The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-10-20, Page 9ripiley news Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 20, 1982—Page 9 Saturday will be Hallowe'en in, Ripley By Ab Wylds Coming up a week from this Saturday will be Hallowe'en. On Sat. Oct. 30 the Ripley firemen plan to be on patrol in the village as they have been in past years. It is hoped that activities will be limited to one evening on- ly and of the trick or treat variety rather than van- dalism. It is also hoped that the weather will be dry and mild so that the children from the country can come to join with their Ripley friends going from place to place to get treats. Make Hallowe'en a time of enjoy- ment for all and not a time of vandalism. Leader Wilfred Gamble of the Ripley 4 -II Beef Club reported that the club members spent a busy Thanksgiving weekend. On Saturday Paul Keelan plac- ed well at the Teeswater Fall Fair. Now. Paul will take his calf to ,the Queen's Guineas at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto on Friday Nov. 19. On Thanksgiving Monday Keimeth Thompson, Bob Blackwell, and Stephan Keelan participated in the Huron and Bruce Counties 4 - II Beef show and Sale in Brussels. Kenneth had the overall Reserve Grand Champion steer while Bob and Stephen both placed well in their classes. Recently a 'crew of local workmen - Bob Love, Bill Robinson, and Allan Irwin did the exterior painting at the Knox:. Presbyterian Church in Ripley" : To assist 1• ATTIMMON AIWA HUMS WE PAY g20,00 TO 15OE00 PER HUNDRED WEIGHT Foil OLD COWS MW RECENTLY INSURED OR SICK SOWS, \COWS, STEERS & HEIFERS. MUST BE ALIVE ottoosnict. ANY DELAY torrid be COSItl. FOR IMMEDIATE PICKUP WITH OUR WIFICH EQUIP- PED VEHICLE call Collect 2411,011NS A DAY — 6 DAYS A WWI . (519) 482.9951 or (519)482-7815 Clayton Noy Bill Robinson get up to the outside of the tall steeple and do the painting there John C. MacDonald used Murray Culbert's tractor with its front end bucket loader to get the ladder with Bill away up there. In addition to ,the painting they pointed the ex- terior brickwork of the chur- ch. + + + Last week Ray Fuller in- stalled new front windows in the Bill McCreath apart- ments on Queen Street West of the. Alley -way by the Elliott Courtney building. Visitors at the home of Jim and Marie Lowry in Ripley for Thanksgiving were John and Diane (Lowry) Hinchley and children Kathryn and Jim from Ajax and Randy Lowry and children Jeffrey and Sarah of Woodstock. + + + Thanksgiving visitors with Burton and Irene Griffith in Ripley were Wilfred and Virginia Hackett of Lucknow. + + + Patients in Kincardine and District Hospital this past week from the Ripley area were Mrs. Etta (George) Dickieson of Ripley and Elmer Courtney of Con. 10 West. Still in . Kincardine hospital are Mildred Johnson, Vera Scott, Belle PRIVATE LANDS \ ASSISTANCE PINIGNAM Offered Sy The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. 1) ReforeSta Hon Assistance requests must be submitted prior to May 10 1042. 2) Erosion "'Control Assistance requests must be submitted prior to December '310 1$$2. for .103 prefects. (Does not include the Lake Huron Shoreline) Application will be proCessed •on a flist come -first served Per Moro information Contact: Maitland Valley Conservation Authority • SoxS Wroveter, °Marie • MGT= Phone: 510-3353551 LTCZVM ?IAT IL 151-1634 for 24 'may movie itliormation "111. int you up wher� you belong? MONO him illIDAtOCTOMS 22sultro • 11191150At OCTOPI Mils .q1101011115 FRIDAYoulIIIIIIRDATat era p.m SAYf1WV1SDATs S pm. OM U1501010 DAYS WIDNISOAtocr0mit206 TINIMBAY,OCIOES 21st ROBIN 1.111JAMS Gortoifiligetill Morvi,11 Henry, and Frank Scott. In Victoria Hospital in London Mit Annie (Joe) Scott. Best wishes are extended to each one. +++ Dinner guests on Sunday. with Dave and VioletMartYn at their Huron Villa apart- ment in Ripley were their grandson Randy Martyn and his wife Andrea - just recent- ly married. