The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 19sports
'149 ColaNO&
The Lim* Midgets 'tied
Ayt to ia at vane Mond* y,
Deees er6thstt the lead
chat •hid& mitraley,, �,
Lrtnow ordt eyed the
opposition in the mrd period
bah had to cue *ow behind
to gm the iie.Daly ;e cellent
tndffi the Ayton net
kept the local :boysfrom
gang ,a any,
Goals were scored by I'm
Gilmore from :Grant M> ,'
terry ''Vat ,tom f>-
morer Todd Zrteiie from
Una, Shirray; .Mark 1.andrY
from Gilmore and Alec 'Wena
from Lawrence Cl lr.
The lads travelled to How-
Demagom 10, When
49111111610 OVIIMIShar 1.1A0 1942—alle 39
, Howl* ,got sweet revenge
for the latItnow 'victory in
pct meeting of the
year, whining 7 -fir.
Atthe end 1 ' the first
period, lloccw k had a 2 - 0
lead. In the second, Lucknow
scored their rust gisilto
narrow the lead 2 - 1, Ina
wlett repfted itrith a Bend
f6 o. ..
01 ao good
cad .rsioyd
, 1bo.w,tame
alive unanswered
goalstendfheperiod wit:a
4 - 3 lad.
The third staid
til dile 426 • mark ween.
Lucknow .let their guard
dorm and allowed Howie& to
same freely. They mated
elect ca
I c
btis Invitt scor-
ed from Priestly ,and iGraz-
With some •momentum
building. exactly three Min-
erte later. Dan Gilebtist
scored from Irwin and Mc
gine. In just fifteen seconds.,
the trfio• struck • again art
Darren McKie completing
the platy to 1e the game .Watt.
While both . tennis had
good Chances to break ihe tie
in the last ten motes, the
gamic ended ,a draw -
This ,game brought ihe
-wain to three wells., two
losses and two ties ">w with a
geniis against. a a Atm. A
five g .. o- streaks/1N
beornrthe tincllausdaj!
in .Tiverton.
The Ltacknow Bantam
team 'dig week .elected Brad
Pries1aep a~s captain. in. Brad's
hockey shills and deification
to the game mike frim an
excellent choice.1e f .Sibson
and Cln hwin were Weld
asrsdstatit cdptains, •
On Friday night the home
team t ripley. On their
first shift the rine di Irwin,
Gilchrist and .McKiim s-
ed' the scaring., but the ,ltd
wag short tufa and by the
end cifthe sleepy secondav
period,Tapley had :twill op'a
4 - :I lead_ .At -this ' paint.
Ripley seemed to have the
game in hand,
The tt3c that bang* the
learn back was al Aunt
flaDded goal ° at .the I/59
The Inclatow einkuns
Cargillagainst the
on Suaday evening. Tlx:
game was fiiesonse dote in
the fact gat -the':.
only eight game " sthe tre
Despite their lack Of play -
cm, the iitacied a
terrific game_ They masaged
to keep the Cargills down to
two girls ilwastglto t the
match. 1tag. the
Outlaws end not sem to
Strpany Shots/0st the Cavil
'O Vere'.Very,
*nee :and mu jvt t ecatttse.. .
foci in 'they wvete very
thort : Cargill is one
ofilretoptearns theleagie
and list year lovhen Cargil
defeated the the
,score wwws considerably more
xmale:d t-. pittitoittil':a ..
t !emend n e ►at..t. ty
Mike :t.seemed tn.
* .gam.with energy
iherort the .game.
'est week Ostlaws
hope1 he back- 10
strength and tad to their
"visaing ways_ 'Goad Intik.
their wing ways
Alit 1f af
broontbaS the Ilati way
mark, all the teams are
bidtriag' Ort spot, o,
(4, logre&iPtie ja Ise
C.1IFLD Jk, foals in Math
and win rr[e tem
for the Mrtriber One *Mit ill
emir tebotatoe cionsiovt.
Ambits - tlt .ares the
Atlas damped lams !4
-d:The r.Sears sneaked
past the Camas 1Watriars3 -
p1 is aSink defensive nor&
Des :itedtlhc
3s 1- 1 mid tie
G••• trovotert,Apped
souring both goals_
s gripped piita Aad 2'
- 0 and :lgrave -
e;r 4 - 6' wilt tail
Walker g three points,
Argagirairs walked all met
L leans1 -
-Web Go "%sin geting *Mc
— and Gary 8geeing twee points..
ragthee Liners blew away
Wide lords, - 6
Arttrikl reuse's three points
and &ode:kb Oarsmen
dumped lii rid -
cis 3 -' + w
men* tiny gork
a ,
three goads yin4iiielttime and
the final poste was - S.
laadkndw IOU Were %Cur-
ed by /mom
and two assists; Thant
ray, qtr assists; IWO Wan
4, two goals and Jirntde
Gere, samosa from llatgliett
and Clio&
The Midgets dyed am
eshibitiena game against
Winghtrm Sunday sal Al'
though Acta handed with
only mine skaters and two
gashes, tfbey meaway wta
;win. •
OhaarrerIedthe athtelosith
ar lw tt#aeAe tend at and tthe
remaining goals for the 1' -
win were scaled Eby cGiymt
Murray with Otte OW And
two atstrt ; refry Wan 0s6
with tt 0 lyint Murray
With (oma pal and gen *An
C 11 with nu smart. •
After tthe Ord Mord (af
play, NINA= d a 2 - co
and 0 0 0 0 _
the second they smart,j„
sin. Wena Isienitottan ibut
the flood Iwo [hail Afferent
(Gilmore scored two gags
to d the period 3 - 2 for
3Vitigluom. Two Minutes fiats"
the ti , Gilmore
scared swain and a !minute
slater (Genet Elh hmay
the twine to .
the Plea ffor The fnut *mein
the game.
Wintrr mil With 31
Minutes triartsilliitoz, Ehret With
L1½r a llfti t the ,
ion Murray ifnund the thin
fur tthe same wrr'i t„
*serveThe Imo
ffot r � wt+hta.
(On Monday '
9 it inky,, the Midgets darn -
tell ar 41. - 44 tete.
In the Tet , colo
IthegkinHglutiptttie retto4-
o for tthe
in tithe second Ingiind
may mated in the Tina
rtranide (efgilayttott eat2--m
ilezt0 Ana II mew eid mot
Wind the east, wi i tfhe§ .
Minute ittatit. lifildmay at -
Ml vraiilt (twodamaitt-
n Ehtd;
seated seginn
Minutes into tthe
pettiod and at the tend lithe
puttied Itwas t y3-
II.r1dtnow 2.
'The tfli was al try
that laglautsv managed tto
store the ff cart two t
tthe and a iur-
cal csff'tthe Witt. With 1.221 Lk t
kan the ANI* lialwaver, ili C-
Mel/ lid a penalty sthot
mord agaimatthem as 0-
rnaay anode suedaha tthe
porton*, eav the Wittig
made at -
Imehnow'studs mme
Gaud width two and
tone miler; With cone
mil and Gam statist; Chad
ti4latranar�tiht e soil and null
doe monist t ,