The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-09, Page 40 Page 4 — Luelsuow Se i ti trteel, Wednesday, jaseueey 9, 1991 immemsaseeessee P.©.° Sex 4(40, L ckn w, Ora Ontem NOG 2He Established 1873 8.2826; Fax (519) 62C-8529 Thomas Thompson o Advertisng Manager Pat Uivingsten General Manager Editor(, Subscription rates advance: $1790 plus G.S.T. Outside Canada $6090 plus G.S.T. $1400 plus G.S.T. Senior Citizen $5890 plus G.S.T. Outside Canada Second class mailing reg. no. 0847 Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of . a typographical error, the portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. 441, GST - charge everyone, except provincial bodies The Goods and Service Tax (GST) nightmare gram ls! for business people and consumers alike, as they wrestle with the latest tax shoved down our throats by the federal government. Until now the one constant we could rely on with GST was "WE charge everyone." However, as we all know, when dealing with government anything is possible. Apparently the federal government and its crown corporations had announced it would pay the GST and apply for credits like everyone else. The water became muddy when It came to the provincial governments, provincial crown corporations and other provincial bodies. Now, low and behold, the Ontario government, exercising their constitutional right, has decided that rather than go through the process of paying the GST and applying to the federal government for credits, they will file for exemption from GST certificates. Those who deal with provincial departments will now be forced to keep a list on hand of those who have been granted a letter of exemption or an exemption from GST ca!tif!cate. More paper work added to the nightmare as It unfolds! As . Paul Flocaa, Ontario Community Newspapers As- sociation treasurer said In a recent GST update, "it is certainly Interesting to see that our provincial government has taken the lead in becoming the first exceptloji to the simple 'We charge everyone' rule. We should appreciate their assistance in making a complicated tax even more complicated." 1 HAVEAN OPINION? Express it by sending a letter to the editor of the Lucknow Sentinel. It must be signed and accompanied by a telephone number, should we need to clarify any information. The Sentinel also reserves the right to edit letters. ,, i r' 'e : ' exhibits deep within Ibe belly. Upon anted, he became e much banner, Hey, here was nine -room : home, with many closets and different nooks and crannies to explore. And,1 : k dads . there's' Mal little Yorkshire Terrier° Chipper, that claims to be a doge Some dog! 1' bi iger the .hit% This visit could tura outto be fun after all. Grandma, I just love all those large potted plants you have. After a couple of hours, Jack settled down in a spot that looked down upon the family room. He had a bird's eye view of the comings and goings of everyone, including his enemy Chipper. Actually Chipper was a very good host most of the visit. Twice during the three days, they came to blows and fur was flying; however, no major injuries were sustained. When it -tee .rte to retire for the evening, I suggested we lock Jack in the laundry room, with his food, water and kitty litter, 1 know my cat and that he loves roaming the house at night. I figured we'd have all out war if the cat and dog got at it while we were sleeping. But, no, Mr. Fixit won the discus- sion, saying he'd he fine. We were sleeping in a bedroom on the lower level, and just as I was dozing off, I heard this funny noise, which appeared to be coming from the ceiling of our room. Mr. Fixit believed it was coming from dad's bedrooni, which was immediately above ours. I told him my dad must have grown awfully long toe nails, if he was making that noise. You guessed it, the scratching was Jack, who had somehow, through Mr, Rat and 1 had wiped %our_ our memories what an ordeal travelling with "children" can bop Ita cam bac in vivid colour. .during the holidays. We were spending the few days around Christmas with my family and that necessitated a two-hour drive. it has been a long time Since Number One Son needed to be amused on a long trip, so we had forgotten how a mere two hours can stretch into what feels like forever, when you have whining "little one" in the car. Gone were those days when we would have been smart enough to take favourite toys and snacks along, to make the tedious`,ourney speed by for the youngest member of our family. Our four -legged "youngster's" only experience of travelling had come with trips to the local rabies clinic or the vet's office. As we coaxed him into his own little travelling cage, be Skew same a sarcastic look that said "I love you too!" The poor little guy had visions of being on the receiving end of a sharp needle, having some man, with large hands, peke and prod his body or force pins down his wee throat. We had contemplated leaving him at home with lots of food and water, but Mr. Fixit felt sorry for him, saying he wouldn't see anybody for three whole days! I'm sure if Jack could talk, his reply would have been, "It's okay dad, leave me at home, I'll be fine. Really, I'm a big boy now." If cats get sore throats, he must have had one by the time we reached Georgetown. He con- tinually bawled; not that nice little meowing cat -love enjoy, but that bawl that seems to come from bad:nu.nners th6 mace room fob a way to reach the area between our ceiling and the top floor. Once tweu, he was banished to the laundry room The next morning, mom was up before the rest of us, and hearing poor Jack crying in the laundry room, she let him out. Now despite the fact that his bathroom facilities were provided, he apo parently took a keen liking to the large potan orange tree was growing in, When I arose, my mother in- formed me that she thought Jack had done his business in this plant. I laughed and said, "No way, mom, his kitty liner is in the laundry room, he wouldn't do that." Unfortunately, the dirt scat- tered cattered on the carpet, and the little dirty paw marks around the pot, were substantial evidence that he had