The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 59lorknow Sendai*, Wt„Deiamb=22, 1.112—raile 1.112—r 15 i:..ets take 8-3 loss to Ripley Gay Dampbia Lnelmow played Ripley Dem $ and came home with an0-31o� the scoring early in the fast and the see rel 14 until Lir tied it late in the �was not geing to leave, it the way however and scored two morebefore the end of the first_ In the second period Ripley opened the &Airing again to take a 4-1 lead. Indrnow outplayed their op- ponents in this period but could only manage one go. The third period started fast with the teams evenly matched but when Ripley scored at the U minute mark, it seed to dampen any Luelmow hopes for a IIP1M. Ripky name back with three More goals to make the final scare S-3. Ludlum goals Gere Ates West from Mike Austin* and Kien ; Lynn Munray from Chad &lam and Jamie Bete ' and Grant Murray from Torn Ge_ Imdl w played Virmgham in an exhibition game December 13 and being - wed only me goal for the ane. The tight d ng in the first period resulted in a 2-1 score with Virmgham in the lewd:, A very camas second pffiod saw Luciana goalie Bat Cad mate several key saves. Thor was no scoring inthe per�d. , A faster third period saw Windom score two goals early in the pesiad to secure the aeticeme. Final score ngbam4, Lae:k L Laic k ow's goal was scored by Gilmore farm Farms rish and Murray - On December 20 Lndcnov played the Kcncarde B team in their first meeting of theme Ludlam outplayed Km - canine leafing after the first period by 34 sone. In the second, Ia►w a played Bear In the third Locknow started aggrestively scoring two wick goals, however onirdine carne arm with the gods is less dna a minute, before lacknow got backer' track. Larckmw ended the period oaaring the oppostit5n 54 and the foal scone was 114. far Iiv w The scone shy read as follows: Perry Van t1„ 3 goals, 1.assist; Grant Mur' ray, 2 goals, 5 assists; Tom Gilmore, 1 goat 2 assists; Lawrence Cloak, 2 goals, 3 assists; Jamie Bere, 2 goals; Stene mon, 1 assist; Lynn bray, 2 assaSts; Chad 1 Ki 1 goal and Mack Leoiodri, 1 assist - Bantams extend no loss record by George Gibson Bart= activities this 'Week included two wills aid a tie, thou wog their string toeight On Tway right, the team made their season debut in Tiverton, a wor- thwhile effort as they seed to a 54 �icta�g 'The<game got off to a fast start with a Lucimow goal in just eight seconds but Tiverton held a 2-1 lead at the end of the first and a 4-2 lead at the end of two Alter ceps dering 'the. fate of their winning streak at the break, the boys took charge with three goals in the first five its of the third.. Although bath teams had goad .scoring dimes„ the last ten minutes was. scoreless hockey.. The games firstwas Dan Gi deist They . classy centre potted all five 1.acknow goals and the line Of Gilchrist, Irwin and McKim counted 10 scaring points. Defonemen Grazier and Murray also collected Deefenti ely,: Jeff Gibson had a strong night an the Mudie and goaltajders Lindsay and Reavie came up with some key saves especially the third perio' d when Tiverton was held scoreless_ TEACHER'S AID At home no Friday against Howack, the boys had to cope with same line—joggling and the result was a slow start andapoorshow for the home fauns: By the mid point; in tthegame, Bowick had grabbed a 3$ lead but, lee in the se- cond, Lacimlowtiedthe score on three fast goals to cam - le the games scoring. The scoreboard . read: Chris Caber from Prie ap; Chris Collyer from Hackett. and Dan Gilchrist \. In Monday's contest, the team managed .a5-1 win over Ayton.. _ Early m the second, Chris THE HURON 1110AldOF EOUCATHON iQUUl S A T AOUS Aho AT FAL MADILL SECIOMlAET SCHOOL. 