The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-08, Page 28r r s m1 •_ ouch news Lndnew Surd, Wdaeaisy, December 8, 1 2b Murray family celebrates Christmas at hall 19Maj 1e The Murray Family Christ' mas dinner and party were bdd at the Township Hall. HolYrood o. .Saturday_ Mrs_ Deers Brace (nee Martlyi Rloody) and sore of Maritime Hat, Alberta flew borne have, on Turesday be- cause o-cause of her brother Wayae's serious condition in Univer- sity Hospital, London foam - lag an accident a week ago and her grandma Dare's critical contrition. They are with her piarents. Mr. and Mors_ Gerald Rhody and other members of the family_ Sympathy is eatteaded to the. fishy of the lathe Mrs. Chide Mettle) Dote who passed away at St_ Joseph's Hospital, London early Thursday morning. She suf- fered a stroke_ The funeral was held on Saturday at the MacKenzie and McCreath FThe aunal Knlough P§ocosttal WM.. ladies field their Ciuistnas banquet on ?6ms- day evening at the Embassy Restaurant. ' Kincardine_ Fourteen ladies enjoyed a dth ows meal. An Scharr- water cha r -water asked the blessing and. Bernice Courtney garve each lady a scripture Weise per- taining ertaiang to the Christmas season_ Mrs_ M Qnssttea- sten dosed with waver_ Mr_ and Mrs.. Arthur Phil- lips of. Foothill iisit ed Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Maulden and Keith_ The canvass for the Kin - lough and District Bible Society has bees cowed and the ttieasm er, Mrs. Frank Matilda' forwarded the amount which was S397.06 to the London office. Co at alatio®s to Mr. and Mrs_ John Ackert of concession 8 on the arrival of their baby boy in Kincardine and Districtk Hospital.. Ms. George Gayler of Miflartnn ©sited with Mr_ and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Lois on Saturday_ Mrs_ Fred Page and Mrs Don Gillespie west to London on Friday to attend the Child- ren's Christmas Concert that Std Doer was participat- ing in He was so pleased to see the ladies. W.L.Llmlymoul The Holyrood Women's Institute held their C'hrirst- eras dinner at the Mayfair restaurant, Lackuary on Thursday, December 2 with 14 ladies present_ The president, Mrs. Lorry Eadie, welcomed evreryose and the grace was suing._ After the debcioss meal the dueetor, Mrs_ Orrie Gin- , grich Presided and had the ladies try their skill os a Santa in a jar which the president wan_ Mrs_ Ellwood EEGarttt had the tacky chair_ Each lady received a ccedy • cane and showed a Christ- mas gait they had tirade or had received.. Mrs Gingrich gave the ar- Celebrate Whitechurch woman's birthday By Valetta Emma To celebrate Mrs... die Mor ribrays birthday on Sat- urday ware Mr_ and M=s.. Hector Peados, London, Mr. and Mrs.. Relearn Falconer of Sarnia, • and Mrs. Isobel Tris of Lac sow_ The calends sympathy to Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley Ratter and family of Wingluon in the plug of his father. James Ruder. last week., 'Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ratter arose time