The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-11-03, Page 12weld Lacimow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 3, 1982—Page 11 Choose autumn ceremony Pink candelabra amid white pm's,pink minuet roses and baby's breath, provided the setting in Blue-, vale Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. on October 9, 1982 for the marriage of Kathryn Mary Ruth McKim of Luck - now and' DeWayne Kevin Golley of R..4, Wingham. Rev. Terrance Trites of Bluevale and Elder Alma J. Leeder of Wiarton officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, chose a gown of sheer nylon featur- ing a scoop neckline with a stand up collar and sheer, sleeves accented with lace appliques and pleated frill at the cuff. The bodice of the • floor length gown was trim- med with pearls and sequins. The full skirt bordered with accordian pleats descended, to a full length chapel train. The three-quarter length matching veil trimmed with seed pearls was held in place with a lace Juliet cap. • The bride carried a cas- cade bouquet of pink rose- buds and roses, rose tone wood flowers, baby's breath and ivy. • Lorna Askes, friend of the bride, Lucknow, was,matron of honour. Her floor length gown of plumjersey featured cap sleeves, high collar and yoke of matching embroider- ed lace. The skirt featured a layered .effect at the hem. She carried a styled bouquet of burgundy miniature carna- tions, white tiger lillies, rose - tone 'wood flowers and baby's breath. Susan Hodgins .of London and Lori McKim, sister of the bride, Waterloo assisted as bridesmaids, They wore floor length plum gowns similar to the matron of „honour and carried similar. bouquets. Neil Warwick of Bluevale was groomsman and the guests werenshered by Scott McKim, brother of the bride, of Lucknow and Karl Whyt- ock of St. Marys. Damian Golley of R. 4, Wingham, carried the rings. Organist Daniel Hansen, ,cousin of the bride, of Tor- onto, and piper Reid Mciiim, uncle of the bride, Ottawa provided the music including ka,A Rowan Tree. The soloist, John Rolonson, sang, Theret',/t/, is Love and Perhaps Love.• w A reception and dinner fol- lowed at the Lucknow Legion Hall. The bride changed to a dark green suit with bone accessories for the honey- moon. ; - ...• The couple will be residing in Lucknow. The groom is an apprentice motor vehicle mechanic and the bride 'is a graduate of the Radiology Program at Fanshawe Col- lege, London. Ashfield couple wed in July • MacDonald - Carter Ashfield Presbyterian Church was the setting of the double ring ceremony which united in marriage,, Barbara, Leigh Carter and Roderick David MacDonald, both of Ashfield Township. The mar- riage took place on July 30, 1982 at 7 p.m Rev. 'Hugh L. Nugent officiated. • The. bride is the daughter of Walter and Marion Shier • of Ashfield Township and the groom's parents are David and. Isabell MacDonald. The bride is given in mar- raige by Alfred R. Carter of Hamilton. • She chose a floor length white.dreskwith daisy him at the neckline;rttffs and hem. A veil and headdress trim- • med with daisies compli- mented the ensemble. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses, white • daisies and • baby's breath. • Alice Bradley of Fort Nel- son, British Columbia was maid of honour. She wore a floor length gown of •pale yellow with matching acces- sories. She carried a bouquet of white carnations, yellow daisies and baby's breath. Susie Hoffele of R. 1, Kincardine was bridesmaid. She wore a gown and carried a bouquet similar to the maid of honour. Alex MacDonald, Fort Nel- son, British Columbia, broth- er of the groom, was best man and the guests were ushered by Lionel Carter, • brother of the bride and Rus MacDonald: brother of the groom. The groom and • his attendants wore baby blue tuxedos. A reception followed at the Ripley -Huron. Community Centre where Impressions provided the music for, danc- • ing. Baskets of flowers dec- orated the hall. • The bride's mother receiv- ed guests wearing a street length dress of peach floral print. Her corsage was peach roses. • The groom's mother chose • a street length dress of red • and white floral print and a corsage of white roses. The bride changed to a wiie coloured dress with matching accessories for a honeymoon to Wasaga • Beaeh. The couple are residing in Huron Township. • • Kinloss Kairshea WI discuss agriculture and Canadian industries at October