The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-10, Page 17whitechai.rchnews ............................ Fold centennial missian brectycat Luclusow Sentbie', Wer y, werlmr It 1982--rsge 15 By Valetta Emerrea A Centennial Mission breakfast was held in White- church. United Church. Nov- ember 7. Proceeds . from the breakfast went to_tnj sing work. After the breakfast and fellowship hour the morning worship service was conduct- ed by Rev. Norman O'Kell. On Sunday, November 14 the , guest speaker at the United Church will be Rev. William Henderson of Luck - now, who will also be ,guest speaker on Sunday, Novem- ber 21. We are pleased • to report that Viola Irwin of Lucknow was able to return from Winghain Hospital to the home of her son, Orland and Mrs. hwin on Monday, • where she will remain for the. winter. Mr:. and Mrs. Steve Irvvin are going to reside in her house in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson ' Craig of Auburn visited on Stunday with Mr. and Mrs.. Wesley Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Victor .Enierson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and Karen and Agnes Elliott, Wingham vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott, Jennifer, Heather and David of Arnkona. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sacks end Darryl of, Hanover visit- d Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghazi.. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnel- ly, Angela and Jill .Of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: Allan Falconer and family and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan. Brian Falconer of Sarnia visited on Sunday with Cas- sie Mowbray. Mr., and Mrs. Fred Davis, Dana, Scott and Madi of La ~ (4 Salle and. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier, Kimberley and. Amy of Guelph were weekend visitors with their mother, Agnes Farrier, This community • extends their sympathy to the family of the late Billie.. (Curlie) MacKenzie of Hamilton who passed away last week. His brother, Hugh of Blyth pas- sed away recently also. A. birthday party was held on Sunday for Wallace Mil- ligan. Present were his fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nicholson, Erin , and Ryan of, Strathroy. Bill Lee of Burlington visited Wednesday with his aunt and uncle;. • Mr. and Mrs., Bill• Rintoul and aunt and • uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul . and other relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riotoul were supper guests with Mr. Polish family fiiids freedom... •from page 6 they said. They are eager to make a new life and . hope some day to own their own farm. As for returning to Poland, they hope one day to be able to go back and visit friends and family, but that is some time in the future. As a Canadian citizen he might be allowed to visit Poland, Mr. Popieniuk said, but his afraid if • he. returns as a Pole he wouldbe thrownin jail. Lucknow UCIP.. *from , page 8 Miss H. Thompson took charge of the devotions and topic. Mrs. Charles MacDon- ald read the scripture. Mrs. Ross Shiells gave the medi- tation' on Isaiah prophesing the restoration of Israel and telling the, people to have peace with God . and man. Mrs- Murdock McDonald gave a prayer for personal peace- The ladies enjoyed two recorded musical . numbers by Elmer Embach on piano and Miss Donalda Thompson on the flute, Let There be Peace on Earth and Peace in the Valley. I Miss Lorna Campbell read a poem, Why Should We Wear a Poppy? Mrs. H. Thompson gave a fine insight into the first overseas missionaries up to the present time. The special study was on the works in India of Mr.. and Mrs. Ke th Jamieson. They work at several stations inland from Bombay with special einc- phasis on education and health programs for the peer. Mrs. Glen Walden offered prayer and a special benedic- tion enediction was sting on Peace. Mrs. Shiells closed with a sHrart poem and lunch was served. That 4 Unit 4 o Lucknow United church liVontern meet for their monthly meeting on Tues- day, November 2., with an at- tendance of 23. Mrs. Armstrong Wilson. chaired the devotions and program. Mrs_ Phil MacMil- lan read the scripture with Mrs_ Wilson taking the medi tation_ The program theme was Missions and was given in dialogue with Nfrs. Wilson, Mrs_ Velma Morningstar, Mrs. Bryce Elliott and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie taking part in a discussion on the work of the Rev. Jay and Ruth Storey, missionaries in India. They described their work and busy life in India and Mrs_ • Elliott read a 11981 Christmas letter, written by the Storey family, which was all quite iinterresting. . Mrs. Ritchie and. Mrs.. Morningstar read articles Stressing the importance of prayer. Mrs_ Bill Rogues. Uinitt leader. their took charge of the business. The roll call was answered by a current event_ The treasurer.. Mrs. Ken Cameronp wted that S776. had been raised by the Unit to. date. Mrs. Alex Andrew reported fuer the church supper and Mrs. Gor- don Cayley . for Amnesty_ Mrs. ,, 4b Finlay ' and Miss Norma Weatlh:erlread attend- ed the QJ.C.W. Rally field at Ricky. The creat Unit meet- ing %ill be held on November The. meeting was closed with a poem, °"Foottprints" in dre Sand"", and a social there. P and Mrs. Neil Rintoul, Stev- en, Scott and Stuart of West Wawanosh. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Goderich visited with their. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. A new arrival shower was held on Saturday at Mrs. Alan. Falconer's home for Mrs. Steve Irwin. Present were Mrs. Donnelly, Angela and Jeff, Mary Lou Glover, Viola Irwin, Clara Crowston, Beverley Bell, Mrs. Orland Irwin, Mrs. Wallace Milli- gan, Rena Fisher, Juanita Hopper, Cecilia Laidlaw and Kimberley, Amy Falconer, Donna and Melissa Snowd- en, Faye Irwin, Ruth Hast- ings, astings, Lori Falconer, Mrs. Clarence Crowston, Lois Al- ton and Vera Falconer. WbItechigeh U.C.W. The U.C,W..meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Perry, Bluevale on Wednesday, November 3. The meeting was oPened by Agnes Farrier with piano music. Mrs. Lorne Durnin led in prayer. Mrs* Russel Chap- man read the minutes. Elev- ennswered the roll call with a verse with Love. Mrs. Lorne Durnin read the . scripture and gave a meditation, Mrs. Millan Moore read from Lois Wil- son's book, A Mighty River. A skit was given by Mrs.. Agnes Farrier, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs. Lorne Durnin and Mrs. Rus- sell Chapman. Mrs. Lorne Durnin led in. prayerand a minute's silence was held for Remembrance Day. Mrs. Durnin mead a poem, 'A Valiant Heart. Mrs. Perry was presented with . a cup and saucer front the Whitechurch group. Mrs. Perry thanked the group and the meeting closed with prayer, WE STOCK Salt for every need lcesalt 40 kg, and handy 10 kg, bag ' CRYSTAL Water Softener Salt Livestock Salt .White, Cobalt and High Boot Also Blocks and Licks Johnstone'sMobiIe Feed Service halm 541-3534 COPyOUI' in Ws always been a good idea_No it'S the naw, Infants born on or after Nov, L D9 2, must be secured in an appropriate rear -acing canner when travelling in a motor vehicle These iruffants, as they grow into.the toddler stage off between 9 and 1L kilograms ( 20 and 40) pounds)), must be properly scatted in an apptopriaatte child seal M pre-schoolers, between IS and 23 kilo- grams (40 and 50 pounds),, mUst be secttred iw a lap bent_ Children over 23 kilograms ( 50 pounds), ), must wear the full seat belt assembly. Innis ivy cif Translao rttafi'dm attdi Corrimrt ttricatiorts Ontario James Snow, Minister VViIIianTDavis, Piren,ier