The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-16, Page 19Luckd.w Sentisr.l, Why, Jmw 1 , 19112—Page 19 Shepherd and Karen Stothers wed at Nile •frim. page 5 . , June 12. Mrs. Schietnan is the former Sharon Young, only daughter of Fred and Donna 'Young. Congratulations are 'also extended to Bob and Karen (Stothers) Shepherd 'who were .married at .Nile United Church on Friday evening, with a reception following at the Lucknow Community Centre. They are returning to. Alberta where they will reside. ,, Miss Holly Park who was a flower girl for her . aunt, Karen, stayed with her great aunt and . uncle, . Gail and Elmer Cook and. Kevin . fol- lowing the dinner but not before she enjoyed a wee bit of the reception. Congratulations. to Ed and Laurie Godfrey of Toronto on the birth of . 6 lb.- 2 . oz. Michael Edward at East General Hospital on Wed- nesday, June 9. A first grandchild for Howard and Marlene Godfrey. Mrs. Marie 'Park • .had the misfortune to break her -right leg' 'in a fall at the home of her father in Goderich . on Monday of last week. Dungannon Mennonite Church held a very success- ful recycling .drive June 11/12. Mrs. Norma. Martin reports that there . is consid. erable interest in this typeof drive and would be pleased to hear from any interested: persons who could lend assistance, Church Picnic On May '30 the congrega- tion of Dungannon and Nile met at the summer school grounds for thein annual church service and picnic. The dining hall was filled for a service in song and scrip- ture, :. After a. bountiful pot' luck dinner the children had their races outside with prizes going to the following: 4 and under, Jesse Reed, Tennille Cranston, Michael Sillib; 6 and under, Dana Park, Lisa Sillib, Alesha Glousher, Lar- issa Sproule; 8 and under, Joe :Wright, °Duane Durnin, Tanya .Hodges; 10 and un. der, Paula Vanderburgh, Dennis Park, Joey'Curran;12 and under, Laurie .'Hayden, Stephanie Durnin, Jimmy Wright; over 12, Tammy- Lynn Tilbrook, Kenny Log- tenberg, Kelly Ann Tilbrook, Vicky Vanderburgh: Sack Race, 4 • 'and under, Jesse ' Reed, Janet Eggles- ton, Tennille Cranston; 6 and under, Tracy Curran, Larissa Sproul, Amy .lo Glenn, Lisa Sillib;. 8 . and under, Tonya Glousher, Bill Curran, Rus- sell Sutton; 10 and under., Joey Curran, Melissa Log- Kinlough ACW hold thankoffering By May Boyle • . • enby received the offering. , Refreshments and a time of. The. Kinlough Anglican fellowship followed. Church Women held, their Mr. and Mrs, Bert .Nish summer Thankoffering meet- •ol"son returnedhome on ing at the church on Thurs- day evening when they, en- tertained neighbouring Mis- sionary Societies namely, Kingarf, Ripley and Lucknow A.C:W.s, Kinloss U.C.W., Kinlough Presbyterian. W.M.S. and Kinlough Pente- costal ' Women's group. Miss Ruth Thompson of Lucknow gave an illustrated talk , on her trip to China which everyone enjoyed, She was introduced and. thanked by the convener,• Mrs, Roy Collins.. Those. taking part in the program were Mrs, Betty Scott, Mrs. Edith Cooper, Mrs. Betty Bushell, and Mrs, Evelyn Hodgins. Mrs. Stam Saturday -evening neighbours and Mrs. Bernice Courtney were entertained at the Hald favoured with musical num- .R enby home and enjoyed the hers accompanied by Mrs. Bennett's •pictures 'of their Laura Dahmer. • recent trip on a Caribbean The president, Mrs. Joyce • Cruise and also a slide pres- Hedley presided, Mrs. lrlma entation ofanother trip taken Wall and Mrs: Mary 'Haid- to B.C. earlier. Wednesday after a two week trip to the East Coast. 