The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-09, Page 2Page 2 —Lik�wSentioel, Wednesday, January 0, 1991
elieve it or not, stud
back to schao
Following a two-week hiatus from
die three is, the Sentinel editor
thought it might be interesting to
find out what some area children
did dunning holidays and Upey
were actually looking forw to
going back to school. A trip to the
Lckiow arena, during public
skating time last Friday, found
eight who were willing to share
their thoughts with ow readers.
Surprisingly, although they en-
joyed the break, an eight students
interviewed were 'mining forward
to the ringing of the school bell on
Monday morning. Here's exactly
what they said.
Amy Blake
Amy kept busy during the
holidays going for walks everyday,
skating and visiting Grandma Shir-
ley Hackett. •
° Amy was excited about going
back to school as she will be in a
classroom in the school instead of a
Jordan Audiew
Jordan and his family hosted. both
the Andrew and Wilson
Christmases this year. Be said the
kids. in his familY got up at 2:30
a,m. Christmas; morning were
quickly sent hack to limn Having
received a Nintendo for Christmas
he played the game a good deal.
Jordan declared holidays were
fun, but they do become boring!
Sean Lougheed
Sean was occupied with family
outings slich as walks, skating and
sleigh riding..
• Seari was -40liginid to go back W
the books, stating that he was get-
ting tired of all the stuff• be was
doing and going back to _school
would be something new to do.
-Jessica Mann
Little Jessica had fun playing
outside, playing indoor games and
Shark At_ jacka_t a ..____ANArtyAhe also
had a wee accident, splitting her hp
open enough to require stitches.
She wasparticularly.happy to go
back to school 10 see • her good
friend Laura.
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./.>" •
Jennifer Pollard
Jennifer attends school in Ripley.
She received a. Nintendo for
Christmas and had a lot of fun
playing it during the holidays. She
also visited her grandma Pollard
and some other friends.
She was happy to return to school
to do some "fun stuff" and because
her teacher is "really nice."
Lori Blake :
Lori had her cousin jenny trtrer to
play during the holidays and her
friend Sarah as well. They went
skating and had fun. She too visited
Grandma Hackett.
Lori said she was happy school
was starting because she too would
see all her friends. 3.
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Sandy Loigheed
• Sandy had "two friends over to -
play during -die, holidays, played
games and .participated in family
Saying he had fun, he also ad
mined being anxious to return to
school so he get together with all
his friends and play with theme
'-'46°'4*:":,x,x,P,n:1:1,•••,:,5,c-7,4:). • .• •
Lindsey Raymond,
Lindsey had a good time over the
holidays visiting her friend Sarah
Mann, skating on Chamney's pond,
public skating and visiting Grandma
Gammie. Her and her friends
played Yahtzee and a Care Bear
Lindsey likes school and although
she wasn't bored with two weeks
holidays she too was looking for-
ward to going back.
olunteer recognition'
Por many organizations, volun-
.teers are their greatest resource.
How does your organization recog-
nize their contributions? Join other
volunteer co-ordinators for a
workshop on "Recognizing the
Volunteer", led by Peter Delisle, a
Resource & Development Trainer
and Consultant from Toronto. This
information workshop i cheduled
for Wednesday, January 23 at the
kutonview Auditoriums Clinton.
Por more information, or to
register, contact Nick Qeleynse or
Yam Muegge at the OMAP Office
Clintonin 082-3428 or 1-800-265-
5170 for long distance).
This workshop is sponsored by
Volunteer Huron.