The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 34+ 0 4.11011106 • lit at eutrote hums. they Slr go Malt hut the Ora* ww frair so, they wentdown, Stitet. Son* wootteredomhy the streetitad that none. "'Mona assuddetttheY weut cower *tor* Pattr.c• gad zis they were wing cower the Strt. C.. had troirw. Then the tains startOr fight so Mrs,. C.. coasted theth butrattutsheftegot she was goilfg ogee the Falk so then %fit. C.. frit * dee. • litattlierg SePttert therue deortinent got dale &oh - OS' Oat and snnedthe (Tow tom* Theo their** nun, aloe let theta etude 116 Ater have at death and * a* stfutach.. The en& tyarthunishothaitio tandre4thditsittergot mctifillimaSitty Stkeyandfosetthltaidttogo to• the etty urt,, get count& After their hog fonthey they were thett ttegftriedthlotiosikep,ataw init. • nuirt no, Eton* so, they welt Ur, the satire. • Strity_ tan. *teeth* * hithist*itythenaost Thew* sttireativeareitailkonwenture bay !ail& tie* aribeirt came thin* tuarititg the terst "The stetthento. *ere itit00thieth *that the etitiir* . sate "iftwee rti4,hrolint eaglet *tit The swine; the forth ins; hiem hentaittheditfuniiiiiiitithn ..406 tot fidg- vitictreg —SVieifitoeCtleittroilio*liki& gees' t itigfirst vitte WM* fibiltP treat* retsitt gitit, raigniteen4z,, gptft toEt **rite, . Oen the shregtheirts, ow& %test shiftier ig tie oWserger; *kr triett &tat& thettestetrettigaliOike hahy boo tit, be .0throt go to Bethlehem Mary and Auelgt mooed from rtreAt EirfOt, 4eniteS,,,SYnionnOtionsiL Swatifflefirwano The night before Christ nos Santa went ttv his skier t&, cheek itt VIIIhert he was - arid& 416te he saw &id ne the slavverehrtire. srparithe fad was, doter and mstother we- • Inette out to reed the reindeer_ They were siet. ads were the etut, ite cough* find arty utethcine for them and the steetheeper dilet fate any Slei* skit That •year' (laird!** atter have Christmas,. ' ithAyltatiii&atnthigo . ettnie4illithtun . trafatinanthatjahlore ttwattistinato mooing my &ther; Oat* and tortut t� t **rig toot& Oa. See what a , *nth trans, haw, hroughtus,„ Wept*, taiththe Opt that have Seen felt 0 tore goring presenthl. ilitickhreakekellingreadc the ettristiow *ley die et &el fibre 4indliv Awn todirt 000110r **0 leek& * itenuwagitgairdos40110. jithe4.200.0raveaethe gour0; 'Eft eat. eff rat targethig, Xt. .wevotitrititieararigm • " skipper that' 48E-, Sifiltardk.' ittaittbd4afettetri Ilitirffedvidertierakithrieyeake- • I gigidigiaiitakt totediaceninitilling cluenierraingAntioveuti, anageourthet **0* rot Mot Clow fend to, get there or Sint* was. ernbar- rustrot Then he couldn't get hi pant. 41,11. reirtS, CLIPS sakL"r.et. the Elves tiv it' • Seittwnsmore crattorms, sed.. The ae!o tugged ana tuggett arta his, panty rip pc& Sort* had tw urea' his Wit red ones, ',May LImre some iteherg ire create- ashed. Sin*, •"law fluty:* ltexs‘ Cow hreatfist Santo• showed the !dater the mop, Yeti ritve to to across hete and &yin bete_ NOVO reindeer Were One tit * Jog with the 046., They got it hitched upt. ta=4-1-6. 5-44.14_ argstroftrifieltdie sk* &het rtroweL, "rot suety &Mtgbut we danythltrtakv* said the reirtr,• deer.. "Why. eget sone ?'O� &it it list year and tbe yege • heforeandstotere *lotto, cro, Wm- ther" oaf Sainte. Yourte just WO iltdf,.:4' Sat buronhig." *Wig yowthink Vitt hig son utast he mzy. rtte sraltaite,tfrototver,--v • -Iliwevodiediegfiretssil thevrtathygooketerhattit drit" 4sgettelitatiete, ' "'Wet trues, *tie, jiggett ththitife the sk-ighi, Swim stettethihig=ruttlit4,1Yeketottr m fame the• s'etitig St4thefittefirchigitatstriev., Erverq, I %Mit. tratothar rife oitie to go roe' Is jag. stiiit the Meg - !Wm, Mat, ease Stine • free.* the gitoargit Shittgo:Ittg Certtte- 'vortetec Saito— .‘$/attst *ow diat twitireri ' cide tri, meg.. "Olisolleditetrotthgnote * driet7 sag& Ms& trans, • •lorde• vine ponired, often he got hone, trent day waw christlicaw- *in* *it • grea., Ire hint on, dour& at 4 Leglionw Sinahns4 1Wwilior413!, Iribovolhow frig at going r& oft, No. trouble getting hit• i rtatn$ 'Mot night Sorra wns hurrybr* nroluid lifrest wild horse_ "theshaveyougste*y- thhig tegkrier° $tnitkr Sid the EiAtes, "Were aria rendy." Soon, Sant* was iw the sgJL 110)4-71-6,541-1.0 ettst Oft ierry thristruts oder Anifyinwe ettifeiLthenwatitsiinilL ik*witheiltedoireivaorfigeft Oue utenting at the Okftifr pa% Sant* got up r and Went tO the reindeer_ Ve opened the crow to the reindeer and they were siek, Santagratled Vim e..„ root the reindeer ugs, Thor San* =tiled b elnev tiao come• to hit& "trites*,""F saidt, *1Ere reindeer axe sith- *ll yoin : my, gra rend0 Then) as sons as 11 get the pug, no • hitert them Santigotthepotsbutthey &et *mere, Santtegntrunfild fidettt, Mkt prisoeff•thm reittditenturtdgetbetter,* Satin Mrs& Ittst. C., At:esti:wt. the Lth 1 lionnt,(Nege me my pin tt the reindeer "Ott Sinters these me no mew reindeer Etatk' Stri&-tratts, - SIN 'Orr *X 'awe An guiitg to, dof witfutow where thef ate;:"' er-IstV4, l'Irtfrtheiy are StotiE • • "Irttintscialtifir, e- ruts* ns, have pm. Wow the reindeer' ens getup to tri sreigrfL—' sentewag,sekgsiatfitirete ptirs warted.. Arne Sado lost loam Sill Mire two' eaSeecged ct eeee ect ecgeem eeect c0 e aaaa este* cg ect aaa eee GI cd e• ••e (tree eaaa a eaecte cg a a e cg e a.ea 0, co eaeactea a a, 420a aaaaa0 a a 0 a Jo aaaaa Cr a 3, .7 .3 Cr azaa a. 701- a. a ea e ea (gee (tea dee a a 2 CiakaCtaa+3,4ZetI Jacra a, a e•0t-ct ar cr Q at,1 a a a acta eeea troa.a. a a, a- a a a a a ff zea'aemat+e aaaaaccf a-. aa aLlaaa a a a a...zauca .1J a .3, craaal a=a a a •JJacr...7u1•.;.3•a 2 a 002 J a e C.' • Ct LOE 4. • • . e4x