1Ve' extend ` sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Fanny Wraith of Wingham, whose funeral was held on Thursday after- noon. The late Mr, and Mrs. John Wraith lived west of the village a number of years ago and were well known here. Mrs. Wm. MacPherson spenta few days at Stoney Creek with Mr, and Mrs: Dean Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett of Toronto spent the weekend with her father, Arthur Haldenby here, On Crowd attends sale By Kathryn Todd On. Saturday afternoon good weather prevailed for the sale of household goods and effects of Elmer Woods. A large crowd attended the sale, John Sieek'er of Owen Sound visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Siecker Sr,- Mrs. Sleeker is presently in the Bahamas as part of her em- ployment, Larry MacPherson cele- brated his birthday this year with a surprise birthday held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPher. son. Several family members and friends attended, The area wolf hunters joined together Saturday ev- ening for a steak barbque at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Rae. Nicholson. Mr. Wilfred MacQuillan entertainedby playing the bagpipes, tenberg, Alison Curran; 12. and under, Stephanie Durn- in, Laurie Hayden, Sherry Hodges;: over 12, Kenny Log- tenberg,; : Tammy -Lynn Til- brook, Kelly -Ann Tilbrook. Wheelbarrow race, 6 and under, Jodie Riley, Dana. Park;. Michael Sillib, Lisa Sillib; Alesha Glousher, Tra• cy Curran; 6 to 8, Tanya Hodges, Linda Hayden; Joel Wright, • Matthew Sproul; Scott Nicholson, Tim McNee; 9 - 10,, Melissa Logtenberg, Alison Curran; Joey Curran, Michael Campbell; Shannon Kerr, . Paula Vanderburgh; over 12, Kenny Logtenberg, Nancy Carmichai; Vicky Van.. derburgh, Carolyn Douds; Arletta .Glenn, Kelly Ann Tilbrook; 11. • - 12, Jim Wright, Craig McNeil; Sher. ry Hodges, Vicky Vander - burgh; Laurie Hayden, Ste- phanie Durnin. • - Kick The Shoe, 4 and under, Chris Curran, Jesse Reed, Michael Sillib; 6 and under, ,Tracy Curran, Mich- ael McNee, Amy Jo Glenn; 8 and under, Billy Curran, Tanya Hodges, Tim McNee; 1 DON'T FORGET THE 6NJUN6 HIS DAY20TH hi REMEMBER DAD on ,H1S DAY .with .\ a GIFT, from Les Patter Sho.. LUCKNOW 528-2011 10 and under, Steven. Nich- olson, John. Wright, Joey Curran; 12 and under, Jim',. Wright, Stephanie Durnin, Kevin Black;. over 12, Vicky Vanderburgh, ' Judy Kerr, Kenny Logtenberg. Potato Race, 6 and under, Dana Park, Lisa Sillib, Amy Joe Glenn, Larissa Sproul; 8 and under, Tim McNee, Andrew Glenn; Russel Sut- to», Tonya Gousher; Duane Durnin, Billy Currin; 10 and under, Paula Vanderburgh, Shannon Kerr, Teresa Eggely stone; 12 and. under,' Craig McNeil, Angela Glenn, Jac- qui Dawson; over 12, Nancy Carmichael. Vicky Vander. urgh, Kelly Tilbrook. We can help keep you • from passing the buck With a'Newmac combination: furnace, The buck stops. with our great altemative.,, burning wood or Coal and oil to. lower your heating bills. Every Newmac combination furnace Q provides you with: • a large firebox capable of handling Togs up to 24 • large loading doors for easy charging and cleaning • separate combustion chambers, each thermostatically controlled, that automatically switch from coal/wood to oil • a curtain of air prevents kemoke from coming out the fire door when the fumece is charged with fuel, • an all welded steel heat; exchanger with a fire brick or cast iron lined firebox • a quiet, efficient flame retention burner strategically located for easy servicing a range of models to choose from to fit your needs Newmac's name and reputation for quality, service and warm customers Th• "Conservation Combination" horn' ' 'Newmac. Lot the buck stop.hro at your local Newmac dealer. rra. INC. Cliff'a Plumbing &.Heating • :52.07391; 11:11:414.4,1111 Lucknow Lucknow Form Supply MIKE Purina High Octane Pig Starter Rationing IKE 18% Soy Pre -Mix Starter PROGRESS CHART '. Starting May 21, 1982 Starting Weight Week Number 1___Wr._ 20.9 2 3 4 I.( 18.3 27.5 ,37.0 -- 6.9 17.2 32.4 16.5 19.7 22,4 .28.8 -- 6.7` 13.2 28.1 if 5284331 Get the whole story on HighOctane Pig 5tartena ration from: LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY X Purina... planning tomornwv with research todm} 9