1 i . WINIGHATA. ONTAWO F.: NADU SECONDARY SCHOOL wmourcomumo To assist f dmigi tsrad ass is • shop The --- socoessiwi art k roipshoull for '3 haerspOrley lostorOsissi hollholohools so* reawesfei To ssriwit • hothw of epplioefiow to ..'. GRYSEEIS 111111101111110A10 OF ETAICATION 161ST. SON. ONTARIO. NIIM it. • POOR TO MOAT. JAN_ 3- 11143 • COOTEAME D_ WALLACE frith opened the scarfing from Mcithn. A minute later, Do wile Murray, on a rush„ blastedthe second goal from the bfael n . The third goal�,ranee &ro t z from a 1�f Gilchrist _ the craw an Andy Grazier"s slick for the shot from the point. Dan GilclxiSt made the scare 44 with an assist foam Irwin before Aston geek ed the shit—out late m llw The only third Period' goal was scared by John Van .tach when he hutted m to. check the Ayton goalie„ as he cleared the puck and bowed one into the net_ - hrs"mas Bowling Ladies - Ur' 14 - Hacker 251,5611; "s I .,g -1141 Hatiallt210 '961)i; Gophers - ; rels 1116; Kangaroos - 6„ %; Tigers -12,19 Wiz. VAC. Efigh Scones: Lisa Mac- Donald 106-242; Cheryl Order 119; Scott Allen 249,532; Tim Becker 10424; .Bruce Mott le;. Tom S'air 467 Stanifings: Allis Chalmers -91i, 7Z;MasseY F- 9% 19B; Fords - 3,99; Interna- tionals ,115 - MEWS Binding High Single - John Ro dston 267„ Eric Taylor 7h7;Ifigh Triple .- Gerry Ross-i3G Games over 215: Join R -2 ,- Eric Taylor- ; Don Mati moon -2 , Ron Stanley -235, Joe Hackett -233, Dave Emberfin-2311 &analo5,49; Ol .. es - Fords -2,34; Q., 34; - 5, 59; Dodges - 5,. ' , 1 1i- tiacs-2,24; -2,4L Lathes 6:30 Susan Menges bowled the high single with 225_ Fern MacDonald bladed the high triple withNI Ganes of NM and over: Susan ;Renters, 225; Feu MacDonald„ 223;; Gale Lanzoa, 210 Timm Points and Stan- dings: Elephants - points 4, total 51; Bears, points 2, total 7112; Monkeys, points 5, total 44; Tigers, points 5, total4t; Gnaffes„ ints 3, total 4612; Liam, pouts 2, total St. Lucknow Arena Schedule LAY, DEC.. 22 8 pin. Iirtered.. Gare **ley vs Iracknory SAT, DEC. 23 815Industrial Hodkey Port Albert vs Wagtail 9:45 Ripley vs Mooed FRIDAY, DEC. 24 arm Sebedide Ban .FIeaTune 9-.30 Atoms 11 a..a -2pm- Open 2-4FREE PL Courtesy laulknow's Drisiness Csrm■omty SATURDAY, DEC25. CLOSED SLAY, DEC. 24 2-4 pan.PlMb& Witting !MONDAY, DEC. 27 7pa. Bannon Game Wallace vs L ckao.r 8:30 Widget Game Waken= vs Lawknow TUESDAY, DEC 2* 7p_m Atm Game Taes+valks'vs Logic 8:15 Bnoonsba1 Wigle St_ Helens vs Auburn 9.15 Hold vs talons 10:15 Lanes vAshfield E Ai_is , DEC29 10 - 4 pan. CRC Cadet Hockey Younnneatt IIioMoms aai Tots Thy Regular Praciaces Stan at p_n .. THURSDAY, DEC. 3/ 8:15 18:15 bulustrial League Port Albert vs Holyrood 9:45 Ripley vs Lacknow FRIDAY, DEC31 Regular Saturday Sehedale 2 - 4 ppm Pub& Skating SEASONS GREUINGS TO ALL Areaa'Stall at this Festive Season, we wish each mid everyone, a very happy holida . Throughout die past 10 years of Wain' ess, it has been a privilege to serve you. Thank you for your patronage. and a. 1983 MerryGhristflias Closed Dec. 25th to Jane 2, 83. Re -opening Jan. 3, 83 For Final January Sale MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF LUCKNOW Ashton 's FASHIONS & FABRICS 528-2126