The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-23, Page 12oohalsh news Lucknow Sentinel,, Wedeesday, June 23,, 1911—,Page 12 Trare11ers fhud trip to east coast good despite weather in Newfoundland By Kae Webster Ross and Jean MacKenzie accompanied by Henry. and Bernice Drennan had a very enjoyable three week holiday :down to the east coast. There they visited many places of interst In New .Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Ed- ward •Island, When they left home, they also intended to. go to Newfoundland too, but when they heard the weather they were having there they just cancelled that part of the. trip. Inall they said they had a wonderful, trip. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rick Deschamps on the arrival of their brand new daughter Nattelle, a wee sister for Steven. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Grant McDonald is in hospital. ' • On Friday afternoon many of the ladies of the United Church Women of Pane River United Church met at the home of 'Mrs. Pat Lowry to honour Mrs. Pam Putman at a farewell get together, The Putmans'are leaving the congregation the end of the month, Mrs, Putman was presented with a crystal water pitcher, Mr. and Mts. Gordon Robb have hada very busy week, It all started Saturday ' last when Edwin and Janice .McCutcheon and children. came 'down from Lions Head to spend a feet hours, then later ;that evening Mr. and Mrs; Robb went to Holstein. to the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard `Ecceles to, stay with their four boys till Sunday evening, while their parents were away for a. couple of days, On Thursday they had their other two daughters, Mrs. Sandra Darling of Han- over and. Mrs. Shirley Irvin and family of Ashfield visit with them. The Women's Missionary'' Society of Ashfield Presby- terian Church resby-terianChurch metthis month at the home of . Mrs, Rhoda MacKenzie in Lucknow. Movita Bradley, daughter of Jim and. Evelyn Bradley and Pat Courtney, son of Bob and Joyce Courtney of Point Clark were married recently in Mississauga at the, Cooks- vibe United Church. The wedding party later enjoyed. their dinner at the C,N. Tower in Toronto. Those that attended the . wedding from. here . were Bob and Joyce Kinloughpastor moves to Belfast home • Courtney, parents. • of they • By May Boyle Pastor and Mrs. Lionel Reeves moved from here on Monday to their home near Belfast. Visitors. on ' Sunday last with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Hodgins Of London and his mother, Mrs. Irene Hodgins of Lucknow, Mr: and Mrs. Linton Sittler of.,Culross. and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Stan- ley of here. Pastor and Mrs. Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst and Helen of Courtright spent Tuesday in the village with friends. Mrs. Marretta Hodgins and: Mrs. Pheobe. Stanley were in London a couple of days .for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Bennett returned to 'Toronto after; visiting here with their grandfather, Mr. Arthur Hal- denby. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barlett of Toronto and IvCr. and Mrs.. Jim Smith of Nanyaii ,;B.C. and. Dr, Richard A. Lane of 'Toronto visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank . Maulden and. Keith. Miss Cathy Hedley of Kit- chener visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Delbert Hedley and family. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Murray McKinnon, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archie (Bessie Murray) McKinnon.. Miss Margaret Murray of here is an aunt. Mr. and Mrs.. Wally Viae- chte`r and family of Formosa visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs: Fred Guest., ' Ruth Earle of Ingersoll, granddaughter. of Mrs. Lou- isa . Schneller; was in a serious car accident and is in critical condition. Her par- ents are Donald and Margar- et (Schneller) Earle. The Reverend. Bruce Rob- erts was, with the Anglican congregation and the Rev. Phillip Ruch on Sunday for the Anglicans in .Missions. Service. He gave a slide presentation following the service of Missionary work in the North.. