The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 36Christmas Is...
A lime hopphoest otti *Mit,
attittatto maw to me peopile oboe *
• forattarlosettityot,
litemearther hvilpy Aiwa atth yoi how joy.,
Amok eiMeriet;,
Ciiiitaili40 finhy :knot
1The oat hero Sethletient,
A (toe of lt Amino, iitg sod
lit it hit **en you obt to twill sod in the
mart* tint *Os 4 potteins.,
That it wily Chrtfottato,
110010111Opponohltolfin Stool
Soots Item ready al * gm,
Gat, ltelowleer,,
Moog The ori *NM
i eget so, Mot
nve get it& set the Cltiatamat *At,
Ur, Clifiataitt *tit, Siikow.. Please+ •
Ott Aol sintovert„
tee* ga, Merry Ctristartis.,
' Itinatilittinr*
Santa's rein are kidnapped
aolitato yet /
oat. Santa awe 1
demo the chimney *itio
Skein wit 1 c sente
&loathe etasseyany owe,
it ter& 166 ittlitte# fit pit
tit ftteSt16 alartet the'
.Cikeireatat§ *ate,
**it the pretetits17
sad tte Mistaint* tate.. 'I
newer get togetentvat aria -
saw *to r keeping these
' Itot,,w *rid' Saata„.
**lift for the chrideet7
'Veva 1 lane * present
Attie' asted tie tree,
tight7 saki' Soo* at
tong as; year kore due pet,
ento for the ehilirtti,#"
111,17/saliti the tteeAlte
anotottet tree stint, *ye *II
gift* atEdt &Ott Sal rose t*
tfilearistainvtreet, The tint
al* Siitritey*
die nig* *Atm the rein,
deer *ere mho*, *the gee,
sato 4 snowy nonottairt
tame tot* stage rthere
reindeer *ere tree**, fre
toot Outer. aid- *weer
*tray; • •
to the inormitglinta got
*eat &long* ‘the eat,
. tiftg bimiser,
teen, .
said 'en
-Ter.:- Said Cup.tio,
"liitteret`e •
Stall Witte*,
There **s, ito &mow_
'it:Alone& Wheteis Dn
• "TirostartfaitowSatitev said
"Aimee *heft ise Oink
deer Thee ft*sdswitte. •
Sim* ego into the &sate.
Santa Italia
she 114 sees &neer Aid
thud% sod she said ack
The neat mood* rats
and avid *tete • gone,
"Whatarewe going tO)rtir
anted Sawa,
"rat Ong Os) car the iCe
patto117 Mr*., Sat* said-
" %%The whore village 'lag *w the ter:I' Santa
Santa it vont on* have Dinh-
er toot Vow& mod tirthreat,"
atteth the etet.. They kind
no *nee 4 the nokisloid,
tehoheetil/ eagate
I* lieu titylikffsi., Cart
roma* tAadeetr,, tvit they
*ere sick; They pot t*
the sfeligft, Thew
1 SW ite-ntto tit
stadvoy iiiottattiat
"telt hag' shid
"eig tate lb' ta
• 'The telikteer iisoted Me
tfityliadjaattostaped oat 4 a
"Boy,?ant lighted toseeyott
Santa,. 'Utter' and Parker
• • lrateollifitrv,
Wheat ~of games, evt,
limes**, Su tt itad tni take
csei tie Situ* Lid
flame lye the 'wood **hermit
oat and &west it fit hat he
&aid** get &Duet the
The Ilegave"faint* hand
to& got him out,-
.• .0 4ICW elf said,. "Sams
roof1ke weight' And
AS the •ff1,1-.- said, 'rot
better, Santa,' -
*I pest I better," So that
th,y Santa oorkett and the
*ere packed into the steigh.
rt was, eta* to to 60 stilt*
tottonit ge I* the stod.
caret gee WO) die sted.
ifavitg, fried to) get hirc
ita, They 'tliciuittait kethiiin i.
•*loess Christtra*rvitt be
•cancetted7 Santa said.
L atilt putt it.7* So
Sant* paged 'the sleigh tht
night and iost weight.
•1%e Clikeatty.
Oate upon; * time Satiate
was, delivering hit, toys.' to
vrent rium huue tkV
biaflhetarne ft the list
house Ile went dons the
ertivtutez He oat halt way
doort often air of * sudden,
Sage *lot static
Km. alt4the efitsweie,
*rid t They deeitled they
*tithe g Woking for him,
And they 'dith..
They otott trotty houte
they codit think tit tto sit*
cit fit IL
"Hag ITIAAA7 Sti,tt
—•--•. Rat
*aid gale eiset **Mal he
" 1 Oak *we missed one
toriase," tits. C., said, So
they *eat to the lionise they
*rifte 1 intard Santa
•cat, 1147 iteipf
They decided to In* Via
get oat.. They tried and tried
brit•they•anklet gel tin
ifott, AMOS( tity tailed oak e
owe.; They did ie At hoe
• SoSamadeftteretithetnyt
fa the mg the nett mortaiti.
The gorg
14 Coot*
,Oace ova thae., Saw*
tad the aloft weteatetriag.,
Santa said taakestagi's
Wed betotr
harry op.
So, they &I, The Ekes
hitched .the reindeer up to
die sleight. Snot* said, GO
They came to the
frovese. Santa glt stacir -
their ranernay. The Reindeer
paned and puffed but they
coattret get it oat- •'
They -tried again. 'they gotIfl
Wont, Santa was sod:Mt. he
,asifeep, eta, the fily
11111f Cowry
thtlata Coma.
Mitt artatraratMeasos
Christmas trileglil, the birth.
dam TheSavitsiriwas,
it a mitt *Mt. • animas
around him. •
fa a gehittear Setfillefiem.,
P oor Shepfierdt vottnAted
their tfoeh„, *hen, att aatget
ativelited fruit heave* and
sat "Ire:toad ott 1St,
night the ally of Dtvo, s
Saviutriii &WC tut loilt &of
him is * manger."
three kings. estaeolt
crenterslairtging gets 4 vtd
to, the Savitiar.. And above
their hes& ro*t,* star *hick
feat/anti to the seat& *hire
bfaryir4tebitIttatlesnt,, the
sea 4 the tont And the
east Booed berme him and
that vrat the it eforistmat‘
Liegommi Saioad, Ilohosoiy, bromolhar22, MC—Paw In