The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 46lardierer Sesrl%eI Council will refinish Iibrarychain.s laclumw Wage Coma met petember14vehme they c a®al ad a rcgies t From dee Lae*now Larry Board t rethish and sekorler tie mile chairs lathe tansy. The board monied csand one the fire dee Wary account andthad econnadpsythe remair r - • ...pabed a mots tom. village pay for the nthishirg aid reophoistetig of the chaiiM or the am- NOM the chins amainttbedike alb* std thane* a ry cline. Reeve George Joy* f ormed domed Oat when the Iltrniy became pad of die Bruce C o y library systerok, '.Iarchn w rc iwienhip.of dee book shelves' and ad fainnhings isthe Abram Hatherefeeethe viliagers sespowddityllo%adiher ofthee's/its. Coma also pawed ed anatio Oat ad property owned by the tillageist iebuildings are ttolbediedamide imestory isle h oupdated eacleyear. RiosimiCarind mor Huh Clark reported on the endow coalrei polled completed to the north of the wain street akag e banks of dee Larknow River- The work complettel by Ibe Maidand Valley C.onser atim Arthoriy totalled a cost of LLrdmioed'sshareoftEire cost is VIM It's E.T.! ^y. B..T made a special pent appeamanealthe Mans School (Widen Creat{ D teen r ET appeared wee other bmoun stews iieidire >wsiw,,,leeks awl gmes he- tbdier Yaw Dbn4, Alauie, Waluelkellity and Ubtrtlr Vatter- See ad& this seer of leadtris Seabed for more awe* to the Aethority retpesting that the second phase ofthe project, smith anise main street to Wilinighby Skeet, becompieted • before the Jamboree weekendioJure„ ISM Liaison passed .amodon. Cosstrartion Lid of Laribiow to demolish dee house pwr= d by the me IrdiougbbyShreet„formerlyowned by Ihnsttw of L®cltrraw. Sym to also responsible for Meg s the basement and cleaning up die property_ The c *the demolition and clean op+iisttobeV1lli► Wade] in dee wasanthosirationtattle Latinos gree to use the home for pix arid such tine asSebum sdemolished. . &raw Weems Mb Recreation Cates Aud Letters veal be se* out annoeuting a meeting of the tonuship Arepresentatives on the Laaloomvorr District Beatnik= Ceram with the roMage representatives on Ibis wnll also be sent oat to anasge a meeting of the Lam Medical Cadre Board awl :the reeve of West Wanranfsh Tovsship, .tea Aitchison to gess tt1re cost shoeing of the capital costs of dee new pane rot at the Medina Grebe, $•'*"*.: htmt Min Sinn Sy ClnisromPanisle Mane mltfoot „,Detwiler 15 was I Rehearsal the 1 Madear Zbrue was pd, a Boner arrangement by Sherry Mew ural 15 Xwry Bare or;behalf ofthe SttrrriY's Com& arid Stag of Ihroolizide,.kta e $ her wo work ter, their behalf during lieryears as trustee on) • he t hoard and the faxen Chanty Board offL The concert and std has& from combo Brookside en Titesday„ December E4.. ieGregaar condireted tie stage hard aaa liaxicomw performers demonstrate into the s_eene,,, trombone, bunspet„ electric " t; ab t tube concert bad awl awned their i- sttr s vis' Um, basrmon, clarinet Elate aMil theras .' Each bawd played selkettions and finished by playing awl euesynte ia situ 'I'll . ftp t ; I, The eninyed ted vertu/wk. Gtr{] {/" J =0.0 N41 j en' , let dogs and gap for font& Ala) QMFr y„W Wilkins trawl pep a fur Oman it . T ChriStraas Comet was presented GM r t, •a+�g„ Detendier DE too) a packed ill I.nntl, Klan ...11 i elssoC» WSW lionestall ait MIS ININVIIiiitf ihdi Milk Mud seeeidly,, is l Gleans tie seeks& ielriaa ispessueediewwlii i to Ilkomme Cei ' of Fiea iter . left preirdeat of IiaW Ileeiefille: Semiesr Gauseill avid Mow bei■ lifiler saline Ileedeitar,pesenlleifiliesalstawi & llowerawanweanniLliips.?Jhreee shier 14yemee effee es lire emasihilp easel inti awl tine ceumg r iii Jei■eairts sepeeseuilhe �leii'eii a■i west w weir gieendieelSralf [ EtOtike, AktilaiSSWEDE anummted si ooa00 We WWI Will 1 with c er t. ex pen ,, .aettiv