The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 57community news
lateinow Sentinel, Weikneaday, Deember 22, 19S2—Pe 13 •
- •
The &Mire& of Dithbie Price's Grade 34 class at Kinloss
Central Pathfie School wrote a play about Sanas reindeer
and how they magically turned itto some of the toys in
Santa'S pack ow-Claristrnas Evit, Among the toys who came
to life at the school's diristmas concert ) 17 were
from the left, Pat Man, Dem& Johnston; Rocky, Lyndon
Johosten; Tfacy Ward; Annie, Jennileir MacMillan;
seasit, Morita MacDougall; Wavle Grettiky, Nathaniel
Wetfe; Garfield,' M Campbell ma Barth Vale; Neal
Addison. Mule bySliaron Dietz)
(lover Valley 4-0 club begins project, "Ontario Heritage"
by Liz Wail%
The Clover Valley
Members held their first
meeting for the new club,
Ontario. Heritage at the
• home of Mayme Wilkins on
Tuesday, Decemberl.
The Leaders for this clUb
are Mayme Wilkins and Do
na Arnold.
The Executive were
elected as follows:
President-- Charlene
Elphick; Vice -President —
Shirley Mattson; Secretary —
Annette Drennan; Press
Reporter— Liz Wilkins; and
Treasurer— Jan Gibson.
The Leaders discussed the
variety of food that was
developed bye the' differed
ethnic groups English,
Welsh and Scottish.
• The gir/s then helped in the
• •
the' river and through. fhr
• \
woods,. bringing virith is
tidings., of trite. Christ inns. spirit.
• •rrs hem plivstitiy• to serve.y.
Season's Gm. etin \..
• 3954300
preparation ot Irish Soda
Bread, Scotch Eggs and
maple Baked Apples.
These recipes were en-•
joyed and commented upon
along with the Pumpkin
Soup which had been
prepared beforehand.
Kairshea institute
The Kinloss-Kairshea
Women's Institute began
their Christmas meeting
with a banquet at the
Anglican Parish Hail on
December 16. Mrs, Lloyd
MacDougall thanked the
Anglican ladies for the
delicious meaL
Mrs. Harold Howald,
president welcomed
everyone to the meeting and
read a poem„ Christmas C.
The scripture was read by
Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall.
Mrs. Evan Keith read the
minutes for the secretary,
Mrs. Donald MacIntyre who
was unable to be there,
Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs.
Roy Finlayson were •named
to arrange the program for
Pinecrest Manor in
- Mrs. Bob Gilchrist took
over for the program She
led in a carol sing and had
different niembers read.
about the customs of
Christmas 'in other lands.
M Allan MacDougall and
Mrs. Harry Lavis gave
Christmas readings.
Mrs. Bob Gilduist con-
ducted three lively anted&
Mrs„ Earl Hayes and Mrs.
Leonard Clarke won the
prize for the neatest
wrapped gift using one hand
each. Mrs. Farris” h Moffat
won the lucky chair prize
and Mrs. Don Mathews had
the birthday closest to
Christmas. Gifts were then
• orchanged, many of them
A get -well card was signed
by all to send to Ena Steer
• who is in liospitaL Get well
soon Ena.
Mrs. Clarence Ritchie
thanked the directors, Mrs.
• Bob Gilchrist and Mrs. Lloyd
MacDougall for a great
Lucknow institute
Twenty-eight members of
the Lucknow Women's Insti-
tute and two visitors sat
down to a delicious turkey
dinner held in the Institute
Rooms on Tuesday, Decem-
ber FL
The ran callwas answered
by reciting a Christmas
verse. Elmer limbach enter-
tainitd with several musical
selections and a sing song
was much enjoyed.,
Mrs. Cyril Brown thanked
Elmer for his music and
giving of his time from the
store at this bisy season
Mrs- James McNaughton
gave a Christmas reading -
Liming the business it was
decided to give 5100.00 to
the Day Centre for the
Homebound in Winghaun.
Pic:tuxs of the pasty given
for Mrs. P. Stewairt, were on
display and orders taken for
anyone 7, ,g to purchase
A gift ear , ge was con-
ducted and a !",-1 enjoyable
afternoon was brought to 2t
close with the singing of
Wen Night.
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