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Marretta ' Hodgins . were the Reverend and Mrs. Carl Gerhulst 'from Klerksdorf, South Africa, and. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley of Luck- now. Best wishes to ' Brad Rhody, . who was in the 'War Memorial Children's Hospit- al, London,. for several days with a cut heel that requited a cast which will be on for two weeks. His mother, Mrs. Allan Rhody, was in in Lon- don with him and visited with Mrs. Mary . Boyle and .her sister-in-law, Mrs: Pearl Lloyd,•. Klnough W.M.S. The Kinlough Presbyter- ian Women's Missionary Society was Algid on Wed- nesday afternoon at the PICK YOUR 0' �t. OPEN'9.'a.m... p.m WEATHER PERMITTING 11/2 miles north of Renmiller then Y2 mile east PLEASE NO CHILDREN OR PETS for o 6 quart basket per Kilo CALL 524-7474 FOR CROP UPDATE PICK 4 - 6 QT. BASKETS GET THE FIFTH 6 QUART. BASKET FREE! PiCKED BERRIES Now Avallablo A.t MARTINIS MARKET PH.5243024 home of :Miss Winnifred Percy. Reports of the Presbyterial: at Ripley. on June 7 were given by Mrs. Tom McDon- ald and Mrs. Glen Haldenby. Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs. Glen Haldenby were pro- gram conveners. The study. was, Tormake us aware of the pluralistic nature of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. -Two groups discussed the problems and concerns of the multicultural people of the • church. A film strip, The Wall, was shown, followed by a ques- tion and answer period on it., Mrs. Glen Haldenby . con- ducted devotions groom,.Jim and Evelyn Brad - ley, parents of the bride and the bride's sister, , Madonna Bradley, , . • • • On Saturday evening an anniversary dance was held • in Lucknow at the Commun- ity Centre for. George and • Betty Moncrief in honour of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. Those that came froma distance were their daught- er, son-in-law and their three girls, George, Jane, Jenni- fer,- enni-fer,- Laura and Rebecca Ul !rich . of London; Betty's sister, Mrs. Marjorie Young of Goderich and her daughter and family of Seaford': an- other sister and ' husbands. Mac and Jean _Bell of Goder-. kh and their daughter and husband of Windsor; Mr.. and Mrs, Jack Clift of MIS. sissauga; Betty's cousins, Joe and Betty Bilet and their three granddaughters ' of Maperville, Illinois; • and George's parents, Fred. and Freda. Moncrief ,of London, The Kinsmen are going to put on their annual fireworks display again this year at Point Clark, July I. Most of the activities will start at approximately 7 p.m. and the fireworks display after dark. The admission is. free. Charles and Mayme Wilk ins entertained the Fellow- ship Group of Trinity United Church of Ashfield Sunday .evening to a barbeque. Lloyd Irwin accompanied by his niece, Elizabeth Wil- kins, were in Goderich Sun- day evening to help Harold and Ivy' Johnstone celebrate their . wedding anniversary, Sympathy is extended to the:' family of the late Mrs. Alex (.Cash). MacLennan of Lucknow and a former resid- .ent of Lochalsh. At one time she lived on the farm now owned by Jack, and Bertha .MacKenzie. She had been a' resident. of the Lucknow. Nursing Home for' a• number , of .yearsand was in her 93rd year. r' We cap help keep you from pasting the buck with a Newmac combination furnace. The buck stops. with our great alternative... burning wood or coal and oil to lower your heating bills. Every Newmac,. combination furnace provides you with: • a'Iarge firebox capable oftandling logs up to 24" • large loading doors for easy charging and . cleaning , , • separate combustion chambers, each thermostatically. controlled, that - automatically switch from coal/wood to oil • a curtain of air prevents smoke from coming ' out the fire door when • the furnace is charged with fuel ` . • an welded steel heat exchanger with a fire brick or cast iron lined .firebox • a quiet,. efficient' flame retention burner . • strategically located for easy servicing a rangeof models to choose from to fit your needs Newmac's name and reputatipnfor quality, service and warm customers The "Conservation Combination" from Newmeic. Let the buck stop here at your local Newmec dealer, Cliff's Piumblng& .Heuting 4 521-391.3