The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-15, Page 15weddirrgsr lattfaav Weisesistyl Masaoher 154 ,12-4age 15 Hthieyi$om irc Ibiltsts Mama Past mil AIM Irmasedit10*wale meta it "imittlege StratititY, , fZ 1.111 paw sat (1 rtistfir Sheet tliigetl Chwella, . ` f e 3!firrttaaar > offiegskii at the ad* O (newest*, t'ite . utile 16 foe •diaglater of llama aril Jew Mie, liattlattow Aral dee grams (iii the ratt Eigle mil fast Ade 4 tlrmma, lams l:�aaaiy, *ideal of the sai amtsas of Imam me >fr Citter,stlitiesal the gra" arm bait Stas, Gaeta watt saham1 by Daft Date, Itimilaw far gamy armor fir„ r it rla rAplatw at the Wile, The Settpdas Ifillsolft fae eratittray+rytit` 1aieli mai foe .eitletleb 1"tra alktp Aker s trahlhis alitt$ Might, fee eta * WdinLucknow. Candelahra tap- ers, btar dy z*d padg rose arid Wt. !breath ate the Crib tor the ge of Mary bytin Cayley and Kazan Zirdkanlott on Notetriber 6,, 1981 '��t,�r , Warren is MC tYlf art dee + .iering etre/may, Organist lingua Sewer liCayarptitheel choir ' boy, Bah Cryfar two solog- Pa9ra& of the bi* are 14r, teles, tomCay- ley, lambtow, The groom the non of Mr, artd Mts., Gbethatt 7aerikamiettof red, lis Ole bride, gites its .mar- raige by her pared, wore ar titer fetigth goon di tvline polyeAtr saga with ed et/lot/kitty eiighog at hem artd diffs anti sysitekift aromal the sweet, heart *Maine Of *et, Her ftevretp *a was, held itl ;tate by a t .qtly asereil vat the saw embroidery She carried a Attoth d1titetty roes mooed plat roves, • Casty tosviet and Debbie Moot of the bride, were staid and austuat of &moor respeettvely, They wore two „ horgividy Payr;-, featuring w gathered elbow kng spa- et and sem, They misd *Ake fans deem/oil with pint tad yr, The gromawore 4Wet tied°, Mt hes* man ivat 1 and idioe. giestt iwere lathered fry Atom i-firout.astrl Dav- id Cayley,They AI wore grey with grey velvet toes and tae.. • A Iftamer sad tezepdart at tIsocksow Co q Centre, The otatatrdl th Mostreal acrd 011ebee The bride stadl grossi are residfsig tatere May tyyme it coutOeftag her Ottstpatiessi Theraw at Woad College, is a< gratirate+l' the Crw$ lEsigitteerisig Tedisology coarse at Molts* College, Ziatitrahma Q10040Me* C clover VaIley 4-11 ehib beghis Iioinemaking projeet lirtlister Mayotte ,�y *as the Itoistess +'� at her 141010C for tlw first meet, ittg of the Clovertat 1 dab, IAmotti the leader of tlasditris itedi aie x. .12 lad her nal stat dataghter- lV .1 -acts awl . .:... • .. P. teams di Stratford sit the weekend, *bets treated them to die legicio p hal vooPPer 1610' ell " eve,, ,��/�� (� Mrd. �' ., rdas ltat% 64 ter draghter and rad 1 ltdoCartchemamlthei f ,y tif limes Reset saw., Oka fights Athirteltl tom, araltbareMeramdamsii-law, *Wow 5fisley kris aiti family.of Astraeli Toms* as Saab*, O . latesaty„ their „ Dart, lag 112rawer v claws to visit with her _ soil es We ,Mrs, *obWs situ- ter d 1raJ drar-�r-laws, 1(., mond lobs, Aga hidtglitin Li ar+ael (hopped tie Farr We vinbike $ mrd oar tesstairiliemilS Mr., lobs, rat bltesilfter mer the airisal of Akar see sae, lir., sad Mts..1 , g taaistas of rte. ass the gravid grastpatests astl far Mrs.,. Atka Campbell di lisitimatv V is a5 her fact great, great • • • There sill be maw nil the tract Wksr be tarry as lams that 1 t 1Zf- eta (oar Arm 'egomania*- saffesed t way heart 41 aa estele o seas seat, 'awd itr MeV ar posocatar M1wt Iter tam, Hatay Miasma's -ofy Uwe MAI ber au the v,. • ow Is The Thne ALL OUR 2 Cars SSM NITE Theperfect Chnistmos for any: A nide settee,- ifo° choose . frau in mated sets or singtie wits - BsyN�w asdSave "s rig t! Now' all ow 1962 Calm are going at reeky/geld prices and 1114 Intistrest, uead✓y a December 31 19112, Les Petter CKNOttif I10iId10M ontgomery otors Iimited