The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-01-02, Page 9• ,l 0.1 t4; C41 ^;t ,'"fry f.:�r, 1A r�C.', r -`P 1,091 Happy LUCKNOW & DISTRICT DONS GLOB Luticnow immunity Centre Janu $5p04004, rat Ft!cji sots dell :Pr Isis Potential Prize iloci sem, Jackpot '1 Calls. S Qp. most urpie sang -' I /,'.Vt) munitlr Centre opens -at 6: Bingo starts at 71$ p.m. • The. theme of the .Paddleduck + I t „Coot Christmas. Inthe front is.. Tiffany -Schell playi t soon' ` daddy. The town hall was paged .tug•:: (art Livingston photo)- of Deeett ym� e r 21 was 'Tv* the Night; croft while Cal. McDonagh . plays the sow's up and coming actors. "THE FUNNIEST MOVIE OF 1990!" Jim Whaley, PBS CINEMA SHOWCASE . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc Ewan and boys entertained the Atndersor families on:Clrristmas Day. Christmas dinner guests 'with Mr. ancl•Mrs.•.lack4Barr wer+eCora Bator. . ‘of Pine Crest Manor, Lucknow ° Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell, ofWin gltam, ` Margaret Bushell ..of Godernch, and Donald Barr of Waterloo. On Boxing Day they had their family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fair and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van De. Klippe and . their families, of Kincardine and .Mu#ray Barr and Michele Hodgins of here. , • Russell Barr and daughter Katie. of Aurora visited with •his_,mother By Mike Williseir After lengthy discussion County councillors ended tap° right where -hey started, facing a motion to raise full and half -day session pay rates. ° - The Executive Co `mittee recom- mendatiOn to ° boost full. ;day rates, from $95 to $99.25 and 'half day, rates' from S, to $68 ras.passed :at the Dec.' 6 meetin g of county coun .. .. .. While some thought .theles Were appropriate, others ,thought. they were -not high enough While some thought no raises should be implemented. Court. Gerry kraut, Usborne Twp., said the half day rate should be higher becausethe difference of one hour can make a substantial difference in pay. • b hay; Tyle malsinahomhishonnollan Cora Barr and other relatives on Sunday. • Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. Dale McInnis of Glencoe-. on the gift of their baby son `boor at Strathroy Hospital, on Friday: Oak grew up here on Con. 10 and the proud grandparents are Mr. a Ws., Don elnniwof Blytkantd- ' and Mrs, Fraleith of Glencoe. =Mr. arta: Tom McDonald visited with IVIr. and Mrs: Clare. Pxout said°fit although count lors=;tn ,.off . f or aaif ay _y+� yf h � d , . pay, the sarn`e a mount of travel involved as with a full• day Meeting lie .added that there are also time arid .financial considerations.: °A lot of thefull �: . d2,,w y meetings ate just an hour over the he t and we get a full day payI think it should' be about $75,' said ?rout, referringto the :half day tate: . v Coun. Lossy ,Fidler, Exeter, pointed out that the `increase w` about 4.5 per cent.. is that the' Onle': increase that our department:. heads wi gets" p' er` asked, ° • Warden Lionel wilder, who' has since been slce'edat that post by Jvtobinsou, a•fivc per cent Bushell at Kingar Bill Mbersot valved an, o° was in- t oat n-xdent. "at St.,:. Mary , enroute iii ' non to hid brother-in-law's funeral,. was hovitiliiid at St. N Marrs until. Friday when he was- moved to Kincardne ,hospital. an:'e�ve McDona Bloonifie with'Tom 1. and Stday: �Farlart and son: im spent. with Mr.. and:IVlrs. Toth els.. sister,, ,o - Paisley •alsoorvisited, and41� ina. Sidney tintor spent .,.,. > their son ' at • Kitchener... LUNG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO y A quarter q Senior Constable #urgess, or Andy, • • he is . most commonly known in our area, area, rcccntly marked a quarter °tetanal with the Olt"tarnti PIrovitieiatPolice. He:• is Luck tiow'a Comrnunityy Oriented" Police, Officer. He originally embarked upon a career as an . elctrientary teacher, -attending the University of Water loo and Lakeshore Teachers Col- lege.' ;When he realized teaching; wasn't ' calling, Andy joinedt OPP 1965. and'bas : posted in Kincardine Since then, .. >. Andy was born in Orangeville.. With his father being a mMister the family moved mound. Rig mother was from Culross Township and his father's ''first charge: was that of South mos y' Church4 The first couple Rev. Burgess mar« tied was Mr. and Mit„ thury Leis oC+ know It is evident that Andy and, . creat After ;C ,ao Vote Goias. is `a target to shoot for. to Bruce Machan,.Win. l that Wellington County u- proposed ..incr ses , lit t Goderic . h e B "We could just•take no raise at .all and the ��a ert`hcads could � the sae,!.said�Stirling, noting that counts ;l should lead.by example.• As the debate wrappedup Coo. John Doherty, G erich Deputy, said, '"lIis:. seems .too. 'trivial. It 'seems thate' are con - oly dumping .over $10. to pick up nick els. Even h , the tri ' motion to the ra e boast s o �9+a�and $65: w.: passedinaisirously, OA BEAT Constable 1tt wife'enjoy Bruce ACounty., and in cular .Kincardine, when one ., Itvirs at , the tact has flea he never .. ted"for a transfer. They have two daughters and: a son, and are ppyto call Kincardine home. As a.parent he is involved . in family activities andparticipates i>n parent/child programs through the school, ,Andy is an honorary member of the Kincardine Legion, Past District Deputy Grand Master of the Korth Huron ' District. Masonic .lodge, Chani of the Boant for Knox ' Presbyterian Church, iincar c and a .member of the Athletic Developinent Committee of Kincir. In his leisure . tie he enjoys playinghock+',bill and being involved in community programs. He said this is an excellent area to police, with good people and a variety of police revorise need0, Tuesday, January th, X991 The final dak for appealing apPealing your �.pxopetly assess- ment :tithe Assessment - Review Board is Ttresda Jacuary $th, 1991. Your assessment will be used to calculate your 19911' Municipal and school taxes. . You should appeal your 1990 property assessment. (a) if you are dissatisfied with the amou>ptf"the.assessment, even after discussing it with your..Begional Assessment 'Office; (b) if you' appealed: your previous assessment and the appeal has notbeen settled; or (c) if` you received. a Notice of Property Valuation which does not reelect a .settled ent. of your; previous appeal. - The ,Assessment Review Board is an agency of the Ministry of- the Attorney .Ceneral and operates less formally than -a court;of law It is atithorized to decide if your property assessment -is fair and equitable, coat pared with .similar proyerties` in your area. You may present yourown case.. retain a lawyer, or ask a friend or relative to, act as your agent. . A .Notice ofAppeal form is available Isom your t unicipal office, young egronalAssessrn nt Office, or the Assessment Review Board. :You May also use the 'reverse side of a Notice of Propert . Valuation or write a letter.Appeals should be forwarded in writing to the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board.at. "the address shown below. If you have illy ntiestio is of require assistance in filing the appeal, please contact your Regional Assess- merrrt Office. The address and telephone number are in 4.` the Blue. .Pages of Your telephone directory, ander "Property Assessment information." r .. min i str neglonai' I egistrar ; . of Assessment ,Revdkw Roam %' B Third 'te t',1st Froor LOndOea ant rl Intal"% a N5W 4W6