The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-17, Page 7letters to ths editor Farmers get bum deal -Dalton eetober 10, 1982, To thenar: Perhaps you' *old write this letter in the paper eiplaining m espetfenee sv#th a local fertilizer and grain elevator • . My pry started this spring it planting time when the boys et W, 0. Thompson Ltd, tronidnit charge sis bags of white best, seed to - se - count, one day after 1 had issige,d theta a cheque for my complete fertilizer zer and seed. aids for 110 metes Cl crop, The reason they gave me was that 1 in** mesh eustoiser armed 1 had not set -up en account; Meanwhile last Friday if delivered a wagon load oldton white to Port. Albert. They seemed' g to accept the , So 1 told them to prepare the cent a and 1'd ettlosd the beans, Theme they informed me that 1 wouldn't he able to receive payment. by thew aloha the following day masse their Andel urge is at Hensel!, 1 immediately did a.186 degree tour and deliveredthe beats tear competi- tor in mil. '1 hen came he9lrte with the in my jams H eta Ens' **Mg t1* letter to post that the Fort Albert plan is Wading in the best Interest of its customers render #t NEW MANAGE. at teat in my *• lots trey, Clete Dalton, minors MOft The Mooing letter to the editor appeared in the Cngwe,>d comfort you! fuwrr lade etlrwe Nit itaftlfoitt a futirthat Iett suit ss,, goon MO 8r14 ybuw heating t urfgo! th-t5w frtm} 9061/ wet; wood/Meant. obbct/nit, Ode electri'c or wood funtwes, and weer bolters. . Strron 1 ' cbrrst`tru fed fro heavy dlilt ' sreeti for improved belt transfer veld feral ? lifer. Large fitre$ t it for eaty ct'ialrgirtgi sri elerriti. Ste Me fol Nevar CIiff's lambing & Wein in LUCKIIOW 6284611 F WEFIAt_ tFt PVT ANAILABLE 11P 10 S800,00 Foe comelI 9AltON RAMAGE reteotily, It was; sobnaitited to the Sentinel : by Archie Nicholson e5 14 tt ow, .• Te 0 WOW UMW Fog* Telemann le ogle ioisehersd, 1 glut twest, Ho stekoo* ore is Nor times. so sod Ie se60. Ho WHO mew issehle Ow still fsef ties. Hs aseaws16 rely tlatltn► dies utile CalearreNvo Brod H�0.. Ho ..Weft' Atte Ise Ns salts of Yoe Smugie l irofk «renegue *0 sillyo of sow IsNeteNes for Ms party's satrap 1 *aN SNIT No buogr r. 1 for atN anti ate 11es1 wr . otifi of Ars. Oeile lees onorwrNs/ sty- Wow ty.lrr/s w heal Claws. My *pis s wet mom* or *My, Sow* herd Awes, • S1811 Mk* etc iN Nos days M lire 1,16asl A rrrMlsirif err. ataeN 1 s lo testae lrstomr11s *IOW, fiewesail yaws ego Wm, mid 104 filt.your shovel, ems. year Ne or yew Somal, asd,1 lead you lb ileo oroolood We, FIFry %'melon/ o k Foorootoofdi "Vey eN'ae tom mei NOM *Oa estest, for Nab 16e wombed. brei". Now Wye! devil est* oil Trrerdoes *IN o001 'war Sinn*, steed ' amok ti'llrlfi . year see, a si she tow*. '*0 prowdea l riNed. • 1 stn glad M W s Caameerk, sled Outlaw kogioloNlwur'ostfl *Node. trod Treem sees .1 baps, 1 don't itto r.where he abriwe pest orr`gitretted . but .it • vie loaf: at the ecosomitodsy, the %h of skilled jobs and the abaddarace asf tmentigoyed sfiitied lever, app+rosinly 2 .Canadians are or t ofviorf' the. present tattitow Sondra, Viednesday, Navatailier 17, 1$2 --Pae 7 administration doesn't seerir to ore, 1' Serve watched disco iior, and. del les. on rratiiawai T1( from the flaw of Coattains' u Ottawaand Queorls pari ire. Too ley. The people elected to. edministeerthe aiffaiirs of this coraintry are like 'a blotchy of little sfto lboys, All they want to do is Nome someone else white the probiew rentairts airtsolved, One °nail* that comes to merited is the proposed dry dodo facility at the Shipyard. K Conte khan has ceaSed operatio result(*) people out of *job, Isay to neer eeletedp, got off your ass, pot o ntyorrrcomet as d tet us prof c lip ortr shovels and mild ai dry loch that will create more jobs, Why pay sem plo ruck isiutance when there .is wok to. be .dene1 CanadiafiS wants to went, a rts' a cheer leas Sart nelson T'a`mer Secretary4 Celfingw'a odLabour Council, To the Editor: World you please print ray letter itr your ply 1 mese seeking to comtmuricate . with reretiives of Adeliie Lott F' ler, wito resir'dedin your Allage.1 ams d- daaghter of Its Lott Mcday o Thant yore for your help., Sincerely yob, Shirley McKay Solberg, �� 801 kms, Chester Street? Spate, Wisconsin, n, 54666 Q.S.A. ..0.006000000000000009000* •0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 • • 0 . . • •. • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • • • • • • RICHMOND' sci PRESENTS 'The Main Event' STARRING YAMANp Ceresin Vegal Dual II� MED .TEAC At Spectacuiar Prices STARTS SUNDAY 1 1 A.M: 6 P.M. ONE.WEEK ONLY TO NOV* 27 0 •.0000.1.......•*. .••.••• 613401 6114600 rr`rehrwont Sfeef t (' 61`6(k ntrirt!`rb dig Miticte4 0 THE BEST HOUSECLEMERISA WANT AD 11.1•11111 • • 0•111•111111•111.110M Thank You to my Nominators end ell the people who supported me et lite polls, Congratulations to your newly elected deputy reeve. A Sincerely, 41111111111111M111111011111. , ,411111111•11•11111.11=1, • NOTICE OWNSHIPOFkINLO,SS ae istassid 1 J an Deo Noweakralik 19112. raiglitAt TOWNSifir MICE, 110U0101) NOG 2180 OF AirC. nli0� l' 11fAl , L1'JcKN W W. F., Ilivetionve, Fa Co>Ir. Withus,. y�u.business could go piaces. Sees of The. Bedford Hotel Gioderich, Ontario on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each montfh. NEXT VISIT DATE: November 23rd, 4982 REPRESENTATIVE. PAUL McCUSKER We're EDB, and our mandate is to encourage business development and expansion. . Cf you need backing, and have a problem ' • getting. it, .try us. We offer financing, counselling, management training, and information about government assistance programs- for business. Perhaps together' we can get your plans moving. 4110 FEbER'AL BUSINESS BANOUE i=EDERALE dEVELOPMENT BANK DE b vELOPPEMEN'T Your success is our on% business. Pair appointment earrr fetor. maga* ga ort the "o a�eriifce. cell 271-S6S* feared" or write 1636 Ontario ,r