The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-08, Page 18r - rpley news Sem Wedatiokoy, Dootrabor $, 19112—Pone 11 It's looking a lot like Christmas m Ripley Sy MY On Tuesday ev week the first Chrishros fightsupshot were -turned onaft* George Moo - Along the ■ they always add a cheery lobo to the *Map. Nieces Demme and Betty Jeer McLean put ap the cal - aired Vats id - .hy t front mons of the store, aha they decorated the for their vandmo- Mts. Jen- ny MclArs, On Friday mor - nig Rod 16 and , Mott brought the Pollock Electric. lad- der truck doom to the mai n intessectica, Using,t the many dead boas by the two atrhsgs were replaced wilt new %. So starting*Ifiday were righted. Meeh of the main heron Flores Mid has the big win - door at the to her hair drorifi parlour + decorated with itghts.Sceachnightbegins t d hristmas 11114311n 1 s 1Ui VMS aday tora�'forit short sleeve weather, O- sic it was fie ar real tom, day ice the sniff. only here was it th t wary brit a over Ontario' from St.. C tlsarrir ess in the smith to Moosonee as James the nor& Record teMperatlifeS Were At noon hese: it was SS degrees Fahrenheitar f► degrees grade or Celsius ,why ever you prefer. Acconing to the dig- ly paper it was the tame in downtown' Tomb, where d was a new rod. The real care set en Det,3 ,,1,15 wane F or 10.1 C. Farcons- poison die xz - prar are for lie - son, Annum so Thoomby was 5 F. Rather hard to �that Ripley t1 ., was Pea ketlittihOting factor tto this resnatiabie spell of mold weather ia 1 1 cloud tower. Today, Sends* itis. ,, the same as it was es Fri, day, rim* 0 trios apptr layer of Miura tiro& at tee miles hit and a scattered loWer layer d thesecinais clouds with lower ones drAnt alosgiw a smith to North ked orer 61r.a arrrie bratrear bosh d , Bolt today the breeze at gaited.leve is horn the north instead ill from the south a oat Friday- Hence A is coder, 4 - Mrs. Pt Moon Cornish was ablito retorts laorne to t Thinday from University Hospital in larod Aso MacDonald et the .Pinetzett Mawr liars* Bonsenaffinladratiorspert the weekend with lona' MacDosaild at their hawseon Malcolm Sheetitu LacknowrTT E Messenger 4 the a �l �*�. intersection �' llama ttor - bird east of aglow 21 i holding ars open home erisptay know- row ion rrow Dee. S for the County Tartan. Mrs. Menserger works with Mrs, Ireland 4T/y`��er *1 is ti* Enke �l.Y-----� last week in tA' stated that the - lac Jahr D Morris Of Moose Jaw *a n a well knoiwmdui here. It should have stated "a w - EI r Joie Peterbansgh of Brescia Ilai1, Wedeln lkolversity irre 14n.spent the weekend with herr pareatsD mai Ratty. Peterbtoogh Midi sister lark, On the last weekend in November Ding P, of Harodton oras bele, dame+ ` cargest Mrs, . Dianne .Gamble reports as fob Skaters w I Do UkeSies! Tow arsiromws arri Mud' st Mon Grimm ata Cal PAT r 521141122 or 5 2S23. Iron the -RipleyBoron . Skaitiog Cw.arre competing ii the B dame corn this year. There skaters hem several elute In the area pa- tici** in the 011M1:0411620 in the Ifikkoaor flan& Compiles this Sy Dir 11. Ev eyoneJ is welcome to watch mod give our skaters encourngernentl. Prom Irvley y are W1$ Shelleyant, - Jeway Burgess, and Vicki 11:55 am. - Jam B Christine Corer, and Glenda Gamble;. Zig pm, - Debbie VairKates and at 3r2SPi.M,-Kathryn 'd. Last "`furies, Dec. 2, 11t4 . A*0ar Done of the soortheastbo rydH tone* Maple Grove passed air J s Hospital as Leaden. Bons as b►irrcant re tosonshis on Sat, Sept, 21,r ISIS she war V years and her pared were floe late Ales Stewart : and Aida Smith, Also the wain predeceased *her husband Mode de A Dore a former reevedthironTrip,, hermits Frank, four sinters and two brothers, Surv—siog are he two daoghess.. MO, Mrs. Barrie Thompson Wills boundary Savor and Slerieslfirs, Gerald troloogh; her four scats - Short et Berrie, Did of Dorm* Cecil et Berrie), and Claude tt RR, 3,, Te „ alto MOgr chddrsdrr'.a& 21 great grand- cluldren,Thefoseral service rvnae at the MacKenzie Slcereafh Foment t Hone in frapleios Saturday afternoon Dec. 4 was condoled by Brace Aitken. 1 factored in the Ripley cemetery. Sympathy is extended to a farm''altt1 lime. CHIAtfrieresiitrit night The :4-H Achievement Wight far 0* digs sspon- std AgricaltmalitRipley was tornbitied for the first time! with a birraryir+dt meal for 0* ardrdeelain et the ilipley highschool last Friday evert- ing. It waer�firl mil wren ] r 'r aurid Mrs. . CecaSottonenteredforit ,Morar Osborne in her se- cordy o'the Anknal at the'University of b , waw Prelented with a special plaque by the Ripley Agricultural farthecompletionof Schots - member in her h as a 4 -II -am. U c Maria goes W J 1Ca for the firs report on the 4 Simla Chas Iso "Yes '1r° r"; Sauna Clam wry visit the Ripley CommasiiJ Cestre Complex at 2:2S pm, onSaturday Dec. IS - a from this Satombry mal - seven days before Christmas Asa.' Ildlosald of Smoky Hallow is Barrio township en behalf of the Ripley arced District Lions, phoned Ah Wykis on Mond* mono* with the god nem, J with t Lions are 0* Legion, the Wiremen„ and the &oration Iy Needham), son of Tim and Dorothy Needham. et the Nth concession east in Taws Or pee SO • 1 'M A CHINCHILLA r ' VOW ir e roatpawistar FORS INC P'.0- Sift 1521 She, "C" r Kitt1 e , O i mode Mali ro . ostitsr osow'_ _ _ II til Om mod fotill +► kpe is. alit it + C. sw r4 ; rat? ar . ..41' r 1 freme, off a irwt 5—nl sprive of Spalie • eagle* tot* at, 20 : if rowilkwestfr if air u� un fki* , mkt*, - 1 itlikiiAteaf dbr avid a' 1 ____„00e, .fit J mhs r. loos) , rWQfllfl um, 4O'C 'lair • "^? Icier( iFliJa agol yAllmt, �'F y tarriRr,1ICs goon=efi+ew, i,'ta are robe u►r . and d gy t . _ , r ' - 1 . — rani ice. t j+I ig awe of i foreost ; — ae85t, (k'ipart aim ttu� a tv1 y it aasr Now Is The Tiine! ALL OUR 1982 Cars i Trucks 1 likurest BNowrnu4soe Mars agile ' Now ail nor i982 Cars and Trocks 9 at reduced pry and 11 *% interest oritgomery �tors united