The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-17, Page 64The Sem Iowa" retatrNsio11113 THOMAS /*„ fltoktmoft Advortisiog Mattoter SHARON J., MU • &MO, rAl LotottoSTON ()trio Manager JOAN HEW compositor 400,0 mt,tort• Typesetter lateksow floidnel, WaldoIv, f44wHiltitr 11, 1082 0 nesieess ethd tdownetOttlee leleptimv 3214122 Mdthg Address P.O., 06'11400, Lottoota, 14002H0 5egtond €14s0M HffimNnstiber0041 Sortgaerfitkoratn,05,14pavyavirkteitinee *taw Cliteen rate, SIMS woo' ti !aware t1,5„A, etia foottga, MK per yew la sky* C11,144n4 tirreigst,111/10 po sleet la itleatemo Appoint secretary The townships of West Wswanosh, Ashfield and Kinloss have forged agreements to share the capital and operating expenses for several of the soviets supplied for township and area lesidents, The townships and village share the costs of operating the district fire department, the Lucknow Arena, the Lucknow Medical Centre and the district recreation department which suprvises the hockey and skating programs at the Lucknow arena and the swimming programs at the Lucknow Pool. • Without the co-operation of the townships, the capital and operating expenses incurred by these facilities would be too • greats financial turden for the village to carry alone. The village could not prOvide these services without the assistance of the neighbouring townships; an arrangement which is satisfactory and approptiate because, the residents of the townships usethese facilities as much as village •• residents do. Co-operation among the four municipalities has resulted in facilities and services being available in Ludlum* to area residents, which many municipalities this size must forego because of the prohibitive cost to only one munici frailty, Lucknow would not have a pool, a skating dub, a minor • htickeY program, a dentist, three doctors and an efficient wen trained lire department if the four municipalities did Mot share the costs, Reeently•the township oirWest Wawanoth has objected to paying 25 per cent of the capital COSI of a new parking lot at the Ludlow'', Medical Centre, According to West Wawanosh Township reeve 3, O. Durnin an agreement ;vhereby the townships pay 25 per cern of the capkal costs only applies to the cotnpletion of the dental suite in 1978, According to Lucknow reeve George Joynt; the agreement for the townships 10 pay 25 per cent of capital costs applied to the completion of the dental suite in 1978 and to an • subsequent capitate:costs attributed to the Medica Centre, Prior to the couple/don of the dental suite, the townships paii120 per cent of the capital costs and Lucknow paid 40 per cent, the same forint& used to share operating expenses, The problem arises . because there. is no written . Agreement, The Lucknow cletk-treasurer acts as recording secrektry for the Meetings; of the Lucknow District Reireation Committee and the Lucknow Arena Board, The Lueknow Fire Board also has a r .ecording secretaty, The minutes of the meetings of the Lowbrow' Medical Centre Board however, are not accurately recorded by a recording secretaty. • The tneetings of the Medical Centre Board are attended • by the reeves of the four filinlicipalities, The minutes are • printedfrom notes taken on the various 1114900114 passed and any of the four reeves brings these notes to the Luc -know • clerk -treasurer who then prints up the nsinutes of the meeting,. The Lucknow clerk -treasurer however, does not attend these meetings, . • The question of the sharing of capital costs arises because there is no written and signed agreement starting that the • four tminicipalities agree to share capital costs at the Medical Centre on a 25 per cent basis- The only hint of an . aveementisthat the prOpOSal WaS disclosed( iin the minutes of the metro's in 1978„ when the municipalities signed an • agreement to share the capital costs of the dental suite based on 25 per cent each- • In these minutes, the proposal to share alt subsequent capital costs on a 25 per cent basis is• disettssed. lust no motion is passed to this efftect and no :agreement exists in • writing,. signed by the for reeves, •• . les obvious that the ds..s. te 061111141 not have arisen if the Medical Centre board had a recording secretary *dr as dve i.utiovowe Arena Board, the Lucknow Distriat Fire Ward and the Lucknow District