The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 78Eagh year. 11 millionhtafe.,of forests are destroyed, ` area as. large as New ItninswickAnd Nova P combined. _ � of these j le n'+3 bs-teNtr .r '.ti id.','•,71k" ::;F+4.iid . 4 R;1 , atiltatty se ious int} .deV010Pag countries. Par of the;prroblem is the choos,. • ins of food crops or livestock over s; but tis, crops and livestock canthrive together. naditional fanning systems probably always . _included q Meat ns w indbreaks,itadasa. $QUIVO of food and fuelo. Reviving and improving. the old MOWS and developing new ones is the ,goal of work • c o- , ordtedby the International dilfor Research in �grbfore - y , bsedin Kenya, Canada's. International DevelopmentRe h Centre R C helped establish decade ago� ,. Typical of the work underway are experiments carried out by the International.Instote of Tropical Acme in: geh that have show that n nitlppurpo , _fast. growing ,, ocana �and- yam .rows trees, vanplanted' ' u* rows ' do -: 3 i ro a ,.954 �1 gt 4 f pping f '". system is known is that Rthe trees are merged like a Mro - .may are pruned edd, often .: so the don't overshadowth' ts. The cottin are spr d oii theground' -mulch. When they' :, decompose , they! conitrihute tu. en all4PhoVilgrflitktrie'<so The system iS flexible; 'the .farmers need firewood- or poiosx they let the tree grow ted, if forage for sheep goats_ is .More important, they prune .themmore . frequently. The famih er� do sire work a little harder, but they ca have . it all; wood, ": 'food. crops,. forage. And they can, do it without degrading the lana Alley dropping is now .� - � n - - he 'introduced,in countries as far afield as Kenya and the Philippitnes from soil..Dt. Donald Bac of the wat0SystiC. 14444111 the Winnipe teairi and contlihothiE: hi penis' e. on virus -transmitting soil. fungi The results of his work suggest that flame chlorosis is spread by .a soil Amps that is y widespread:in Prairie soils. w :`h sliown that the disease is definitelir transmitted 'throngb,t d� u - observation ►t come ass -some relief to seed growers. ] be 's whas also Shown t e. liken eat that camas the disease. is Mite` unlike any otherown. disease -causing eat of plants, king sichOn While escindsts continue Pple with .chlorosis ; to deterfitie how best 4it can be n fled, Practi luiaons be" g,sought littlit the extent of losses. Vfru lise ofplants cann - cured; they`. can only ,in cortin llud by excludingot be or avoid the virus be It infects the plant, or by a use of plant varieties st_nt �. vis qtr to . ler t to')ts SPreet I n the re IOUS why soil -- transmitted l --t rsmit ehlo+ is . �r � � ola~�trai�.ons` ,su est th a rg of ce>Ea •;p o tion into !�h' erg'' may re�G blit eliminate, flaiuuo ehk* s s aur a subsequentcer l crop -• ro of Poo ir! •for*n aW b �ot c •dtse�.,�1 �:Y. e. t �. but rt has- its ±c 'b as+ ala rflaxmaynotalp !a s a=fear le fl tram foir _9tl every fanner facing t :. of losses I t flame,chlorosis as y y reclaim speak inputs or, in' turn, be l ighly. tO vulne le: to other < lath• di s*Diseaser stain esr r� �' , ..us a `st "` u�lly rh •ntQ de�>b control option,. but, it take; .Y yei�f resist e. to Mme °crilor isis 4• M and. tri i ncorrpoirate them into c µv.., 4i ThiSis .. specially true m n c+ompretely anew disease like osteo ehloxosiawhere there has,, not line ford sources of e. telco to evolve by naturr�al ►r tal*R ctftti of 1t ttufi s we can ortosis P. to detecf the early and moititor its omit - 001,4 mit-001, (NI ,fawe chlorosislie not easily confused to the knowing eye, E yeii!1fii<�t w hi st leave'uf affected plants may ap t x c h o1 bet - test e. A r lixoxd test can devantn accurately a: thepe of the kritui-e aof game , agent, , chlorosis and _ give :a *sellable, osi yqt6gose version off" the cor- m lah test is being developed :so .dot nc. pmt ase s wiXl be abl; tO diagnose Mori sfs mutinely, ' Wita diseaseAliSease of cerealS utterlynov sand- ntiall. Y *votive as'name- chi+ sis, a. tests frOm basic research essential ta meet tie �llne, acceding to l li►esearch, disease_ monitoring, •.Creased :awareness- and co- Mian oo,:pronci and f scientists may -help .ups educe -the chance tit the particular: flame soon. spread out`bf Poatrol. (reprinted from Emergency ""r~°ice+ uhf yw mcrgency . ` GEO 4W/0i,, MPBELL, X81 YFIEL1? l��.,.5'-529 •H :N.NENDRICK;-KIPPEM -5 •ELIN. 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