The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-07-28, Page 12Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 28, 1902,—Palle 12 OUT OF THIS WORLD :aied �It May Ludwig.- Courtney On Saturday, May ,1st; 1982; wedding vows: were ' exchanged by Ann :Elizabeth Courtney and Rodger How. and Ludwig in Pine River united Church at 5 p.m. . • Soft candie11ght on.baskets of red rosest, white carnations and baby's breath' set. the background ferthe ceremony conducted by Rev, .Bob .Put,' Man , with. Mrs, W ayne taw- ry as organist. Ann, youngest daughter of •Amer and Joyce Courtney of . •Hu!!cn FTawrrtwhip, looked lovely 1st' her gown of white chiffon and lace,'carrying a • bouquet of red roses and white stephanotis. Miss: Jacquie Dickinson of. Ripley was matron of honour. Bridesmaids were Pattie Mc- Lean of • Ripley, Shannon Courtney of Kitchener and Mary Kempton of Point Clark. They chose baby blue: . chiffon dreams and blue lace hats, carrying; fans adorned with red roses and :white carnations, Shannon. Courtney, niece 'of the bride; was a delightful flower girl, in her dress of white dotted swisst:, carrying a -basket of red roses and white carnations. . Kent Hit ert '.of Listowel, nephew of the groom, capab- ly performed his duties as ring bearer, in his formal navy blue suit. Rodger, son . of .Howard Ludwig, was attendedby.. Dave Wieberg of Kitchener, His ushers were Gary Latta of Kitchener, Mark Henry and 'Rick :Clampitt of Lurgas, all wearing' navy. tuxedos. ` • $ridesmaids Shannon and Mary contributed to . the beauty and, sanctity of the Wedding by singing, ",The , Rose,", and "God's Greatest, Gifts", The . dinner .followed, at' Ripley Ruyan Complex: Poy lowing the reception, :the happy couple enjoyed a trip to. Niagara Palls, .They are now residing at 105 ,Victoria Road,;Lurgan. Attending . the wedding from a \distance was ` her sister, Joan,. from Yellow- .' knife, N:V'V.T, and guests from Detroit; Toronto, Lon- don, Listowel and . other points. , Previous to the ,wedding, relative showers were held'at the homes of Betty Ackert in Kin cardine, Mary Lou Green near Teeswater and Shirley Harris of. concession 12 Hur- on Township. Jaequie Dickinson hosted a girl friend`s shower and Anti. was showered with many beautiful and useful gifts at the community shower . in Bethel Church on April 44114' 1 at the library, A very entertaining adult historical novel at the library is "A Wager For Love" by Caroline .Courtney, The plot is laid in. London of 1700's the Georgian Era at the height of its splendour, You see the grandeur but also the cruelty and in- trigue, The heroine is kidnapped ori a lonely roadandforced to marry to win 8 wager, You are carried from episode to episode by the writer's gift for story -telling, A light romance for sum ter reading, (Reviewed by B, Johnstone), Par young adolescents "Don't Make Me Smile" by Bar - bars Park is set in the current tittle frame. Charlie has a bar rd time When his father tells him that he and his mother are getting a divorce. After about four nights of macaroni and cheese Charlie decides to Iive.in the. park. He feels the divorce has ruined his life. But he slowly learns to live with - it.. This book is very good and humorous. (Reviewed, by Heidi Pritchard), SPECIAL RACK 517.E 5.20 Surnmer Dresses 30 Further Reductions on All Summer Merchandise Bargain Racks. All Sales Final torte s LADIES' WEAR. effAUGM