The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 26y• 1111011/111111 y woman takes therapy sessions for hand lariesvie Wodinindfay„ Sionamolive 1 104110W0410 Lott illiensdloy ilttbnits Lowilits desk Mt OW) ginannins lab the pilaittor ant sentssoedi fenny I ier nigint font Vediswing savory as ley &sok the fang gag &mom wate is die east as Ise Oatttiittr, Nreav /op tliv • SariC tt.:*' 0.•"'*0",'tiftlaititaitt§eatifidiVY s'w' 001, aid tratlitiitli Pett westt dint Sant Mts.- oivroges atm af tikirsy Lott wee* die &gam 1640, ditagorme was tweet Mitt Leeatedl ii13 Italie off the 5421113 stkettt Ott Ito autt =USW off OVROM atitg age§ gime tike fete Stffie,219rfalZ aglit ifirge •stoadkr5 at die Dieu& Elketkrie if= .vtuAls- eat! tile Frig ginte doe Pads att tthe mans as- ttenseetlinv FtvZeta:- * doe ekettie wirinw ante repiafingd &Os waw Taw MO and Sedie Rem& aff digt votuuktenil (thy/. dm wells Wridloy„ gig MA, &di) off die adlifek Mad* stag Saadi the coct,detat ad the vitiate irWida3 await* &slim He edit.* is tbe *Miser Otetti 61019fgie anti Joy *Leas Nene ene dne antine* entsesing a foriVit tirlsatass§ peannate- . Mir theism* dinner lint Me, fli„ Wits dile &OM Whitby qr 1 11;1'; 'Riese !nadir andkuldiatt now cifinetiary, ketr,glitivitiiiivikatsistuontly ithdilteasfaittedi. am ambdas- &deli saviie far the was reamer Mae Valdes', aff *Relate We, andi Ittim rant Ain prettimisitig tier was liar &Mier awe ant tittr sister %dim laav What*, The Mate raw Wadley fiilinly was ani die lint mtessints east is Sum laving* att the ear -- ser inn) 9) and at is the awe wikeneSaliwandi Mims SU- difilhanynnwiliVe„ Two weal§ o thUkLed- am cti k Stit ]1).) a t4 L•MallEedi die atntlittr Aff the ki • Agin ftUra,tiaittomvoifitarsttotliiva pittnneeat Stunakftrfinnte in) 'rime* Titills Called/le tratittittsw, dtle off the See Altos; off litho gm as die gig% agase Og siothetrAiVIMPaiiterithtailt eldittoil* adailtg tfae Inswing Inforasittiov Orifig-Ipargiimere famitmear- Ssititylrapriliamot ftiortitqy sat", omega* dirndl Minter lido*, guilder OM*, CIZVEVadik) Mtt* -• itur Ate MAO f‘tr EIMIery Wodii OM* WO& AIWA, wort 66(ditii, 0164‘864, *goo wit*. imilitikibistp tag*, mit* thole! jimtbletisio .101#uciwt 14011$ quitigi• ° 1111111111111klarelMailgvillegniliffiribleVe leiVAt Elifilettoottilliititgratrini soft*, mem goat*, dodircoetwa 11 d! tai *sib*, iitm mittvitetterv,«ttr- Am) all fake fottlifedisiti &mod! rundharte Mai Mitfillitt*, Cagestesdlibilhignossitg give %mimic car issimett remain*, mill enditiir eanp1tt MI4+ iirrawrimyourmayielsweivill) caddie gamialwarlaiitsMagregiffailesograllo., Ariato dirgedi rims, giaIiotiniN, fiv !alit* rirmiutitetinvatiAlltypetttsgemitinimitiiiiiinAteikv,Altiliit4. gficlieti wtettrikt ftetitl, thentaimtv there rind*. ett,:. AterlieWlitglivenaTisiimAteetiokAt-117A0 Cittett Falzittirga,tt gam gri; tsliths511111giprtri WWALCCE/PrreoigitiAMMAII4SiSsirsiti.. Oar! r Itayg Contdias Air Pewee (Mtn is whist was' Wane the Ilite War, Ile gm* a tank 611) giEldift -the eanfiy warning' thseivSnediaitstaindivithe blink 'it; stiff is we Wag - Am Ms it was; awanditdi tosInednktileglEate„-t ine "fat rt. .1141, mike Last weeliarI1glair& passed1 away att dame as die Chneessinna midWay &Atoms and lk was iv hiS &wog sty itv ILaitlinsw paw -miter atnal/mutt was in) die Sts' atil) rathiss eliapeilandisoingintionstat ike .iJiVCo' eenittril Cemeterwilurantlinnwi, Viktdiseldiwaftternbatsfts Plfttfranti, nurse iv die linspatalitsitairievinitkddlietr atnatirmusandiMSWW v:se • • • rk a*trialyuieviersintittow , agat lint rather Awe! • 4:: et die Silo* line &midi tomes, r4iwcAurtgandilifewireitiling- int* and! ARV gittrift Sae giptifsr gangs die midi few die -Mole"' Plat Ode' elati& hat; vette Mary and irxte ow the gentiS