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ernest bum= of Hanoi/er. + ++ Helen Grubb, custodian at the- Ripley Huron Cormnuni ty Centre Complex, called on Monday to say that they now haVe the ice in .the vena there. She was joined by hus- band Ralph and family 'members Barbara, Marvin and Darrin the past weekend in getting the job done. On Oct. -15 a familydinner was held for Mabel and Norm Barnard at the home of their daughter Shirley and son-in-law Michael Burnham Dates • Ludinow & District Community (entre HUD" OCT. n Credos rod Shirley &rooks SATURDAY, OCT. 23 • Joe Vsuallooyallla • Lynn Elphick • OPEN DATES. AVAIIABLE OCTOBER Friday 29 • Saturday 30 NOVEMBER Friday 5 Friday 112 Friday 19 • Satarday 20 Friday 20 CALL THIS NUMBER ith'TWEA41 9:00 a.m. AND 6:SO p.m. ONLY 528.1532 3465\tW-c-- • MOS FRIDAYACTOBBI Mk. TERMIZT It kilowv what scares you N 4' OFFICER ANDA camtrizzavilv -`00' •Yc. JP' of Kincardine. The happy event was Mabel and Norm's 48th Weddhig Anniversary. Present for the occasion was Shannon Burnham, Kincar- dine, son Don Barnard, Toronto, Dale and Ann Rock and daughter Ellen, RR 1 Kincardine, Dawn Car- ruthers and son Cole of Ripley. Mabel and Norm were married in Listowel on Oct. 20, 1934. A happy "CHIT-CHAT" was enjoyed recalling many amusing events over the years. On behalf of all the family Michael wished Norm and Mabel many more happy •years. +++ On Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17, from 1 two to four, relativci. and fr:enes gathered in the Knox Presbyterian Church in Ripley to honour Noreen MacDonald on the occasion of her retirement from Kin- cardine and* District Hospital. Noreen has been on the housekeeping state at the . hospital driving each morn- ing from Ripley to work since starting in 1966. This year she saved two weeks of her summer holidays to retire from the job before the winter weather started later. On Thurs., Oct. 7 her retire- ment was marked at the hospital when she was presented with gifts. + + + Last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morn- ing Bob, Love had a tree. trimmihg bee in his backyard. Two Manitoba maple trees were cut down and another one had limbs trimmed. The real big tree measured 53 inches in diameter and 80 feet m height. Nine wagon loads of the green soft maple wood was hauled to the dump. Do- ing the sawing was the well known tree cutter Gerald Rhody with assistance of Scott Fawthrope of Kinlough and owner of the property Bob Love. • Need_ a • worker? Find him • in the Want Ads. 528-2822 • A • • • • • • • do • • • • • • • • 0 O • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • • • • • • • • 0 0•• 0•0 IS 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • 4 PREMIER THEAT1RES PARK THEATRE 34 T M f SOU A Iti GODERICH 524-7811 IT'S AIR CONDITIONED WEDAHURS. LAST 2 DAYS AT 8:00 AM ITYVI LLE THE PW:•EggION STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. FRIAAT. 700 & 9:00 sureArams. 8:00 ONLY • * • • • • • to • 0 0 • • 0 ' 0 0 IP 0 • • • Featuring TOP HITS by BLONDIE THE CARS - THE COMMODORES DEVO THE HUMAN LEASE QUINCY JONES JOURNEY :THE POLICE REO SPEEDWAGON TOMMY TUTONE •90)J, _Irrf .J • .) ••••••••••• • 1.•� • • • "WV