resided an the farm in 'the Laagside win idty, mow awned by iMr sad Mrs.. Ebner Haff—am., David Ross mined home bum Calgary on Tuesday. Viola is ay - Viola Irvin is speeding a few days with her daughter. Mrs. Harold Finlay and family of Wagtur area.. To help celebrate Leslie Elliott's second birthday at the home of his pa, Mr. aid Mrs. Paid )F76ott and Jeffery • of Brussels were grandparents„ Mr_ and Mr:. Walter Mott and Kan* Mr. and Mrs_ Barry Elliott, Ryan and Kyle. David of Lsttnwd aid great &ast ma. Anges Mott of Wisgbain.. The 4-11 leaders;, Mrs_ Walder Mitt and Mrs•, Anode Pardo, attended a training school •Deoersber 3 and 4 in Teeswatter_. • Mr_ and Mrs Joe Duch - antic of Goderics were Sun- day viskors with bear parents,. Mr.. and Mrs.. Ekay Laidlaw_ Mrr_ and Mrs.. Aha Fal- coner and Angus Falconer spent Thursday i Landata_' A sa rprise bi today panty liras held kr Cassie Falconer at her home an Saturday evening. Present for Ake' ooraaias were Mrr. and Mrs_ Kevin Falconer. Mr.. and janlb�r'eo '83 Mrs_ Alan Falconer and fay. Mr_ and Mrs.: Armes Falconer. Mr_ and Mrs_ Wesley Trema, Mr_ aid Mrs.. Hector Psrdoa, Loudon and Mrs. 'Isobel Tdfir, Lackaow_ Mr_ and Mrs_ of George Webster. rsilled Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Terry Rslaedge and family of Asbsrn and enjoyed a Christmas dimmer, as Mr.. and Mrs_ 'Webster intend to go to New Bruns- wick far Clair' Lias Oto Tuesday Fred Tiffin accompanied Wilford Crto- porton to Ostiaader"s Funer- al Home„ T>lisonburg to pay zespets to the bee James On Wedmedday. Wilford and John Clipperton atlbn L ed the Elemental of the ladle James Ratter at Tiisnebmg . iLC.W. Os W y. December 1 the _ O_C,.W.: held their 'December reeling at the 'home of Agars Far- rier_ arrier_ Panfi le Adams led in prayer_ Mrs. Minas Moog read a poem„ If (lutist Had Not Come_ Mrs.. Adam led in prayer for Bob Jay and his work with the Canadian poor andy- Muriel Thompson lead an article by Patricia C1adk as how Christmas has become Connunetciarmed and hobo Chris' ton' give at Christmas because God gage.. Mrs_ Moore gave a hum - mums poem„ The Plight Before . Cirisst'as_ Mrs_ Chapman read tate m antes and sled the 'roll cal„ aaswtred 10 will a Christmas vase. Mrs.. Larne Dwain coshed all a Meny Christians.. Mrs.. Cliff LaMar; Basted the hostess.. The Birthday Tea was tbta *banpa 21 paper. Murray W&en„ Ross Osborne. George - of God- ericb„ Walter Arnold„ Gor- dons Struthers, Joyce Dins - man, Dianne Bross. Lar- ry VAleneirve. . George Web- ster., Evelyn Splaa, Mr. P Desaray., Dann Cameron. C. AODM Rom Marpos- ald„ R Atkins. Murgaret Collyer, Doug �_nJohnstone.