meeting Agriculture and Canadian Industries was the theme for the October meeting of the. • Kinloss-Kairshea Women's • Institute held at the home of Mrs. Roy Finlayson October 28 at. 8.00 p.m., The roll call, Exchange of a baked product' made with grain, brought many tasty muffins, breads„ biscuits, etc. Mrs. Harold Hewald, pres- ident, opened the meeting, • and welcomed members and guests. Mrs. Harold' Camp- bell read the scripture. Mrs. Donald MacIntyre, secret- ary -treasurer, read the min- • utes, financial statement and correspondence, among which was a letter telling of, a, Home Repairs Workshop, to be held in Ripley. Town- ship Hall, November 9. New leaders are also need- ed to lead •the next 4-H project, Ontario Heritage, which will be a cooking club. A letter was also read from Participation Lodge thanking the Institute for previous donations and giving sug- gestions for quilts donated in the future. Two splendid reports were given about. the Rally at Sauble Beach by Mrs. Roely de Boer and, the Area Con- vention at Belmore by Mrs.° Farish. Moffat. Mrs. Moffat reported that Karishea's re- solution re: lighting at high- ways 8 and 4 had been for- warded with the stipulation that stop lights be installed instead of overhead lights. •Mrs. , Virden Mowbray gave the Current Events, Mrs. Leonard Clarke gave an • account of the Lions dinner that Kairshea had catered. A lively discussion followed on whether or not it is necessary to get a permit when cater- ing. • Mrs. Harry Lavis was chairlady for the program and introduced Lesley Mon- crief, the guest speaker. She gave an interesting and informative talk on raising . sheep, and the sheep indust- ry in Canada. She said that Ontario and Alberta are the largest sheep producers and that 70% of lamb sold in Canada is imported. We are lucky in the •Lucknow area, • she • said, to have •sheep farmers from which to buy lamb by a half or whole carcass. She spoke on the cooking of lamb and men- tioned that the flavour is enhanced by rosemary and • garlic salt. She passed out lamb recipes to all ladies present. • Mrs. Lavis thanked her and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Virden Mowbray also passed out pork produc- er pamphlets containing pork recipes. Mrs. Donald MacKinnon gave a reading and Mrs. Harry Lavis conducted a con- test of Lucknow Business Places and one on types of • flour. Mrs. Harold Campbell passed out quotes and hints to different ladies to read. They proved both interesting and informative. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie gave the courtesies. The hostess and directors, Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs. Cliff Roulston, served a delicious lunch of cake and ice cream. 4. Golley - McKim K wow soj Snyder Studio Adams - Pritchard • Married in Alberta Christ Luther church, Mil- lowdale, Alberti', was the setting for a pretty summer • wedding. Gail Ann • Ruth Pritchard was escorted down the aisle by, her mother and father, Ruth and John. Prit- chard of Lucknow, • to be united in marriage with Darryl Glenn Abrams, son pf • Leslie and Ann Abrams of Bruderheim, Alberta. Rev. Stephen Karp performed the double ring ceremony. • Junior bridesmaid was Heidi Pritchard, the bride's sister. 'of Lucknow. Sharon Abrams, sister-in-law of the groom, was bridesmaid and Ann Milton of Stratford was matron of honour. Ron Karpinka 'of Calgary was best man and • Doug Abrams of Sherwood Park was groomsman for his brother. Ushers were Eug- ene Pritchard of Claremont, brother of the bride, and Terry McLachlan of the Yukon. Prior to the, serviee, Rick Pritchard, brother of the bride, and his wife, Donna, of Whitby, sang 'the Wed- ding Song, accompanied on the organ by Donna. After the signing of the register, . Rick and Donna sang the Wedding Benediction which featured a very beautiful trumpet solo by Rick. Org- anist was Mrs. Florence Greilach, MilIowaIe Following a dinner and re- ception in the Bloomsbury hall, Gail and Darryl left for a trip through the mountains. Guests were present front Lucknow, Whitby, Clare- mont, Stratford, Brampton, ' many places in Alberta and Saskatchewan and the Ynk- oti. Gail and Darryl are mem- bers of the teaching staff at Barrhead Elementary School and Barrhead Secondary School, •respectively. They will be visiting their family in Lucknow for the Christmas Holidays and a reception will be held on December 27th in Lucknow. •