Recreation Committee do, It is the fob • of such a seetetary to make sure that such agreements ore •made in writing„ signed and duly recorded, • A lapse of memory or a misunderstanding in later years is easily clard by referring to the stestitterg signed agreement • or the minutes d the meeting, where a G171611#(11 hiaiS, been passed owl seconded, • The true meaning of Remembrance Telegrams• • Mr, &Mrs, Gaunt: May 26, 1943. Please be advised that your son, Pilot Officer Hamilton L Gaunt, has been reported to , • be missing in action folkw. ing air operations on May 24, Letter to follow• , Air Ministty, London, June 3, 1943 Dear Mr, & Mrs, Gaunt: • ft has been affirmed that your son Pilot Officer Ham - ikon I, Gaunt, is missing and is now officially listed as Killed -In -Action. Our deep- est sympathy, Letter to fel- low, • Mr Ministry, London, . • lune 1S, 1091.13 Dear' Mr.. & Mrs, Gaunt My name is Pilot Officer Dave Deffray 1 was thank- tonis wingman when he was shot down May 24, He died like a true hero, We were strafing a German gun posi- tion for a plawn of soldiers when Hamilton's Typhoon fighter plane caught a burst of AA fire, His engine start- ed to smoke and then bait into flame, His plane rolled over and exploded,' There was no parachute, 1 hoped Hamilton managed to SUP vive, but he did not„ proud of your son Mr, and Mrs, Gaunt, He was a good pilot and died fighting for his country, • Pilot Officer Dave Dellray 471 Ground Support • Squadron, Italy, Clint Pewhess • STUNT QUESITON: "Does Ilemembraamee Day mean mot* to you, why/why nod" "Of courseit doss's,. be- cause of my friends who died in the war. Remembrance nay is very special to me," MO' t1fflilEng, leached its a way it does bemuse it makes yon realize the people who died in the war front this area. 1 never fealty thought *out it• before.," LI* Thompson 13C "1 really never though about it,- les gond to rem- reditrbees ember those who died/' Dips 'MAW "No because 1 wasn't born then," fildeloy lilaikon VS "Not really because none of my friends or relatives were invelved," • Maths %legman* OD , "No, it dowsn't because I wasn't around when ,it hap- • pened no one 1 knew was involved," Karen f4esval 12E "Remembranee Day ises, peels*. impovtant W me e. eausel saw a veteran cry at a Remembrance Day Service, ft was the first time 1 had seen anyone, espeeially a man ay andi t made me to and think about what they did for us," • Dios Chart 12A "No„ because 1 haven't been through either of the wars.. 1 don't realize ,what was like," Midenlayfor ini "Yes, because we rem. ember those who died in the wars, 11. we don't honorer and remember them, then well • torget what war was like and allow msrselves in he led into another one," Aimee Pittitteir "My :J. grietsther died in the Fir•st World War and my father was In the SOoni.1 World War * Remember- • . anee. Day is vetrlitiportaitt to , me", Mr., Whys* fled. Wog Viporgaest loathed •• "We find , it diffitok t� remember WO any. vivid , .t.neanittgbecauSe of a lot . • involvement in, any recent wars," • • Pad* larger affil GityloMsettentle • The reSponses to § totes, tie'n Vierealmost tied for yes and a& ft is 'true that we (espeelallY the younger gen- eration). remember what those brave young Soldiers did for' wheit they died •during. both . World War§ -' they fought for the irreedom that we. .have today,. tut, Wheit•yOn go to ..Remetn. bronco Day .SeWttesi; when Oa wear* ifitoPPZ,41f,In yo • bow 'yew head for, ofo .one minute silence,are you kijog truthful in your rev.erertte .40 is it just a Oahe DzW�kvis On Friday, May 3„ 18.44„ a westy horsenon,weating a clerical collar, role towards the Chute* of Retkrees„ He was acomplete stranger to every, Ito* in thecommunity, except Ofiffeatil MacLeod,. and even he had never seen the man, • • His name was the Reverend Peter( Lamont, a travelling Presbyterian minister who,. when the heavy snows of winter no longer allowed him to ;frattke his profession, Wed in- a humble lodging at Guelph,. Ontario, He had started his jowtney shortly • after dawn but be,canse of the swolkn ereek.s„ had been unable to follow the blazed trail route. Cbtlgegfilifdy, was kited to make several dettonrs and his journey tost for longer thon ontitipated, • Guided by instinct ono travelling ot dates through thiel bush, he sdrne- tilde§ felt