage without the 1921 license nim- 'ber properly displayed will be pt uted,P ,: - Good Porkers Mr. Manson Reid, - of:Ashfield,recendydeliVeted three hogs just .several months and fouit, days old to Johnston & Cater, Lucknow„ the combined weight of which was 010. lbs. The kart weigk 340 lbs. "thinly ao, unusu'a1: Weight for a hog of seven months. . i , S0 yam.age March 27' 1 S rho Officially Arrived . Spring y Edited evening,and w - l it waspleasantly worn on Sunday, the, lieweoniet hasn't provided, anything excel). in -the line ,'of- fine war yet Oft old 'pi$icts a back- ward std with lots of snow for some time yet, and according to the prevailing winterIiistillutaday they rather .0 contrition. The wind, when Ong solved, was pretty m h int he north, and this is regarded as an.al ble sign that thein xt few weeks will be,`general- ly add and backward., "Whiglimii Driller 'triage I weft.Last week and oil well was brought in by F.L. Davidson and son, Bill who have lomat* 124. acre farm of Leine istabnxik, five miles east, ofWatford; At 29$' feet natural gas Catfie in at about 4,000 cubie feet an hour, anti oil was struck at 303 feet The well was drilled, to a .tom dux of 430 fes... The primping test produced 3 bar- rels it day (35 galls. to a barrel) and in two days increased to 5 brans' NIX. 00.00000000..01.0.0 and is still ` ilii 1 he l .1 ems# ,orr�titing od rr�i Vet quality, , haSung. .test . of 38, rises 185: *gravity in the wet .'ii :, dam- acs„' I years ear • March 1966 Litchis* Will Can W , RIO* Free W . � - ais. Once r; gel will ri oved on • cults between Lucknow rind fam. and Lucknow and Ripley � sandhi* In 1968. , KR. „ Withe , `Bell Canada manager ter this amt sitio today .. that Lucknow mammas a s . Eien ly appear to favour such awaits* gem n ° an- gemt. This Vas irdietted in tin tier study of the long distance ,talling pattern within the exchan. es and was upheld inrappel: to motto customers'in Pebruary which outlined the propmal. Mr. Widierrden said that, sibilitytiro years t seem to he a lung time from :fir,the engineering,. designing and coition of the new tupinent and facilities ar r - say this service will begin To ay •.. be, vfflage ' meeting. responsibility , pawtheit licence v`e:some fewer and fewer, in the last few years. 1963, there were 69 � do .s to . in the 100% or •r dog tut: Vit' 1964, listed and atthe end of, the year 7 fees we. stall outstanding :.At the : end of past year 1� there .were 75flogs registered in the Alto* and 29 people , to pay Wendt fee. y, + .. The population popul n is glowing 'hisy, dop dim tlie village statements for dog taxes,will �(/yg�■o out next ' week y■ �aItt i ' the intention to ic�t' *11 'outstan ding dog tax, both present and meats, accotdance With the dog ficence act Licence fres $2 for dogs and $4 for ferrules. 10years ag April 1,,1961 , uvea MeetSauth River 1* All Ontario Cheitiplonship' + The Lucknow Juveniles have advanced to the All Ontario fine after' defeating west Lome on. Saturday mato,* t r,win: ski -tel series one. • or- will nOw River. o ' i,. . decide h�tnpt+lC>�� juvenile!OP" in ,OntsrioJit the pasty 30 ye** Looknow Ju ire teamshavegoatto the foals seven times hat y in 1972dil .ter succeed , vi�Yrag t chtnipita. ship, It is a rare *dimity `to watch a home town team compete .at this level so come and sup- port s in their, bid for the Ontario thamOionsitiPd of'dver Huron Apiroves $10 h!' iU on Budget .r Huron County Council last week. voted ave m 1981 ..`ybudget calling for.. spending 00 00 This .is up by 7.5 per ;fit over the 1980 budget, though has, Some $36,000 under actual spending last year, when the county over al ►tits budget by. mom than half a million dollars. Road commotirdtt AAthe new Atilmmt page amounted for the overspendin& AS a result, the county portion of: the budget to be collected tiumninunicipalideshataixtup by more than 21 per cent this year.