The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-12-01, Page 7editorial 4,3 • Lachasow Sentinel, Weds**, Detendier1, 1982 ---Page LUCKN beikamer SENTINEL "Ilo Sway Toner FoalIsisil1e73 THOMAS A. TH'IMPS°14 Athenian% Manner Businessland Editorial OfficeTeleplune 52S-2322 liaRing Address P.O.. Bus 400, Locknow. NOG 2610 Sewed Clots Registration Number05417 SailasettplisssitufSIS.25neryorksaitunwe Seas, Mises nue.,1412.75 pryer insilvasare • U.S.A. nail FastalsmialLOSperyesatintivanve Sr.: CIL USA. sadasseems,1136,11111paryearil Whose. SHARON 1. 111Eri - Editor PAT LWINGSTON - Office Mager JOAN OEM - Coutpesitur MERLE El1JOTT - Typesetter Royal Commission a waste The Royal Commission on the Economy chalked by &inner Liberal minuet minister Draudd MacDonald is a waste of tine and money. The economy and its troubles have already been studiedl to death. What the country needs is action; not yet another study of what's mon& By the time the Royal Commission completes its study of the economy, it may be too late to implement its findings. The• Commission is nothing more thin a platfonn for MacDonald to show the country what a good prime minister be would make. Being Nene Tin eau's personal choke 10 succeed him, MacDonald has been given the post so be wTh •carry a high profile going into the leadership race. • Instead of a Royal Commission, the woolly's economy tequires adios. The Government should be using its deficit wisely to create Work for the unemployed and to stimulate the growth of die stagnated economy. Use deficit wisely Canada's national deficit mounts daily as the unemployed and corporatious who do not realize profits pay less in taxes and the cost of social services for the unemployed and those on welfare rolls increases to„staggeriUg proportions.; The Metal government is reluctant to sfinudate the economy or provide make WWI projects *cause it will add• to the huge deficit. But the deficit used wisely can result in emplcrynient opportunifies, industrial gzowth, an active economy and benefits for citizens and government alike. Canada should look to the example of Japan.. • • Following the second World War, Japan's economy was in ruin- But especially in the last dozen years. Japan has raced ahead to new levels (*economic achieventent and may well be the world's foremost iodustriaA power by die end of the• centusy. Insportaut to the Japanese economic strategy bas been the priority of fun einployment, the absolute refusal to tolerate the economic wage of umemployment SICCOutpanied by • personal (listless. The Soffit of krta has applied ptie whis ensure that the natioisd economy, pub& and pisrate, generates the neeessistry job opportunity for its people. It seduces taxes to enable aid induce titivate firms to • invest • equussiost it spends *nosey os pubfic work% it gives subsiefies to firms toward the cost of retaining and, retraining employees whose former jobs -no losiger exist. Enormous financial costs have resulted- During the period flora 1915 - 1981„ the gotretinnent bon -owed more _ than 30 per cent of its expenifitmes., an wane atrial deficit equivalent to a S25 billion Canaan deficit Bat the strategy has been successftd. Useruployment bas never been higher than 2 per cesu„ the minimum that an be ewected in a free estelptise society where consumers are • fire to change their preferences, businessmen can change •their productive methods and workers can change jobs.. Theassist ante to private • firms has brought about eipansion and modernizafios of the comutty's industrial capacity; the public works spenefing has cl• eated supeth systems of highways, mail.pays. public transit water iappfy and sewage efisposal, • The enormous budget deficit has bees followed by the kid of master 'thick acconfmg to Canada's finance =1:aisle's, are the imeritable consequences of such deficit' s. • The Japanese isflatio' a rate in 1981 was 43 per cent die growth rate was3 per cent the prime leusfing rate was 8 per cent bosimess firms were able to borrow all the mangey they require for efire investment Because the govetssinast del all its borrowing with= Japan, tube debt incurred was not a burden ow the countrjr; the interest payments wale "made to its own people- • Casa:Sam should also look at the diameter of Are Japanese people., No dosbt the primary reason for thei• r spectactdar ecosomic performance has been their =left- eice„ difigence, self tfiscipline, stroug sense of dirty and ty- •r•esponsibili coifitiq where the work ethic seems to leave bees lost in •a sting,* for doe most firsanciMI gain with the least ammoost of effort, Carancsais would do we* to leans from the example of the Japanese. • Our government would also& well to appy the ecovromic policies which have heels saccessfal is creatiag the dustrid giant that Jams 'is today. • redtrees • Saturday, May 4th, 1844 Was an eventfal time for both the gareteW .Dunam MacLeod and Captain Ian Jamieson, for they were both mutirk on that day., Jansiessin and lis bride Malice's Hely had quiet private wadding in their house, the General Store, . The minister and Mary Mac- liteszie were wed at a very impressive memos* in the church. All in all there was a doable mason for the community to make an excuse •for rejoicing and making meny. Be- cause of the lack of space indoors, a clearing in the bush was the place where the people gathered for the wedding reception. it is not, of come, a thessy occasion, for few people could afford the loamy of fine clothing- Amt the crowd of shabby *seas how- ever, two people stood out diamonds on a horse blanket- One was Mary MacKenzie, beautifully =liked in her wed:hag gown, and the other • was Neil Maccrissonacm, dressed in newly acquitted— with the bright •tartan of Clan MacLeod. It was a warm evening for the catty • part of May, but these was glove:the- less, a dull in the wind. People • gathered around the fee over which a whole pig was wasting. or mimed themselves in vigorous Highland dan- • cing to induce natural wax to their • Stant/lag on pile of newly escav- • ated stones, Neil MacCrimmon snr- '•veyed the dancers whilst he piped. He was a prottd, magnificent figure., Seng the joyous notes rills filliSiC • echoing across the drain, the breeze flattering the streamers oa his •drones, and pulling at lis plaid, Old Chippy Chisholm with his' good amused! bum‚ Oak the show, He hopped hither and thither between two crossed broom sticks which trete supposed to resemble swords. Ifs wife, Elizabeth watched him with a stens glance. She was not altogether pleased with his ridiculous perform - AMC and bad a sneak's' sg suspicion that, unknown to her., he had been nipping on the botde. What the dancers lacked in finesse they made up in enthusiasm. In complete abandoe they stepped lively to tete shrill notes of the pipes. Whooping and shouting in joy at the top of Their' voices. Alone in Sae mord., a woman with a sad face and streaks of team sal rang from the cornets of her eyes, searched the aowd for Ewan Broe, She saw him stamfing by the fire and walked over as if in a trance, totally oblivious 110 the bappiaess of the people 'who =rounded her, Young Mr. Broifie felt someone touch him gently on the axw and be tunie0,and looked into the sad face of the "strange woman" whom be had allowed to occupy his cabin. "Would ye route awa to the cabin the zoo," she Wisispened in his ear. "I think my man is dead" Ewan Brofie considered for a while. 'We'd best get the doctor and my father-in-law, Chippy Chisholm. Well be neufm" them both at a fume like this." • p The doctor and Chippy Chisholm were quietly artseagaged from their • revelry and the three men with the woman made atm" r' way on foot to the Brotroe cabin.. Moicaosing for the ohms to stay outside. Doctor Cameros went in alone to kick at the min. The wawa had no dodbts about what the doctor world find, bat she was razded as to •why °Nippy Chishose was a_____ letters to the editor past of that sad occasion. In hesitant soft tomes, Chippy earaghtesied her, "They dill cChippy ma'am, "cause I'm the carpenter, We &ma hate as undertaker hereabouts, so 'till we do, it has befallen upon me tile tate me the tas. Diana fast yesel lass, 111 we that ye wan is properly taken care of, and we shall busy him is the same number as ire "woad put to rest any ale of our 'sin folk." When the doctor emerged firm the cabin, he cased What they alma* 103COV. Speaking in sad bet sincere tooes, be *oak the weinals band and held it whIst be spoke - "Tom have my deepest sympathy 1331'21111,, and l'as sate drat 1 cam speak for the whole calf the conninamity. We mai sot let you leave dis place until we know that you can be prove* taken care of, ft is so easy for nme say this, but 1 lbeg of you mot to grieve too muck. They say all woos& heal with inne," When the doctor had left, Chippy Chishohn wart inside the cabin to do what be had to do ota occasiOss such as this„ Alone aids the woman, Ewan Drofie was suddenly waninded of somethingbe bad intended to ask. bat had never done so till now. "It may be foofish ma'am. but 1 gave yon the shelter of mycable' without even knowing your name." "My Staille is Mts. Buchman. Barb- ara Embalms," the woman said quietly *kb a sob in ber threat There was a chill on the wind, a chill whids once mow brought the *old reality cf deatla to the cabio of Brodie. '" Iris a sad honse.,— Ewan Brodie said. "Just a wee while ago it brought death *0-y woman 15 childbbtla., and now it bas brought death to ye nran. 'Cgs an evil place. which God bas foisaikear Dear Etfitor., The cabinet snet to ponder many weighlY thiggS. • How to trim their services, yet not give up the strings. Hoer cam we manage ibis- Then up spoke Mr- Dna. "ff you will but fisten. COMSOC has found a way"„ "We cam dose facilities in Surabsown Chmario. And promise hetp is fisndiag homes' • where MAL to ,can go. We shoutd close the old cotes, but world lose too may votes, So these= sanalfer ones.. Most sat* be the goats.' ,-"Of Morse .gire a free bawd to local mayors and sack So theill assume the care of those who need a crock, Vibes hatuficapped are mowed oat. we dies CM back,. W&1 say the *Siir and five appfy - the • Tows takes op thane stack.' 'We know what will happen, taws will surely Bat' they will be the local ones.. so blame falls out local gays.' • And an dial ;whetted Cabinet agseed side Mr_ Drea. That they cooed shit t the tiordea, still look A -0.,K. "The Huron County Ifick", Mons* Potted Dear Edam In regards to the arlide written about the Harcsisa. Brandt of the I He Society we Inch 100 • any misandetstandings. Feast ofz1 we wish to advise the putfic don ive do sot have a Shelter at this time, althongh this is our alfnuate goal, , A service that we are now prositims for the mak is a Pet Lost. Found and Placement fist. For store• inform:Isom regal:Sag dais call 529-7866 or 529 - Since the Perth Comity Broads of the thatio Hancine Society is active the Haronia Basch would not cover the Stratford AVM Them will be an isifoutnation booth at the Seacoast Mall. Coder Narrater 26th and Mk. 1982 and at the fancrarfase Mae on December 11, 1982 - We woad Eke $0, take tiiis op - ay to time every for Omar time and contributions- floweser, in order for thisBrach to have a Shelter, we require sappon from the cadre district Whether it be fiamsdaly or actively =volved. The date iv. the wert Pahl& Meetisg *Aids wall be to elea permute= officers is tentatively set for mid Jaivaany. hope *0 see yam them The Evemti se Consirektee Iliscsia Elan& tithe Ontario Ifamasse Serie' ty • To the Einar:. •Enclosed please findsey cheque for sny renewal the loved Sepoy town pope1 am a Seniorcitizen and loot for- watil forming my paper- k does vary 15 delivery nisch is slot your. respon- sibifity. It varies anywhere from Fii- • day to Tiresda'i.. brat is stiff wanderfal. to receive- • Mykis' rifest relognilis to all pals and relatives fru sey home taws. 1 an: a sister Of the late Diftmd llsclusrds. Ifs bard 10 realm drat between Lardiatow and lcudongls„ we bad 'radiants Woad since die itaily I. bust no one is left 11101I.W- Sixty thanks, Lila Oficharie Ifistap Alistamt, Write a letter to the editor