The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-29, Page 161 poarnrnuni#y ;news° k likihreari ismifilber was -tie lucky 11411111er of this 6'amembaead Trona in a ainit .s draw aptnnarnd by the hrseiorw Finnic Cinir.°Rdc decided Jo sasprise its grandbilherby lbe,train also when be Went to aped Mistimes wlti Wm Cirri■ men Ere. Erie, tie sem of Rev. -and Mrs: Waren lifeDirogoll, Immelknow,Is e mender ni tie figs niatingr'f■h-remeeds from dee draw w* bel pay *Ike e5si's lee trate ibis season. [Sieatkel Staff Pinto] Celebrate Christmas.. with Lucknow families Onistmas holiday visitors with Haney and; die Hous- ton of` Willoughby Street, Lucw . weft James J. Houston of bessissauga and. Lynne. Houston of 'Calgary Kent's, Joy, Amy and Angela Houston of Pike Late Road, . Haniston area: Wal- lace. Kerry and Dana lious- ton of 'Ripley . and Jean , Hughes of Sepoy Apartments' of %ncknow_. Wallace Hous - inn who eta rn Freder New Brunswick was home to spend Christmas with. Ibis faogy: Christmas'&inner guemts. with Tom, Joan, Janine and Dong Helm were Lloyd and Roberta Whytoct, ;Darlene; Art and Barb Helm, Denise and Robert; • Grant Helm, Sharon Dietz and Lassa and Adrian Rune; Jim and Jamie .� On BaxingDay Torn, Jaen, Janine and Doug Helm went to her mothers, Donnie Pol- lard ollard of Ripley for Christmas dinner. Don•,and Lillian Pol- lard from Goebel, Corey Ken and. Goe Carol bel, Core , and Rebecca of Milverton, were also .there: Holidayvisitors and - C'hristnnas dinner guests with Mrs. Bryce Elliott . and Jamie, Lucknow, were Mr. and Mrs. Gay Kelly, Orange- ville; Julia Bernice Kelly, Cloverdale, B.0..; Graeme Anderson, ; Belgrave; Mr - and . Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Point Clark;: Dianne Bram- ley, Londesboiro; Mrs. Rich- ard West, Ashfield Town- ship; Mrs. Elmer Smehzer, Huron Township; Pits.. Ross C : Anderson, Wingham and Graeme Eli Hanover- Merle'and. family visited 'by phone with her son anis daughter-in-taw,Ray and Noreen Elliott of Bedford, Nova, ' Scotia, on Christmas . Day. Ifs a to .► JOLLY - Dr. and Mrs_ Don- ald T. Jolly, (nee Cann), Lucknow thank God for the arrival of their first child, Tiimothy Donald Thomas Cann Jolly, weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz_, on December 16, 1982 at SL , Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. POW 8randparrents are Mr. and Mrs, Bruce, Cann • and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jolly of Exeter_ ,dam Sentinel, Wednesday? December 29; 1902—Pate1f Good Wishes for the New Year 1983 LUCKNOW LOW fPRESRYTERIAN / UNITED CHURCH CHURCHSUNDAY, JANUARY 2 , CHURCH E SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 ail . � � aa g1�.� SUNDA11:3Y4 SCUOOLai.dnWorshkr 11:00 a.m. j HEREt :GuEsT We'd like to be the first to wish you all a New Year that's happy and harmonious .in every way! ,C1INA43111L&Ne LUCKNOW 528-2526 LYNNETTE HANDLEY'S Lades - AlfAes.. anceCome out. and be tenet ® .1 DANCE ?!"S 3d A Division at OanceFff (Canada) Ltd. dead— in Lneiamsw. DANCE If Is a emillowasisior Suess • program tint c nebb es tie fun of derseing wtti'tie bode events of .a'teod gees find i wt. Tie ten week program w, be bels at tie Town Hall it Liaci�srr, beeponbre the 2rtd week of Jammy. The 115 fee bdreiades s one borne weaIwt, twice a week. Days and times yet to be Wstd b tie next Sestina's rowing events calendar for detalls of tie DANCE If paetfiiINion - de to n, and registration might tie Lot week of Januarry. • PLAN TO MAKE DANCE IT YOUR FUN WAY- . TO BECOME PHYSICALLY FTC! Attention Lucknow Residents ! Nie are interested in Printing your holiday news items Please Rail Pat at the Sentinel 528-2822 Rev. Join '% F �•. w,.eeo.Mc1N�W �. Warren McDoirgag B.A. M.Dk NurseryDownstairs For j Any Little Owes Under N'�� and junior - f°7.: fourdr E oar W_ ee % Congregation Provided YE�e r�esre Wekwse 7 SlLVERWOOD'S- USUNSPUN" 2 LITRE • si,. KE CREAM ORANGEjiu14 LEMONADE BACON igDS CIIEESE SLICES sl. WIENERS ;1 .89 ME'ALTYME WIENER S'S HAMBURG 8'S ROLLS RED GRAPES ORANGES ;1.69 ' . CRANBERRIES X1.49 FRESH 2 LB. BAG CARROTS • J BAGS HOSTESS 200 G. CHIPS ;1. CHERRYPIE FILL1 15 McCORMIHGK'S 350 G. IABTY CRACKS, , CLUB CRACKERS, SOME OF EACH • 9 CRACKERS CHEEZ WHIZ $2.89 RIO WHOLE 10 OZ. MUSIIROOMS ah.' s Groceteria Luekuo 528-3420 OPEN SIX DAYS WE DEIt •