The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-24, Page 5In the new
Lockman Stadion"), Wedmaadms, N2 4, 5
Ilarold Greer of Lucknow warns. anyone
who has a willow treekgrowing in their rad
to be carefid the roots of the tree iiko not
betonte entangled in your septic system!,
ifiglow trees w1 grow roots to great lengths
to get to water. -
Greet noticed the flow from a pipe which
leads float a well to a pond on the property
• behind his home had slowed considerably.
He investigated by puffing his hand WO the
pipe at the well and starfing to pull OW the
roots; he tetrad growing into the pipe,
The roots otigiaated from a willow tree 30
feet from the well, extended across the three
foot well and into the 1% inch pipe. Greer
pulled 17 feet of roofs in a long rope -like
cord„ from the pipe leading from the well to
the pond.
Projector course
his now mandatory that all pers.
borrowing 161,11,1 Ptojectovs from Libraries
in Bruce County must have a Projectionist
• An opportunity is being given on Thurs-
day, December 9th for you to obtain this.
The course Will be at 7.30 p.m., in the
Lucknow Branch Library.
The fee for this course is $3.00 per person.
Please register m advance at the library.
Car hits tr4e4e
The driver of.a car, which was involved in
an accident in Belfast Sunday morning,
escaped injury in the mishap,
Bruce Norman of East Wawanosh Town-
ship was approaching the hamlet from the
east when the car's brakes failed,
The cur left the road and slammed into a
tree on the property of John Nicholson,
Belfast. The accident occurred about 11.30
Deep Memories
Lane Gardner of R. 3, Lucknow recently
received word that his poem, "Deep Memor-
ies" has been included in the Maritime
Command Museum in Halifax, &S. The
purpose of this museum is to collect,
preserve and display artifacts depicting the
sea and air heritage of Matitime Command.
No Wintario at Jainboree
• Por irony mongss„ the
executive and the commit-
tees for Jamboree '83 have
been planning the program
of events for the four days of.
Lucknow's 125th birthday.
At the Ntwernber meeting
of Jambotee "83 fast week,
•the layout for the Official
Invitation was chosen. Larry
Cowan met with the caeca-
tive to complete the graphics
and mil have the invitations
to the printers in early Dee
ember, ready to be mailed in
the New Year..
These invitations will in-
clude the histoty of LadllOW,
a map of the kcal area, the
coming , events, welcome
from the Reeve of Lucknow
and advertisnrents of inter-
est to those looking for
Included in the coining
events are the 1Vfiss Lucknow
Queen Contest and the Beard
Growing Contest on' the
Thursday night.
The Jamboree '83 execu-
tive received word that Win-
tario will roof be coining to
Dave and Joan Black have
booked bands and entertain-
ers for the dances and
concern, Also on the fist of
events are the Parade, the
Legion's Massed. Band,
spotting events and other
activities of interest:to young
and old,
you re musing your hst
Mk wears Jimbewee /83 pis were subishted Sy Peggy Henderson of faelonow. in the
upper picture awe larlinow Gulden fever the kft, rent. firoisoley) Conifer; Many ISolkeldi
Hoy* Coelho Mihs; Katherine risthostosi Stoidorsismil Bessie [Steuart) Stadhposii. Ls
the isottou photo take shout 193$e boys osoussi tows is host ot the post ogee. Roos the
left sat leg Feiratoro Albest giro S .folimakm, Jock Trelesnoup HO llottosio BO
George 0164 law ow, wastay Forgasatt, Treletroma Hop HaL.
Pays The
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