The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-16, Page 14• C7 Pap 1 Ue UQW LI3ANNt VANi 9 k•AVel inomu Tai Reparation :or Baskll Cour- sea. our-: a• Free brochuree. No obligati" I&N Tema rvicQes,13:sh :pennbiri1�a • �ghway, Yiiiii/1#p�gp,.. #44..10, IST 206, 1`- . ewes 14 . 3bo Rv f r f'i'b fi;,�E-����tPt.,�, ��;�.I1624.44Aeg; ov ci4pw Diploma v A.4 gating,AirCOridttioning„'Bookk eping, BuSrnouea osreetology leolt ni ,, L gailMectibal Graz y;, p'sychology, Trott `Granton (g.A), , 3f mde Wast, Toronto„ 14160,400-11972. 44W. LEASE AU iJONOERIN'a'atOOmouth- western: Ontario School of A tioneering Next class: February 9460, 1991. For information, contact: South- western Ontario 'School of AucA t`roneering, k 6¢ Wooetook, Ong. i E7V9.(m9ai07-21i5. --gbc i 'ab :in Memoriam 1 NIVINS In loving memory of a dear husband. and father, Allister, `who -passed''. away Jlarlaary .12,; teen . . One year has. ilassed Since you havagone , Our dreams areG lost by the way. Bilt, precious` memories Wilt always live on ,And we know this iswhat you :Would say: a; "Iesybest..0• Tolonfoy mirlife, Doing things I like to do.- Good ee.Good -times, good friends and farlily *0100 to seep me through.” '"Life became a°tough• game_ Btki played it -through Until -the last inning was done. It vias hard to know That the battle was. lost But at last, peace=and°rest 1 had won.* 'Now don't yOU.Cry,:: You._must:go.on.• :There..iiso match feft`_for you., .lust do• your hest, ?eke: eachday it.comes, Andremember ho muchI Iors e. o u: =NihJove" CaoBarry,"Debbie, Barb erre IBrpnda;•-3x IRWIN •Iw.- mem of, a y soclal friend'Par ela_ ase d =aw 9 a Janrr � � thy` 1 tl:� ganiiery With °sad regrai The month, the day awewon't forget ¥ou •slippO d away, without goodbye • Buto for..ybU will never die.^ �, Life does. go on, we:know that's true,., .But:t`s:riot the same, since wet/140u. Lovingly: remembered; by.Chrns,.Jeffety, Lisa. Wayne & Cathy. -3x . • IRWIN In loving' mentor", of -our dearest friend .;:t ti w.in _ .sudden :. one Year age. Jame y I8,. las You left us, giuietty,.' your thoughts -unknown. • • Gone kom us but leaving memories math cannot **troy, Ours have proven that true,: Christmas Was. not the same Without your . • t. We visit]]����your grave .and toavo ru` floWever, '' 'i - , ^ And shod a tap when We Walkaway. though no longer With us, youare 0 - ways nears Still mis d, still love and ever;.dear Forever in our hearten. John and Donna' .Carter and tinnily; " =3x 47. Cards of, Thanks 11411.0 WO WOW opress our thanks to the folloWing lawknoWligetimot4 tor dirt - Family Keepsake plate, given ut on thetirth of Scott tucknovi District Ce.. 90, .Montgomety Motors! Ltd., Wane*. 'Market'. 010Dantigh :Ditafritiotie Dee 'trees fisfikmt, Eimer 'Limbach Pharmacy and Wolcott" Herne Thit plate Wilt *kV* be • "lit% iffn 47„ Card Of Thanks tellit4TOUL Tht to Lorne Forster and family, Toy arid :his vow and ail Agra who helped .In locating ow a r.'1'le"e batik. home now.. Thanks te eve rya a - x< r�cii( + #0' y *los end 'family for cards, visite end guodiawsent to my home Also for the many _phone Ila of concern outing my any in University hoophaL Card.. xx CAESAR erlat90,04141theln k air nein r. a d family for food, arras and flowers in the.paseiing .::off a dear tier In Jaw, Joyce .Spe�ai than to the 9irts at Pinectatrt who Averff worlting o h iOtOl days;: act° fir eoncemAnd auto. Than eo;much::Al CAIIDiS At Ibis time t would like le thank pr. Corrin anal: Br. 01400.0 the Lfroknow Medical Centro and. the nurses:On fret and second floor of flirt.ham And, • nDistrni r•Hospital `alse:Pair. . orarlane• and: it otheers. that uisited n r and Seel, .'fl o ersand cards and fir: `the hone ow ,. .. :403.% �_,. P :