The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 39teitag000f i40044,, Wahromitey„, Otimostior 24, $or---imer • dilindiumuirdivelliiiikvositusuiliplirsdlundipiiteditingegannouunsountilkintliwibningiouonotom pionundooli ilkuuddide linitie Si164 lii)itetation how, Imo dliw MA nee Illisamplow My- louvotnevoylieltionogie,Confellerrust,ituunsillimiloinkokiennylliiniikAnniatinuntio OW - omen Miny, Am& Mint mg *sae 'firtileitter. W* Ikrow dite inlay Mitigate lidisomw *ow 26114014, loadfor g& Sigifice 6101916 SialltuAtlikitliAldirMiiii Oh& 'Wats mei tittillNkiiiniesdlowilw IsitaftwiW linderMang 4 SikiiiitylliVonntin;iondleStlimogionnunsfuellholikeinismil Illusiedier nit Ott eloinissin uovonot mgIW Sim dile Mk Illingilidlindliimilifiellieniifwinilielfailaionve Sow ilt , inn* AMMO1iijjiglinnint 1111161100 Sr* meg Man. Seimit, . •EW Y'fjJ Eine en/ Suva Mug. *MO dug* fligt: Whew atriuttniet =the he utrig acne dittiaiftetWttly •Ettd1StlikA&Itreedievitzttwa, infogninit ET& stlt' "1, fitn, ware von •V 1b? Vat** atettasie,,,addhaosain, titiceg 'sla& %tut skaw ti 402,Y rissfrttievotift tu; &int die deer uw,-guegisitutiestnte,iltiiiitir • itir got ay/ voti@ tb) mate are qtt- `41*7 &air I volU you; arnite me suitgt* die one itiaJ smolt amt 0 ean4/ • twthe store an& hat* Mike wok EiltittrifW The Itearvix store havvng, till he o liuntlitte tiiromer6i0 '11141S4, Matto W(Ittlita "Vitt siitillila crof!11 IYi' &rive re& outterisie di/ ittar y;41tVagitiglOtrOti. VIOlbffdiltele 'yaw go) tw the sticeti • "Sundt revrtedt Shesnith ""itigAik mintatnz., listeicittatie Vwwitign• ahour ticashl•Alliftyjdoetyoulgv-the Allot ane go deo sJit tieffire you; goi1W shot& rettryourslifigfttitysTheadiett ytittigettfI lit Vciot voilt ii*ve; lit die diiiigsf) irc your steigjii WI* ((bulb 1,vrc give dirent coo *hem ytiterre there itisteztV Of aiming htieke* "Dazes, geedi gana reviled, ttipt- r thitm thlr ;it the • far giater Ainentiong,,, ClifiStOltit ' . p ifieltinntastiiimin city kittg, was glify Miry ame Afiseviilutete two - ening no akitaihnfora, Os) die wgity, 614 se& gitiggV awe the Mary &Athol-1th, Wa& Codrs4oicandisitewavuaeall hike IL.sug Wheathregreatheetrce inn) there wag) Inv ARM, stiv couviewenottkirre ate die, resits, wag, tionti Sliegritzt&Avereifieffist tip otottetwoletiitaLl'iterrtfitee iiinwdarremititfvffit&glitite lattS- thrgefs, egine Atid .statw clot& th, him, Ala egnie praiser •,1S) we cerefinate efirigurtas4„ ,w some think &that hist atrigna morn, aig whew Smug, wag, harm itratikersfaiterio dowilitsratenatielL Minfarldligo srattdk, roe Christ:, the •Etitrip:, &int oft, thiv. crav If *ogle die havinuess, seSus r.ive W ig, hells, drat \' riitw V tbr their fiat ru rearm hie ieprt that t€u their froag, riglor the dim Waft-, dear Zior Is air. Wearer stip med. *Wait& for"arnc1weezi .the goat s, s ;or ttte where the was Nfortt. Gesitisla t3 -141 Vativit atitkier cal-striorestosok a 1011intlilkihmioniatrain 1601111fir the Most i'mgortintil arrstinin, i tib Slam wag, hum V wall tehl van a stury agS4sunrs> There wete siiegfiett& &tn ftds,, wasthittg theft trod& Arai tici, •saget off the Ewe appeared wesaietostikeitc. "Oita -not, thrighritiwyncgooeitews, lit •eider:wilt there is, Ai did 6eliatto*ntertiv4ionersAwlie TheSiiegriertafrogitwetil* stir *that atdIttitur tto gove their • &Muer 01(4 Itwrrti9 * eturtititteereife, • toti,),roNviirreptiokjitgiiv dt•e ,`!' V sure disz Mining carnii/diA gamut ha aghtg, sue huilitting tit atictsmovnietrareairfint V *At, ijoing eaa that Av, otviinag,•veddiarsiliscott catiNtlidesuldkt,slit. ala awl*, calor thingok The tree is, something veryi, tow thaw • airiitinag, Sankt suing ate innup' mole things4 "irowsigo,vut Enesent undkrmhettee Lealwaysteoi& nving varqp lgver5, funk • tau, eta, Ope inevertitt, ate them grAtieS4 grave, glut eggaoganerraktre, mote things, t' Love Chnstritagr . Graile5raittitowlitiitHitt CtirtriaistachkrelL 1111110.016110 tfrAMIEVAIMIt Ammo* SW 4