been doing something in the pot! Guess who got to cheek oat the pot. Well, it wasn't Mr. Fixitl it's been a long time since I've had to face that kind of mess first thing in the morning. I was not impressed with the bad manners of my feline! The rest of ourvisitwent smoothly. Jack behaved himself and just as he was becoming ac- customed to everything, it was time to pack him back up and head home. I thought the trip down was bad. It was a piece of cake compared to the ride home. Our "child" was in a pout and didn't hesitate to let us know it. By the time we ar- rived home, my head was poun- ding. Next year. for Christmas. Jack is getting an all expense paid trip to the local kennel! Grey -Bruce Alzheimer Society Fact sheet - The Alzheimer Society of Grey - Bruce was formed in 1984 and became incorporated as a non-profit organization m 1985. - The Sociertf serves the countiys of 'Grey and Bruce. - The president ,of the Alzheimer Society of Casey -Bruce is Mabel Woodhouse of Owen Sound. Ten members serve on the board. - Linda Dakin is the Administrative Secretary of the Grey -Bruce Chap- ter. - The Society holds an Awareness Month every January. 70 years ago January 13, 1921 Lucknow to have licensed pool room - Among the first acts of the Lucknow Council of 1921 was the granting of a license for the operating of a pool room in the village. The matter came up in the form of an application for license by Mr. Wellington McCoy. Several times itr the past few years the proposal to establish a pool room have undergone a change of opinion. Would-be patrons of a pool room have been going to other towns to enjoy the game, and it is said that games, and even gafnbling, of a kind less desirable than proper- ly roperly conducted pool, have developed to a very considerable extent within recent years. Great fuel saver - Mr. Reading's fireless cooker is described as a niceslooking sheet metal cabinet on • four legs- which would be an or natnent in any kitchen. The cooking is done by means of soap stone which may be heated in the furnace or kitchen range, and the heated soap stones put into the cooker will cook any sort of meal. It is said that meats and vegetables done in this way retain their juices and nutrition and for this reason are superior to foods cooked in the ordinary way. 50 years ago s January 9, 1941 Have souvenirs off German plane - The story of the German plane that was shot down after an attack upon Windsor Castle last fall, is familiar to most readers, but the fact that now in Lucknow there are souvenirs made from aluminium off that plane, is not so generally known. But such is the case. Herb McQuillin, with the Royal Canadian Engineers, was on leave at thetithe and the day following was at the scene where the plane crashed. He secured a piece of aluminium off the wrecked machine and fr-oin it he made a horseshoe SENTINEL MEMOIRS and two rings. The horseshoe was engraved on it "Mother and Boys from Dad," and on the back of it the date the plane was brought down, October 3, 1940. The two rings were for his two sons, Sam and Carmen and have die initials inscribed. These prized souvenirs were received by Mrs. McQuillan just a few days ago. . 25 years ago January 12, 1966 Sentinel has new face - The Lucknow Sentinel changed its ap- pearance considerably last week. It went from a "linotype face" to a "typewriter face" and the look of your weekly changed very much. Andy Gaunt sells ten heifers to Texas Cattle ranch - Andrew Gaunt of West Wawanosh Township has sold 10 heifers from his purebred Scotch Shorthorn herd - Alzheimer Disease is a degenerative brain disorder that destroys vital brain cells. � - Alzheimer Disease was discovered in 1906 by Alois Alzheimer, a Gran neurologist. - Over 300,000 Canadians currently suffer from Alzheimer Disease. - By the year 2020, that is expected to rise to over 700,000. - Approximately 10,000 Canadians die with Alzheimer Disease each year. - There is no known cure for Alzheimer Disease. at High Hill Farm , southeast of Lucknow to M.A. Rambo of Rambo Ranch in Temple, Texas. Andy recently sold several heifers to a Frank Scoffield of Texas who in tum sold two of them to Mr, Rambo. Mr. Rambo was favourably impressed and towards the end of November wrote Mr. Gaunt and asked if he had any more forsale with the same breeding. Andy listed ten heifers in -a letter to Mr. Rambo and it wasn't long before he received a phone call from Mr. Rambo stating that he would take all ten. P.A. Murray in race for War- den post next Monday - A change in location has been made by Bruce County Conneil for the election of warden next Monday, January 17. County council members will meet as usual in council chambers and then immediately adjourn to the Walkerton Town lull where the election of warden and other business will be done. Of particular local interest in the - An absolute confirmation of Alzheimer Disease can be made only through autopsy. -information onl Alzheimer Disease nr infnrnnatinn alas services available v...uvn •avW N�W1•WVIy to Alzheimer caregivers in Grey - Bruce may be obtained by contac- ting the society at 856 2nd Ave. E., 2nd Floor, Suite 2; Owen Sound, N4K 2113, or call 1-376-7230. Hours are Monday to Thursday 8:30 to 4:30. An answering machine is in operation other times or call Mabel Woodhouse at 1-376-6844. wardenship race is the fact that P.A. "Phonse" Murray, Reeve of Kinloss Township, will contest the post. The other man in the race is Ros- well Smith, Reeve of Atnabel Township, Kinloss has not had a warden since 1912 when the late Dan MacDonald held that past. Phonse has served on Kinloss Council from 1943 to 1946 and again from 1951 to 1957. He as - sinned the office of Reeve in 1962 and is starting his 5th term. 10 years ago January 14, 1981 Noisy Lady places first in 1980 standings - Lueknow's Noisy Lady placed first in the 7,000 and 9,000 pound modified classes in the 1980 Great Lakes Tractor Pullers As- sociation standings. Another Lucknow tractor placed second in the 9,000 modified class. The Packard V-12 took second place to the Noisy Lady in the class and placed seventh in the 7,000