that he ,was completely lost, waS only when he reached a tontainnity called CaMPfieWS Cirolses few scattered hoeiresteads am* of Itrarraptort„ that he was fittafty &retied • •to Ms destination- • • The purp:pse n Ks long ride wog, tO many Duncan Mottgod to the Young schowernistress Mory'tfacKee„ Dar - Mg the Wet period 'Math 14lociend had Wowed Mu& to consimate marriage, that* fildreeMWIVe the •Reverend Peter Lament Wt6104:11 take over Macleod's &des as. minister• of the Moth of Reeked:ft, Peter Lartio'nt foul MacLeod in Kt, at& Ottnt the.gationt-to,fse was both defighted and reed dist, true 10 his word, the roving ;smother had arrived 6Y11 thtte, Conversatti6a was proc*ed art in the days oftfre e'ioneet-§„ and the relate evaietkes Or hirer- estiwg irovfeiso w41,1. gratliv gineeetst- rm.. MacLeod ..ffeed fatten s§ Pete -14a red:la:Med the events; a 1116 puiresc • "1 eatne by way" of 'a very moll settlement called • CompfMll's Cross and it was in lam a countryman from nate Aryll oihn pvinted the way. I regret that t „was unableto give the mato my mine. Although in the true Christian spirt 1 bear no malice to anyone, 1 am •always defensive when speaking to people by the name of Campbell, Ritter experiences some; •times bookend generations,. ,and many e,f my .kinsmew have forgotten the suffering they endured under the oggression of the Campbells, of Argyll; "1 wea§ under the impression It was • The kaciNmalds of • • who were the greatest victims of the treachery al the ComPbeffs," Motteod said with S*Mffe air of authority.- Peter Lamont smiled, ElitO to this day,. there ore Scotsmen who regard the• Massacre Of O'Venens. as the most horrendous oaten ever tywrevtakeer tone caratptiells, 4 a protentara„ . was re1u10iti 10pe,4110 out Madleors, i1g11)4ffaffee 44. 513'611640 illijObItS1.-• • • "It itree0" he said, "'there were someMoot ko,nalds Slain in Gleueow but the stovieSwhich hove been Mild Allow that most unfortunate inti'dent hose been enlarged to; gate.- irmtil they bear trelarkweshi* to, the actual tact. Ity comfatriison to what hammed to the Lartionts„ the treassere of Gferrdbe W14 onlYatrulatir skirmish.. I think it was in I6416) tat ttry 611011 Was harrawd, the tolsaffed "Higfilared Traitors"„ They ogir4edi 6ff *bout 260 Lamont§ to Woos* ansa mat/Aldred them at the. Gaifto flit As at aldtV 06t11,, 11 bear 00'maifte, 13ia even today -there is> sate enmity tail dyivii4 bowel the CatiVhelis and tfte Lamont's. • . • Allftft614 Note:: te rtial tre of ftltdrest to the reader to, knew that Caw Csrobeill SJOGiee" atile&fite' dee orowyr of Etrgisnd and, in faitbininy estryilng out gbe esplidit orders of the . English Rireg, • "vete hated by ester Highroad craft. ft , has been said with some authority, that if they had not *en So loyal, and it the five thowsafidi bfade§ of the. . Campbells had suppsIrted Carl% , Fdward Stuart Wormy Mose Olath•e)) during hiS daring and ituuteessfuil March ow Lowdon„ there may have been at different monarth ow • the ek-Goe d Eregivra today -ire fitt„ the Melt]•militia (Campbells)) fought MT the side d the English at the &tole of .Cullottert, Wednesday Mail April,. 1/416„ and thus helped to Obliterate any dunce tg' the Stivartsreaseending the. •throne.- In reality,. Cuflotlen saw the end•of at etlatn §k§filiT vt,Ifith hod endured for tent, •.- .That tt4ss today; is only a figment of imsetnatikyn, in the minds et the• romatrotks, Whilst• th* were evegAgetil iri•' ferningseiteg, there was, at ktreelic nide • the door,. anti' Ian Jamieson and • Kothleen 1ce0 interrupted the Ci1;113.: seriattiOrr„ Atter ttle usoall imfrodat- olio% and Preasantries„ Jamieson come- •straigin to the pofm„ • 'It is our intention to attrold both. the marriage etraffatly rle ' dftve1i' aitild the weddincrete0iion of My Ittsi 61111,tfitail) ansI fittOY1160- ' traW StiertfaltP andereATira4.- HONV6Velr, vve alsO •wish to 1 MarrJed but pr1oatelY1. and we prevail] uvion you tb, II ry us tomorrow teetering in] Oar future home whith is the General gib'et.• fen n;§ terse you sec in agreement ared at liberty to calitty out , Olve. Thu,. the ddl'etiwg 611. gutting to kedtreeu as rice tiwgiivOng of at ffeW NIdtou-re... woody tbe soil] but ako of die people.. For ter die fife of man) thete. tease• ako * begimeng and mattei iicitify &Ili" and pitmen starting. pint. •