� Ralph Henderson. Brans� Helm Jobs Emberbm„ Har- vey Madan, Mrs_ EYael Webster. Mrs_ Jean Brooks. Joan Purdy.. Gloria Mes- seager. Lyme Peck. Ilene Greer. lin Reed. Jane [�&e- t N Shirley Stanley. Mrs. Family McFarlane. Mis. H.. Storehouse, Val__ Hod- gins„ Margraet Moab/ay.. Ted lLl ai u ,, Dans and Lynda Crsram, Lana Sanderson, Putter Bremner. Fred Dwain Slatamon Dsarssrm.. Mike Dal - bra, Fled Vasseia„ Betty Los DN - Mast, Barry Elphirk, Jeanie Mr- Pinson,�Gard Cay yi N %a ons Pike. Wast.. Keout Geaaerd. Paella, Liz 1. LN. Grams Farrish., Larks Fairish. Mrs.. Ross Whither, Brim Jobe - stow Roy Havens Donald Mania. Glen Martin„ R. C.. Mactemrie„ Les Petter. Deb- ra Arnold, Jeff_ Dire„ Brent and Kevan Deb Eco Gem Barv\and Rad„ Helm Case - nose. Ti yL, Mo;, Keith and &zee Raymond.. Gfer Olson., Barry and Rod„ Mur- ray Wilkes, Tracey McDon- agk, Betty McDomagh. Mur- ray umray Wilkens„ Mrs., Jack Cam ran„ Mrs.. Jack Curran. Carrie Wagner. Rena McNair.; Rema McNab. Murray Wilkes. Id- eal Austin Murray Wiles, Rosa McNab.. Edgar Wat- son. Kama Gamut. Barry and Rod. Charlie McDonald. Al- ba Barger Ernest Adana. Royal Balk Staff. Gram t Erck- 4 / i. Barry and Rai, Brest ',Nilson Maicia Mc- Donald.' cDonald.' Bismie Taylor Resat MeNabN Prat Bailey. Nancy Butler,; Patti -Lon Irrarim,. Louse and Hamel • Hackett Dianne Brumley. Marg Wit - son, Doug and Joanne Allan Elmer Hooey. Rena i. Muria J...Lee; Linin' Rider David Hausa. Estee and Ford Cmaninglhom., Barry and Rod. Elaine McTavish. Lorne Cook,. Manan Cook„ Juliette and Darle>ee Harasasl& Lois M. Mon. Breath. Campbell. Blaen Vi lsom» Jobe F.. Harris„ 'Madefire Bea& Lula M.. Jat ts„ Amite Gaunt. t. Penand int Gam,. Richard moo., Or - *ilk and Grace >Er:1Kttr.• Bac. sey Kms, Chris Km„ Kay St mer., Mid:ale Kuntz. Barb LAN Russ Erin. Et- die' Hesston- A Jean Hogheint. .. v MacTaix'isF.. lady C41 fiQg,, Rego ��-�'4 F T -w cliffTt Asc. Staudiew Beira rts. Noreen !IL b141'11 • 111;1 Mott, Jackie Van Osxb, - Irene Haldenby. Marcia Dawson„ Bev Balt on. Garry Ssttes . Lanai McQuillan Harney McQ» Brenda Toadlcaai. Joins Emberlas.. Terry Hodges„ Jack Ackert_ Dos Huffman.. tenial .1.. May- bee. awbee. Cbf Livingston. Lorne DsrmiuN Giarre Bs¢1inm., Elia:.. Pearce, Morita Cent - mei. Bran Boyd, Keit& Hodgkiason and Barb Head - eines. Brwe SAW Lyle Manson. Gerry 5¢ka3flk„ Kea- netb Reed- Lise1 Qsyslrr• Social OW, Kest R";, ChB Ihdpeimay, George Wilson. Floyd Beske- Wayne P it- o:kw d, George Moffat Bet and Betty H. Brian Rte» Nliie Jobmsiros„ Ron Austin and Liar Caliert., Roy O. kanninsika. Lino Bosmm. Sarah Homer. Matthew Homer_ May Swam. Barb Swam. Salaam Swan. Sanwa, Mike Swam. George Aaaleassm, ales Maims;, Bead Theausom, Kathryn Camp- belt, ambelt„ Debbie Salabnski„ El- eanor McDonald, Marg Steam- l{ey„ Bows Vara D. Nasky • QatiinX. Grate B. til-: ler Ken Hartrrsan Ron Cnatss, Adele Recces_ Marie and Wiirts Brinaley.. Bob MaM- ttsb„ Jerry Exams. Lit lleNTagg., • Bob Bal kse igen of some of the age old and much loved carols. A Christmas program Was presented by Mrs.. Jona Scott, Mts. Frank Maulden, Edna Boyle; Mrs- Harrold Smith, Agnes Hodgiurs, Mrs. Gerald Murray, a cosiest by Mrs. Charlie Marey, a reci- tation by Mary -y Boyle, a Christmas peeing by Mar- ion Harris and readgs by Mrs. Eilfwood El iortt. Mrs- Lorne Fre, and Mrs Wil- liam M- A donation was made to the War