Eine *se east of die riff- • dentill read ante &or tilludis nantfeetgititlyr Irwisraieealls ,i9Alasttwettik, ittlinktasy and! the fine writiltieiv 4SWu$ the at! ftes tifatedidi West co die ItealtdigwatlielidttoPligur earStfet. /Beare • ,t• • ' •:.,earwases- e'l tiiisSreealiware trati) Jiginstb4 tray IPithar„tleargelfkleakiikus Vettentatogit„ gamey' Are akin" Paakitk,„ Sa4d. tikvaitebi11 etae ilitaIiitk Adis bkidtk, fratiinsols ant Itadi wadi, -••• • 1111 gady.1UrJ evening the tine aditstitiewas3 bliswfsg *nit visa throw tine as the gek) Cisme/14w ot Pratim ehat 6g ffielg6gptiOtg laditssow rat& IrelhOinne trentilewasespaiamtediandt it was &tug inapeesthie itet the tadinpti edit& go ,%•loperstatr ear at &duty and, the e &Awn here mut here attre tits) ot the Endow &Aga Att Utast that see= to Ile the owe titr Iss. nd edL &mum respond: - 10 ti't • ' Mbritfil agig, nn: Sd' evening riliocv, thew* tt6) r6ndtlatfititig five ditshitoodithe Jittitifiphause- the ham at W., and Sow !bikini§ and fand.*al P avEast we tit tivinstimag brothers Vilkwat„ =tali/Intl and few rititeray were Saw patting nv the , fora nor Th w two tiik, d .• 11) 11151t ,t ns is itipVey IBPM*, ,t mew die ifibw Ma* -eninrititiistmenjoSediahg. Cliviifinas &nitr !iv S. kV- ⪕ Eitiitedi M& hil, ifikreanteatag swat tilettakisAvtire - Wile 'everang a0 nos Pimstistteriate Chard al fine patlinde sewer vas Witt it was &Swat rost the Sunday gefinatfintisecaiseaneent tottragtheargae atoi*e, 114, ittlet Chrisbaid*Iiik 'quaked - weir ZIT, ro talk; Mir* Madly 214 2 (9k; gilt Vatter Mt; (VA); Theresa 1 Zift„ Mirky rink -mod 2311„ (6941)41intoit litorinsana 240t (0) ralle Metter 2Y4 (6113rAkiraineireretik,202 Oft entry lartennutill 229) .0234);,, &elite glidfarra 11X, &natal gliadV2N9)(618));', randis&or 20- Rtiy, tolkneit 2W Mb) raaelltg, TA, (151k, ran giant* MP (Mr); itatliv &dte IOC Ttt OM; Jitatv 1aris2Sknusg1iters1111, Woi ' ;,t..„ t _,,,,,„......14_ ci, "1.4.4 , i t.1 , M s„:., t ,1 if ;f:11111411-*/ It* ) 1341A3 iliV 1.. yill01.1111‘ - The Most Priceless Things You Can Give' Often Cost Nothing At All Fremater lite mod ritestingtitt gifts are Him that awe Orm locar fagot Here are fa vials el =wave fit . 61:11/ outtlnqS, of your .. 6 ft ' • p1it ttv Sorneone Wt O) will] tlk thethi inthu grating; 140 gmet) tiewittit1 • hist:at:1 a giving; 0 nephewv ataice asit fbr' some . . . • 0.1everrnisschancettvlettaichild OF kit' timng crbaltinq 5 6 0 Visit the 14itimane 65.Oietl# and aotor art) Orph an7 an Iola VOrite letter ttv the editor, en,- nq.his:4iews • 'Giftw aJ packer of ftric: scraps tbr ' cgolt1n0 gpandi- mother. . . 7 Aegr urs$ home:with al. esslioard and Oh al. ten igo someone. roi. 41sm • When . they, beg fOr -one more stbry." say yes: r hen teirthem th•e greatest. stb.ry ever tilt ehr Give'a Mend the. Secret mope sna'S. been angling% for all year Shovei voUr neighbors side- . waks. &.9 11 ECK iO 11 Give , . lkift the bon' Ott att.* 'whew 11•W ,ay> itts tittle • • P got up Christrnas morning; and your alarm) • ottielitc says ifs only three : • Ntalft the first Oft open% the Pr. one with, the tiedraggle bow! waited 80ottn, toe and r1ut,.k'.: • erd-up per Arid' watth your chilits eye& . 11 in. somethinq y,odre void; at', 3. PetsnligeaNEW?$-146tth 'arle.88ons, _bread baking * rititthm poccold, playing; A Glue soniecinewho•ciatika-all Pat Weal*, clitt Worn 1:irealrftisrin bed tb.ecandelight•Onnercreatedtiy,' 11c, dive rnanyi 'hugs. asycitvcan.: theyfrq; warriler thansweaters -yotirmistletbe 16 11" Ser pittoes ar the: table.tbr those who. might. otherwise bealoneat1 theirs lUse your wheel§ to transport a those without tb. Christiras. Eve. se.rvices, e4 a (_k 4..4 114-11k 341111 (7. 521t2S22 • • 1 „Qr. PI ,,,fvf I 1,2# 4.-L1.111, , ;I 4 ;1,441%110