e , an payments to) our foster eh , 1 Sara. East .D ai S to At wads 7 paid for hair off the cost computer_ Ott y,r Dieentheir Mir Cameron) took tliegoirinc Moir Pineerest Nursing )fame ion U.cteikaaca wiere e1I 94.01 i they sang east& and songs. they dna attt concert. They had a pleasant visit wit die t lean thefrorn e , , . OttThursdayRoom ft had pis for lima and day eMijoiyedi tardier/7,1m the other classes erzsitT off pima wafted! thrum* die CarrolIT's ase nr Rainbow Mass Cookies to) decorate t t:reel/73 trar ant Oh December. It ail the griffitert had a chance go ski • The Student's council held , a record hop on Monday at noom hour with a ceiriartt stirrientparticipatiorm DcrrGinrs lifockey or. Friday,. December `. , Manes Dynamites once await defeated Smithy's, y's Tutton Ila► pa Hospital questions efficiency of mobile ICU board ityllearyllkss 'Itlea>dnrei Dams to make ital littis easier ftr With to to.Wit tCP EMEli tFie l *,it*l. Though the hospital isWien away upon. thetas welll offf'tthe heatent track of ttre two' pk y%, the ctuastiorathe u&stha oft cessi irtty tr rhee a • v s. 'i' yes toitt the last week,, that che unit offttlhehospital a¢+;�tarµe �} lmcomm,,ity � .r,„, ing its most Bent. WiT�4ye had teem that t the fiatiPitallisueryffiffivittafind. Th response tai that he posted Qne°• more situ, he reported, hut whets he batt anal int: he went cult arm dime, auarand3 had twa eethatf itt.eaa he hard y � there are si at the sauth limits 1f fir y #, a µ t thejib. aff Mat awl Xasephine streets • • » nt in{g t hit „ and ono higliWay tiff, fie . said. Dktwever there are m signs at the =do erg aff tax= ou- att unci Ahone , and wbiemyaw gat tait offthe hilt) it cpm he hard tin see the l ii"*L, c ion sa miner Re recommended P am .ate — at ort 'if ' om . ao bine background— and ash Wino as bow Kin ins it .iaris if Zile woad limo laving . it dime by' the town crew. said the hospital) Willi pay any cam invohaed iter - tt`ixg the sib ands gave dile mayia rapt at off lam Qtr business at ilk brief Deremher meati g,, the hoard heard some cf :ns 'a whether tie new mohile intensive care unit to)he tested itis his area reallY asp, valha al otoonaslt heeteh unci Maud 3 Y ff aim brow: the m Iii t CIT at set off suttenzanr uhrace carrying • off monitoring and ii€i • supportiag e wilt) pt . patients,; anutiautrand9wttattt, through), to houdinn hospital.. whew the eros sobad the hicailarrrheilancesc - Ektes itaewiu . 1 wondoed .orinug It to wakt ict t esnawr `.` &related that the hosOitalialteadY hasp w transport qtr for infants as well as trained people,. and said it seems siIL= to, spend morentumey dr, tytt,asservice which) is no#teverauptiaot IeveTl a e . mint; that the new veflieti*, Would him the diifL mitiesas any ami - t• hrriuraehtwi iterdivsin •:alkonotec3t;i : prod unit& the a e a required to, dispatcliiasvehicleLixm) up) a) p'at enthereandget haelita,Entuibm, • nt ane reccentt,case,, lie repwctte t„ it took a teams off sped im am ambulance More dram Eveh.ourstioWhy firont inghana; to Enndiau, while ode off the feat ax hullatees atria have mad the same trig) iax, ie said the sane problem of e.scessive delity .a plagued the hospitars one ex- perience whit 'the Health ITuiistirI '$ lielicopteramtiulanceservice. lit: .IJ, now Singg, hospital chief of staf comumenteddiattttftemoE hilefeffis” goodtur gel;votes:"• • . The. WWII* u turned over to the 'Thames'y� ,'a/i �, • littspt�,,i,�eyii� -r • t s earittitrii' eee enti�s Qt nia1 J' 1tf). # ' 111 I:art assram, is intended t carry a ciftic'al care te211111 laandbmto)pirk.upseriously iIIJ patients at outl inn hospitals and tt ansportthrunti one of the,malor headline ' hospit. Grossman an satin this area was chosen, our thenrojectherausecifftheextellent tion - ship) between) Undo instibitions and their, co unb rl� nxtffesmal n tbwrts: