The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 60f(I'9.., ISI boboow socomber 1* Old Saint Nick arriv SivatikWylds 34 issema ese ra awl Way caw ' crape a • .Merry. anistmas. ttiiaSinhattimg, • miss Om Fig eselag,WHIP at giaks.Watt amid Ike streets Miele eat at OMR .. That sane emeilig �the !Aga dam Soda Clams its a isigld red smionswilinsibehimesde aingri>#of tie Iii Fire tank dims to tie Cleiriplies to diskiirrie ile'aIES time- Laker as Stec-. day es :emisg tie Ripley t6f1e bads were ost agik. This time B was a lie cal de lake Itiwas minded as a"Tireplace,"f re: ° arc Siemer mem off die Mutt area of Illisan touriellip James H. Mac - threislipasszd=ayasMos- day„ December TUBE 1 is Illiaglarim araei District limplad. Huns ems Semlay, Malik It ltd us doe 31■1 emweseios ,Rms was is kis 'b war. Ms weds viae Wier Macitardele aid Sank McNair - The fimeral bat Ilimsdirs Mermen December 16 was wet atierdid as was lie act like Madtessie- Blifiestlei s Wry - B eillonsk- name followed is its messeler7 (lapel to be foloweell by spring Weak is b Bev_ Wanes McDoigall.�y/ off d die Lt tb lii e\ liestk. Sorricing are three danglatis sass* Evelyn, Mrs. Diane 117aikes . 1r.. Clue reel lisniatkr; and Mew Mist. P foamy off Langss, . 4 west,f dams i Mar aid Ars, tesdr> a also 1N - n and dare great tu,aisunber off bask motisieis siompsHey s ettersiedattdis t iimeof es a it,. Ifewaspreelecemsed ley lib wire die fonmer Clara Ohm .N —. litadoss ; laiS t litakeld . sb' a. dhow off sttalhailiermr sesitelimemiikkier - de Ripley Beal Bait. Belt Skepriey lose rr ailkumoor aml is mow lark tyre Bial is Owns ma Batt jolised die Ripley stall traisrenag lig home ath. And see Oat time line kis bees a salerlalh pilayeir For tie bdienialiate is bode, aid swa- Gratiasalle 'lased wit .■valr B Manvires lfy teams aid SW to lot ewe peaats*castle cainalis. Brett aid wife Lori ase Swag The mew mos ate staff line is Ott® Hie and kis wife Nasty awl itlinee ciddremasemowlivisgiude same hose as Bret aid L ili ed es de maim street soo i s max Preside& .gym secestfty nark '�•�j�� tip wirsser cosslatifins. gar de sinks was Dug 1 -- tan& timely th,,,t40> bar Ilestrie Boyle am! Beale' Sidon_ Pries weselflet = and Li*i.:::a;1 c.t to eight setifins ,iv, prfie ll. Ike first pike sem_ EGIETEe beers seat o ye t", . of Alggiinfiture ant Food ith de Oattairii®• Parliiannemt . mese tW mil tie el0:.:4,iey, �ioareatt; fli : :'. r0[ DIGS': qtr ClL at en i�it iI ra off Agriituiture Societies had1711 raid February dr Bova YoultHitellirolicantai. Basmil saki smelliest elf rt 122, bis maim Gegssge GUes off Oregon eking with his danIghter aff leas Back ith Are whem iI P" • Ili �»6troi Bnuunil.team defeats Ripley* 7-5 bylismitwer OrB„Ilkeeratier 114; Lucklaw Bantam team gayest their. stranga t gum After taVisiag a 50 read de first *rind and ah , on drat pails hy MenattB. SAN'', one each by Max V .rxv'e.i “ 1ti'.. IttircY (mire tiffe ant took advantage off II.s lapseim caroms - and Ina the Inti, five minutes aff: thseem! period, e smareit while tree v 'yam"{. ! % , anather tr.. The stare into the third will was Sa ase vada ter '4100427 =dig bail gab tO) narrow de tapThiL Mit are aali playing t to aff de yestored ar, gat to secure the at ?7x. S!: f(; "m am DaDaraber2, ircincwx n; tht scare dthing ane fate imtttie Y. ri O. Di 111;:Yi pat searing "o o'G,7f ilutnD#11'0%4 . were had by hada teams imthethird gieridd3,4 t3utt, the te at. e';.pii6t maks cane. up seare ended ,, _�)` gray',. Will. ay anon'"fer team has ttx r a> , one Iii and a tie. 1333 Win•- than zu the tem has semi ane„lhattwanthitincliatre. The tom'$ inagstaaement air the .moi three weells ear. he aim r» their. strung shading fair ��' a'. . ate toys are' came)? they get to Ingintains-)) m Ripley on Thni en wars line Ie tame lei tttie MOW Mina Irlek Siria01 mod drew swerfisisig >l ripe/ ower dine sillsols Chows lie was— lNeAN&d a Conkl tllrlt- Ono l lE amliratisis WWI sere le - log written lata at the time off liesWit,° The stake of Ores* did int line a andraaansOknailtedirg. Spealrigd Wylids. and. p $ Isar tom. r - awe off de Hirsute Ciassay Mend, Burry Sclimilk off clic fat week say daft tine was 111od ofe - isgibe seined itsfrapteiF. 71kis is de same dot Join Belt Harris, and Mk Willas dal kola d e Depoitt Moister of aillaw 21:,,no edema e lust to ?isnmino to get peamissims to iseltie aii— aw- mid claw aosas, Atter corbadir Bost Ott off trisraidise tad St new ad - dike Wilt to Depentionit kaelkiriewedbyadielegionts astenada Ser r �atiLil�H�di.. OsSinday•- 07 Nor- 211 Das tie chairman offal meetiagistke Wiry Mins aninallSchnoll to . de/MS !Epley stated. ETe e off dime 1 off de NM t0 t maw bels lid the maims to date - >tS a% pt affil e ` WA de Ripley IIS Lewis and tie 1a Baresressima Ferndale be tie few* as fear as Os Mosieby mossingflOse was here walk de Nstt of MIMS kw de 1915 Reassins_ They are as Mows: liar, BIZ „ ding madam, Din Fifelay;f S treasurer, ail . ,, , feuds e cater- kg, mil r- ,: 6.;1v parade, Jack Campbell; head gionting, Arei Mitt spuds. Larry kwis; west corrapetithes,Bark bide; blair, ROM Niditikeig l registra- tion, Remy Scout; bands„ Glenn* Boyd; mum Rain arwE ritisnis wyklisa r Frninareberisbekaditinarn andiblryletts l . MIME Men' ChiliStIBUIS.DM awl Anna Itliaciarialsa fan-rDi au. iasseinFlisida. NIECE " May se have your Christmas I:. gar the 640 Ji U+ 8Uinest • week - Best rata' kesfor NIAVP11 41.. I A VW IN( ,t 1"'iU1 r tin--. vitt: virmaim 4"sinI MMt& ILEA I) il` rtl14 I .wA "` 1 NC >< FA t ANI) )V t L. MOTE Pt's. Ow iryri prtace aftn frr eitm'si'rrlw t* . wee' halve trade: a dtviraticte tt9 tfre War miter marF; ttr i time /4):/z fr71 1Laadt .