The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-08, Page 4news. Presents waste management study to Bruce county council ofrase pane 1 population served, a public hearing may be required before the Environmental Asses- sment B. Recomummatisfistas In 1982, twelve of twenty-three active waste disposal sites in the Comity of Bruce requhed plans of development mid °pent - tion. Depending on dae fimal waste management optima selected, these plans should • be completed at the earliest possible convenience.• ff these facrdies camot be trought up to and openfted at a "minimum" acceptable standard, alterna- tive disposal sites should be used. If used 4.0 serve increased population levels, all existing disposal sites should be re-examined from the standpoints, of hy- • drogeology, engine g and environment- al suite' Wily. Some sites requite inigrading and may require the use of spec engineering techniques if used as centra- lized disposal sites. Several proposed developments, includ- ing the. Bruce Energy Centre and a • National pa* in the Bruce Peninsula, could become major sources of waste generation over the next 20 years. These develop- ments should be monitored, and at the appropriate time. .debills governing the handling and disposid of solid generated from these developments be resolved at the. County level. It is recommended that theexis' ting Id landfill sit O in St Edmunds Township continue to operate, whatever the option. The site handles a significant quirntity of solid waste from local sounxs and may play an important role in the waste management systean of the County Brace should a proposed National path be developed in the axes. The estreat practice of disposing of • sewage sludge on agricultuse lands should continue provided the appropriate govern- ment guidelines for quality can be met. • Co -disposal of sewage sludge and solid • waste should not be allowed, unless the sludge is first dewatered •to an acceptable =Ware content. Those area municipalities now producing • sewage sludge in the County of Bruce should develop axitingency plants to facil- itate the handling and disposing of any sludge found to be imaccepatable for land aPPlication- Option 2 or Option 3 should form the basis of a waste management plan for the County over the next 20 year. Either option would result in higher levels of environ- mental control, improved efficiency and reduced overall disposal costs. AomnniifteebOuld be appointed to, formalize a waste management plan for the County. This plan should be reviewed annually to ensure that the basic serviceing needs of the County are being met. Waste mariageinent study... •ohm pagel, September 1961, to inyesfigate the legal and • practical implications of Bruce County muffling the responsibiTity for solid waste disposal in the county. . The committee has been advised by the MilLstry of the Environment that Bruce• County is the, first county in the province to approach waste managenient in this man- ner. In this regard, the brmistry of the Environment is closely monitoring the activ-. ities and results of this new approa,ch to waste management, Should it prove miccess- ful, undoubtedly the Bruce County system would provide a model for other sections of the province. said Thompson. •The chairman of the commit: tee advised council that it is imps to remember that the consultants' report is considering *20 year time paled. • The report has been deliberately designed to emphasize the long term problems •and • potential of waste management in the • county, stated Thoripson.• The report contains three options for the county to follow and these options have been • reviewed by the county wa.ste management •committee. The committee supports the recommendations of the consultants' report and recommends the report be, adopted by the county council and the recommenalions be approved. There is definite need to continue the •effort of the Waste Management Committee during. the next session of county council, o• bserved Thompson, in order to prepare the final recommendation to council op the methods of operation of waste management and its administration over the next 20 years. •The Omninittee, therefore, recommended that the Waste Managemen Committee be continued into the next of County Council and that the members of the Waste Management Committee still on council remain on the commiftee. The committee also recommended that any new members should be appointed to give proper geog- raphic representation on the committee. The committee went on to suggest that each member of county council take the report back to their respective municipal councils for study and distusskm. It was suggested that the study and its implications be brought tir the floor of Bruce County Council for disc ission in two months time with the consultant and/or the tormistry of the Environment staff present ,to answer any questions. • One Tax Load Is Plenty! Why Ask Por Two? • Pi.f, s1y.s speed gees tis pay, for community !mice* and benefits wherever l•!' ASP, Whall M be to ouir focal Morerry' port et Yaw Was gio to pay tax-srappotted serifees and Ihesionto at home. Epos slisphi the big city part of yaw lanclks go to pay, ber nervhxs and beneen fl THE •BIG OTT! Whalen mese, when yeti dap otat-ed-town yes still have to pay • •met IN ADDITION the vissney n eeded far those services hese at how ha mre'wayir ems sae, les murt b dm" at bane. • Keel" pert of *Oayes, speoL.S111010 AT HOME The 110/1101,:yiwilytmirctaite#4 LUCKNOW SENTI 115I.k lacknow Senthel, Weesda, DeeeI, 1962—Pg4m 1 Wm. A. 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