The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-08, Page 20,fdglttwr Soo WI, WoistoOrpo It, Ripley 44hiubspres.nt. awards at achievement night 411 Amato If ter dee Agstrolteold Claios mow solod fry tie Epley Agetat- O t Slay ova UV e Mileyt, 3, 1462 it Ise /Vey Dialled Tris year, fir the tint a iret twos tom; rained te try Mr, oiSim Cecil �!' Srlt , Some f is &weals maimed wide tie smear. Mos Goole, Forsideettbe of Apicaiarral Satiety war the s Prigitlas- tee TI Cake *Sewed ley a reset le ie areas sat Camay lay Ida Gook, F le rss tMre di rer, ilia *IS be- half Owe press , tralr e pat alss seat s a* week altale « esropowitat to fry Ca& Marto l eateodiedi Moo Gatrile to all etrlr 010111160S for *lift tbe dodos ANA ase male. imatt- wile, tf tDe dens et SIP ode, ars eifially s tide Dies rbespealA Meteal- irwgibeelMs, Attits tire tee iatailseat the Modem ' P i Ease, 4•H Comas - stow helot of woe of . tbe eek: Cly 44 first ter arsfra to thio years 4411 'malaise old. Seetateloteorso4ArerK, Oat. loolookeof Owes Gar* de Over Dolor .0 apt E, He stelae tat them trt lees *1 % amplifies et stars irr Oe away fir. 14101, le eat fieess- gestaletotatMieereadpeas es Watt of F, Jam 011itonee ono peorseat- Whistop,showrnaueliip at Teeswater elms - gig i-ttos> t - aim mos aw iaeisg mauled doe top silloonotaathip stag - fiats at the Terserater fail fair. ?e aorati 10125 osealotd at the 441 mot. siglit 4 T.e+eoriwr, Larry ffisaw iieGot year ote at Wastent U� iso Lao- eloo, tAt Te'last week postosattero was at the IA Thotgoaso Goad MOM ptio,- gram at C.iC.iYGX. Aloe doe Christmas Mow wIlsettatroratortit bot ++ Dwelt Weir framade &we Qelfay has Ire. awardel loilotaesenEeelgtoy- Moe ramapelitio& fie had s litlid4Ulliotheloperatere oat EMU 560eSINS dirogallooliglaspee Chits Dastey-2220 . Stalk Dyer -2160 Skittles( liiistseessettIO Retry KialresiveeflOggit, ibilkaseeat, Uwe 2A, MAW- Wilbata28,4-2V2-212(104 Sawed - Property finers and Tenants. Harding Of Assessinert Notices Bpi+4191kitw(r fffe l:7U1'gie r,009v .gri rogis lJsmo ari'Dt ttoroilkswiimg + + I , " listaild iliftoittitofasisfissof rMranili�ceii. The ihtr'rr6, lhrrtroakt lite 1at'eand it "tram. ere, .9'n'; ,0', u;,. u.n Ho Seimions fr4tAimsezlimttauleiltiosit *4%r realriCiPaiktd afrordhoGnitetagrottbottot.tr FRWenst&siegsrrcent Mike +, , tt*illl prtgeritiramemateratand are 4 r C :at t ra3 -, a, , d a�llll h urea Irr 0w, pJ Assegsmentnaleemiairol imeako6offejert 9663mawim6albrittrailei ere . o �Jiitf'61 likeffingiii®-jr'a'D?taxed iiittormtionov ottyaorAgseggewit th FIT tiffeilrformatien Qin± Residential r Properties Insulated PRD col oar Mace arew.orl rad -Ake uPptlz < a wyYMy,S mt a ,61y' ROOS Available For-Review iheAsgegaretifffavolite apailbtireer tr.-46tiewiattloagrq oscarmi pl. tOw diong freigiow gitteptErggeoll ItYou Wish To Appeal crx - t*ai arfirna W Y MilisOry Remade Arrtit1 .-r ,9' p,,pd ViiefighlW Rreggligtte6 e:1 OM. 11 riffaiclUaliftetbrra •14,gierrONITt tditherefodfostail atroggstrtere tittixerabirta rl o�n':� ti :..• reftc i 11tuRRil amt p�a�tt'19 a i AgglagmattEltawIlififtzeioltett- Siettrrt it6154itingtrrtti to tite RegiimailAzeggillett Moe& callitivtitgaretkOlittefertlilig, azeggsAltratirrattioAGri) .1 0'1 ut Nava if rite Irteilierfereet,tt I (5114100-71,16 it.1iC.,I. desivrMli.wn.wrc..i.Gwry d, Mb Owe _j air We, A. for the temoteirootof 4.411 Metre®, f011as,log are the tetetts- tt'te larailivad dee, Vetere y tL`Irr sat Dr:Boyad lost T a lay the IteptSeatt0y to * tmealati al* the filigkeat gegetia le the Mtge! e>1< the Adepaleo, Esotioe Vetie y Ir - *taw Eft* opeolleer (Ilikatry ear. roma _ pieta ttie dee fektiava fee* the treftey Agetteiriat Vet. beets to Ake drat year tmeadorrr with do loigfeeot —s mite§ - walletISO.- oey , II ni Stilt4 rtire� d.i ste/ s leo aripeotril set *a the toeriret *Wier limey meowed Key Atka olowastestfoy Ike Sit 4 Cilliallefti MihittiP. eN rov* at doe tteii atioratirailk frore fresestat the loam lay Dm tette from dee Oats& ftodaiatry eet 4 Ag Saw Cletle leadera -Nasty stoma — °go Tie 140 Awl et arepley) taw toy to toe is a meta er letibltse *ma "gate sem pakeeeetett We Mealy The Vf, doe At:W*400e* Dai' *rets . George lifeleaosot1P te>- woo 4y pow Ile tetire *Wet et'Anteat rowels Arfeievcaterit Day to atodei destote, Cearatsey staes Moist tar Ole asestaer hada Cram. Ire leatiaaw Cat *. Oat Aiwa to tee aittrt' die t malt for de 0101A, fano *WO *vest to itif Abe 111114161ff of* tile :t Ike Satet Ott, Await. to etre toefidoer wide doe loft( kept taw* wee feeeestet0 Slaty alba r gilt *ONO s awow doste taw thew esti *iv, fosittato how moth meow spooVew voctshow.. CHEWHEACOVANTAGES KER 4UNW 0- ,0-EASY100+Ett' p' o'.p� ^ <•^, ,44404 Fel -new yti�w�7lM'r✓6>f'Rlys�PV{��Sr! R W ft iliAiW 11*'WORM sirmitaw „list mow „-MarkettE Atte COSISOSOKst NWS siotirEst'Esaidtil, at, VOW �°i"f”: