The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-24, Page 19•
whOtechurch ne
Chalmers Presb
V Asia gifitaill
Word Ms."tad Wars
visited on &fts'thiyft their
&righer, Mr. smt Mrs. Pot
Campbell Mid Oa* Of Ilaet
Rev, Joh* Beli. sad Mrs,
ROI skid Mr. sad Mts. Rod
Lamb were dirtier pests on.
Sunday wide Mr4 aid hits.
MI random, ,
• Mr, and Mrs. Rill Fordo
speithist week with Mr, aid
Mrs, Doused Goat, loonier
aid Goole of Chstemm.
Caseate was herviii kis
tonsils removed at the hos-
leer. „lobs Oen hsd charge
'ef the Ommontioa a4bop-
*mad setvites att the Pies.
bytetian church, &bias be -
lag baptized were Coley Lee
An, daughter of Mr. sad
Mrs, Gary Moto* Kyle Wit -
runs, son of Mr, sad Mrs
rimy Hhoft sod Memo
• Ana, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Rob Moffat of Kinloss.
To celebtate Meths* Ass
Moffsn's christeniag, her re
hves gattherted at ber home
kr Maier,
Angus A. 1401thaley, so of
the kite Mr, and Mrs. AM*
McAuley of 111111V11
Michgan- ad
11, MIL.
Ile was at retersin a the
first Weld War and was in
his Mstreir.
Ile if4 stivivel by one see
Angus Jr, IA Catania and a
brother Mei tOpley,'Ont•
and several abstes mod
isitation isair its lite
Robert Mulligan Funeral
H Michigan on Sunday
and burin! was an Monday at
Edmore, MieligaL
A membrigd service sus
held Mlle Evangelkd Nw•-
\ silo Home, where he bad
resided forthelistfewyears
Meta& MMus
franeral services were
held at the Beattie Funeral
u Clint•on ou
November 12 for Melinda
•Nivins, The es -year-old
Clinton resi'dentag &Wield
Township ?Alive, thed at
• Moto PAW Hospital ow
The dateheer of the fate
Thonvats and Elizabeth
Colbert, she WA% bona on
Fehruary 22, 107, She at-
tended Crete school in Ash-
field and Dangannoto and
liter married 'William
Ifirkin in Dungannon cutis
Mareld,1014. ,
The couple lived- its Ah,
fit:Sand later zooid to West
• Watranosh Township Mt
In Mem, Nino was*
giber of the Orange
Lodge LORA St/ as well as
•the Ontario Street legated
Clink .
_ She wai by
her erind its 19010 and
sortiived by _four &welters
Mrs, Witham •(Alma)
Cakhrell of Clinton, Mt*.
Donald (MeV Pickard of
• RR 4, Carew Mrs, Harold
•MOO Dickson of Rridgeport
and Mrs, . Roy (lesdry)
Pickaste of Clinton, Also
surviving are two so
604112 of • Kitchener and
Earl of .Caoderich, a sister
Mrs,• Jack (Evelyn')
Farrington of Lracknow, 20
grandchiltren,, 1 great
grandthadress and one gmat
greutgrandcha ' '
She vow pretlentased by a
dataghter Viola.„ a sto
live brothers• and Three
siSters, •
Rev, Nem= Pc of-
ficiated at the foetal, and
interment followed in the .
, Dmigannon Cemetry, The
pallhearers were George
Ettisglion„ Eldon Wheat,
Harold Colbert, Wes Ni
Ales Nicks of DUngannon
and Tirmenthertofrrewe, •
the Niostivolster meeting of
Atha* W,M..5, was held as
November 10 at the home of
Mrs.. Waves Wf „Mts.,
Ne0 MacKetrzie wed the
meeting vridr a poem., Jest ,
Ittrs, Lloyd Corms gave
(loot ostr ttonly
and read• the ire.
Mrs, Colfms, Mis, IforY
MacKeissi'fe, Mrs., Donald
Simpso, Mrs., Essur Mac;
Less sad Mrs.. Condos Fir -
!Sods toot goo play
enertiltd, A Difference is ONor
Lives.. It told drat iesuskoes
asisoweatrebtotby fro Lore
• He caw chow our fives,
Mrs,Nell Mackewzie read
from the Presbyter -raw Net-
orda oft* called iiiiWeltf-
ber Thoughts sad also other
solutes os fivioug peacefsity
with one aaother, Mrs, togas
Macteaw read aw acetate ow
peace from the Glad rwrogs,
Gordow Firtfaysoit
toatfetterf Cite bus -Lofts,
the meedwg closed with a
pea eiteldttf„ Thiat This,
ther.. read by Mrs, Lt•teti
Matitevolte mil prayer hy
'Londe and a wadi how
Donn brook UCIV
bOtmyfwoot &CAW, met
at the home of Mrs., Wm.:
Hardy for the November
notermg silo a good octal;
A readring,
Days, from Iodiggs Mrs,
it Roma seteedival Mrs.. .L
fa:Wit-414 *to lose z teal-
ing., Strange Attle.,
&ea& &lot, showed
graft. as her nip to) Greece
fast Septerrdier..ifikistrathtg
the coantryside„ esand
stonevomis that &red befOre
CliriSt., (*altos, ewes arid
'grapes atV grown in doe,
country, M1 Efilidehrainl
read poem. Keep the faith
Mrs- Robinson condkott-
ed die business, Mrs- 1.
Ifilidiebrand dosed with p
A socia nine forksted,
To **hate• Corey tee
Ames elmistesios those *Ito
gathered at her home Whit.
•ed Mr, sad Mrs. Ler• oy
Rintoule Card, ,Khroberley
sod Debbie of St. Ikleft
• Mr. sad Mrs,. Brad Spasm
surd Sara of *assets; ?dr,
and Mrs., Gordo Riatord,
Krim lthotord mid Hazel
Pail* trictrirov,
Pretest to celebtate 141e
Valiant Mott's; bapthroml
were Mr. aid Mrs. Walter
etroft afld rate*• mr., a�d
Mrs, Richard ilovateg Mr.
and Mrs, iPaal Mott, Jeffery -
•and Leslie, of **stets;
David Mott of Listowel sad
Agnes Elliott of *finglnim,
• Mr. sad Mrs.. Remo Fa-
wner of Salmis spot the
oreeketil with his mother,
Csssie Mowtorsy,
Plea:her at . the limited
-C'harch for November 20 is,
Rev. Norma0104 of
%Ikeda*. .
Mr, sad Mts., Do TAN
LON;1010if SOideelf1Weiglitatif 140,00014.1 0064000. 0
baptizes children •
mowed to the Stow** sp.
*Moots down by the river
�a the *vetoed, ,
• loyee raffia Tomato
spot the treekead itith her
mits; Mr. ad Mts. Das
-nog ago Igo, Sleighthohn„
who ateompailed Joyce
home„ *peat the weselterrd •
with her paresis, Mr, atind
Mrs, Elmer Sleighdrohn,
Mrs, M of Plattstille
spot a kw days with her
mother, Mary MeCteasghas,
• Mr, asd: Mts.. Cati Me-
Clessghsts vted Satarday
to Starday with Mr. sad Mrs,
Dow Baird of Cams,
Mr. sad Mrs, Arnold
Thompson of Wgham shit
ed Therm* eve** • *kb
amd Mrs, Cot Meeksse
Mr., slid Mrs, hwirs Me,
Cletuthia atml Nosey Duffy
and hams of Sri thomis
visited Soday with Mr, and
Cstl MeCkarglour Surd
Mater MeClettagfus,
• Oaeld Ross s plattolog
secompanying• his brother•,
Doigess **Calgary os Tires;
Classes WALL
.The Chalmers W.M.S.
mc; *VS held o Wed-
oa*, November 110 the
home of Mrs. � Irtatost
mis, rgeoio presided
for the meet*, S
was read by Mrs. Om*/
trowel sad she also game the
meditation on Realest -
The tote Call oil lkoeont-
bratiee, was storeted by 10.
The offering was teceived
sad &Matted * hits, erra.
Thetopics .1teiresobiaace. „
was. gives fry Mts. Wtotoal,
Mrs, Slog Slots; pre:oldest,
presided kr the lossisess,
Themkt' lees September
and October were read by
Mrs., Alai Wormer for the
Si? Mrs, Pardow,
The Atte ofoffieers inch&
presAdest, Mrs. Wallow
Orttideepresideat, Mrs, MI
Itiatoal; seeretary•, Mi Hill
Ando; assists* seeretaty,
Mts.. Alan Palet ttess0r-
er Ms, Wallace Magog.
Glad reings, 1010., Walter
Mott Mends* sad Ser.
*ice, Mts.. John Goat; ker.
state, rintoo;
Laortes Aid, Mrs, lotto de 1\ \
Doer; Home' Ifelpets, Mrs,
Dave Moffitt; opply, Mrs,
Wesley Ulla;
Antos Faleotter, Mts., Man
lialevaer noittlasetage co-
Mis.. Yco-raitord,
Mrs. IVe0 frotonl said Mrs,
Do• Ross; Pr***
Mis. Maa tralcomer,
Mrs. Rod Lamb sad
Joh* de Boer. •
ittWaS dedded tti frabliOd
the ChildieN of the Cove-
gems's 'few membets,
Mrs, Gmy Itistost gave
the testhog, 0 VW
Deans.. Mrs., DO ford
served refreslostests„
'''....a. . ..
ti . . •
1,14. .... r.„•,•,,,. ti• •le• s •
t tlie holiday /4. i c„..,, ,, ,,,,, , ,_ „
shopping avoid „t4
X ..
n fir ' •
-, 4,--•Savet.... , \,,,
flNZ' kit,
.:, '
,, .. ,
i.- k 'ova se dire bassi. -of fi 1i ...
* . ,
last4Imilaiote gift haying ti
gimermit 440