The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-03-06, Page 770 Broad Ion g term market moves develop over t me. build *oda and peiL,t, Sys ". I- ice 'trend , _ tN` -1' ` daenten wife• remain in pla,`with. the advent of war there ,at* some indictions, of sideways price movement. Dem.and for northern liemisphez soybeans (70% of the world's produ ctioan.) remains slow,t ' " i - 30% .-the9 w rlc *S production ' South . is under ° ���M■ 1! ; ��1` 1y��■ �My�t�b�t yup ,.. hnely.:�Ii� Malt in' B � a m'u .4. t •, U.S. 'production for she 1990/91, • crop year has beenrevsards to 1,9� billion bu. whole'. utilization has been reduced to 1.863 billion, This puts! ending' stocks at 300 million bushels 'a comfoirtable:16.1% of total 'use, A •weak U.S... dollar should' enc ou a °gaer_consumption since each unit. of foreign gurrency b -that much more ^. iS ' ar denominated co nmodJty!. It , s root OGRESS '91 arket c happened yet ' even . with the increased buying powe of feign 4 pies. , oy arts have' bowed the - overall gem economic trend. ' with rive little of.thehoriz to • suggest a sharp UmrAs slid into essiont illtereSt rates head°lo°wer, the std markets rev r and tan leassets t A. .tb - loses, Only a.very fe'`coMmodities are at new'high price Ievels with mostanth stori row levelittWea *telt* ` midst, of global commodity price implosion or at best ilu vommodity Wed deflationary sa, • Ateral, etrmodities. renewable resources, wit>ra One yotr eyc e. They acid so ►etumes do trade on their own supply and. deimand factors even if the overall. picture.does:.not .support sustained prnhe_, in pronvemeuts. Any unexpecteduttepectc4. shock is the product** cycle cid move prices 'enter i,. the wend economic tom. o .war have:in, tea what; appears to, by greater volatility into. ,potential pricy swings ewith ' the • On meets, -Volatility, creates isnortainty and risk bit also wens- Iheitioot e amity# ,Itt• could odium ra t'` Unfit +. tr however tyle rltrmay be whollyor, e .ft put`Itly i reater pt e flttIatin„ ,omgd With,. the !ar, t; r ve 'boInc " .off: two; earmp!� p rieu•low °which a 6 °" >Inc tate . 4f Wear indeed ryi b to " of these°mets• out" it won't become `evidetlt Until'Well after the ,fact.: eanwh, wed have to monitor pricesflra t ations, watch the:hor n for: chanes In ;th . `►earl fultdarnenlal situation<and hope that - we i'at -we ate indeedw tnessn►gbettouning ac°tion:. ` 41,1 INVESTMENTS (;ici!'II(h I reit)-:'hh �l•!I!•S • 7".• •/ 4_ 44 , r.:,<<,..:..12; '\.4:::om:'�i:iA:'}Cv�h*;v :L}::��ii,;ji}%1'y€•. 1i1{';`�:'';:�,{:}`l,tC:k}ri{iY}'{j•}'{+5v}:� , \ 4+' • �: • n • The' Water: 'Furnace'S' stgm.rte* lures the.mOf . tremendous reserve' . ., underground energ tees it mato your ,home. Imagine an energy pipeline witheut-a }rr eter, ori, it! IVaterFU.rnace Systems aae',effective• acid afford - 44 •YS ,ya r• Jnr \.k;':<"a;�•,•yC``y,`L;`;.fx?,�;ti;rbc:+•'.tikt+:Yet?::}{{::;v:t,:��}}�`a+;;f?`�:::�;txi{:`•:5{ ;:'Zl:''X?%:EA.. } :.: •. ...if:...:..,..i':::,,,.:;:., ,lis lisic{ x. }{:a+::, •xx ` % }• ; I:• • ::;:c 4:. }��,\r�;i.}:{ h y ;•y{.r},.}s:{{7{y :. ,L�c1�{�`:.•%,{4rSSa1'`�v�;Alet 'Unl100 *Mill `.pllv.I arson. • No bowing, Mold* inky** Favi& working pili rusks t►ra •P.tk Mlxar nrllabl o (only: grow Ai*,thadown ,rotat.a tini.'centrrV . ',giant! circulator Titov /per t, l bic ei O* 0 mIz r At ��, tlrnii Ni. tilting boIfod to tl'ra dt in a spiral d slpn Moine furl I, —golfs--irorrfarrrtnOkia Wltii ii`i< tumbiing•action. Four slits Cot --Tors. steal mixer drum (•U.S. Stint Corp.) • Electronic seals er ' milchanlcat ham sial. Low -rata liking avallibar . Contact: • Yobs dealer is >rifessional Take,time. to discusSan Ener Analysis with him an'd'flearn•the.., TROTH using REAL ncumbers which PROVE n`WateFumace Syste m will actual pm yoU to it! Cy oo owl) se.thlnBder: ' *:::%$'''':'xP.% :iC• . } . :{ \kr::`y k•. t, o;s,.<''t:;• 4{xh$: b:•:r 1.3 , :.., ,,,,,'.':.:., } ry v n: ys' x .s.T�..... ,f• a }A0. ,x•. �} W • 1r e responsible 0 Lino Xa Z: Ati •s; DON WALLACE & SONS LTD. PLUMBING & HEATING Box 231 Hlnrr1ston 338-3823