Memorial Child - rest's Hospital is Loudon and to the NatriGasal Education fund.. Cheerio bones to min - ember die sick and sbatins will be dchrercd this Christ - mai Many surprises were re- vealed when the Sinshbie 11 The Maw To See Is Gift Exchange took place_ Edna Boyl invited the atm - mince is 'charge of the Cheerio bares to come to her home for packing, wrapping and getting the ca=ds ready. The director concluded the program with nice though to remind everyone that Christmas is -the celebration of our Lord's birthday_ Reoeaty the Lute have held taco card parties and social evenings at the Holy- rood olyrood halt At the frost one, the high prize went to David Elliott and Mrs. Glen Hald- eaby_ The lucky compile were Albs_ Wim MacP6ersos and Bruce Effiott. On Wed- nesday evcnnng, the high snorts went to Mrs.. Weir Eekeaswvlleat• and Glen Hald- eaby_ The rico lucky folks were Harvey Hassltos and Mrs Glen Haldenby_ II 2 NTEE 3 BEDROOM Mears, " Capbsl ' Sfis.f, Liebeemr, maces miss, spacing Immo ad ~mg areas ruler 2 bilis, Meal fainly barna... Vander aaafd cansii, ratiwp- 0 D11NGANNON Mersa b.ir:asw 1m Mims, Ivisg- • mw and Ada. mow slseilc Msig; suwytiisg an wa lanalt. apprs*i■aisly frim yams .11.Ideal tstlbsnusnt ASHFIELD TO WNSHM 1111 sass cosi map, 15 ariailds 1911 ACRES, Miss Tip_„ 11111 wababit, 4.1miswr+ 0 Mins, bs.l bum. 2 albs, fall pantiniss, ti.et bilis limn ler nils. . 175 AGIBES, Addialid Tapp., denim ands amp isnd_ HELD STONE icor badman Moms, as appik.aJ.d isy 38 saw nisi a vwriabla, sags barn and souse, Herni Tsrrnsblp- SLAMS GROVE, Mrp M...wnds Irma. sandesil IW~ 0 sdsiw 1 read ass byim • WANT ADS Ywit.r al the Grog Ikons Rad OM Mrd '0 If gm ars sib- ssMilsin be)w airs, andkoll rat sins V or =Nag gra: prepoity, as nill Ira pima/ fa amid UJ'WWTeII&Te,IYZi. Zion PHONE 5 !L R. 1/2„ LUCKNO! . ASCD TOWNSHIP - 111 acne Iosd airy Sam dine In ll way 21, SS De urn" sand hidings - creme wa- and innikkamy nem. Tessier will i M neer.. Peke , • A,SHHIELD - 1116 a Er-„ lead 1■es1N LSS sines wer„in nlnn eeand wen ya Mb year- 72. Two wsnir}■1 rleaiurdti. Tunis• MN kali a motpos :, Peke 111911,111/11- ASUFMID 101111W, 137 arms knell imam. silty sir beer„ Nuri iilr■gs„ iM wadmile.. Muer aia■irlind sass;„ essssi< leis p agerty briar F..C.C. nismilme al' NI VIM. Ire UMW TOWN1111P, ►„ 115 any level titin seesinR some lusher- All dere. TWO re■eirysl Lasa. munigage arsaillie fir SIM at pn>tsriswre pike Pik MUM LD TOWNE! - 111 sows. ti'ad balillies,_ issaadialnak GS in 71 wanlaile.. Mindipine TOWIRSIBIP -111arrnrse icy, wig liond„ GS; assalnilleruns 2 bsvivssnn bsagpris,w_ Geld bay as MAIL HISI-Maur well tisalond lima, 3 inuirms knee and wad Limn. ,i winidllIm. Addis 11111541111111. Vend rwa I kola nondiughe tar 1131111,01111aosf» rind& loll„ pored inkier„ siondesk,, nen krisesnit. Duly SU Ant + 3 ■s+ %„ 41 isivoo■tsb paved Oldie,+ hint_ attliotsitui " gnaw, win dent„ rash Indy miss N -ie enamilay kris. 305-2/1119 DAVID IllimiLmoN' 315-21110, litilsL Cfqw L 3