The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-09, Page 11comrriun ty news Photo by Studio Fittkau Howald - Crowder Wed in Germany The . Stiftskirche, Lahr, West Germany , was the "set- ting for the candlelight cere- mony which• united in mar- riage ' Frederick Charles Howald and . Wanda Lynn Crowder of Kippenheiniweil- er, West Germany^on May 15, 1982 at 5 p.nh. Padre George W. Scharf officiated" at the double ring ceremony.. The bridc is the daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crowd- er of Lahr, West Germany and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howald of Lucknow, Ontario. • The bride, given in mar- riage by her parents, chose an elegant German style gown `of white satin overlay - ed with chantilly lace, ac- cented with seed .pearls. It. featured a fitted bodice, split lace sleeves, "a chiffon " belt and flowing floor length 'skirt. A ten foot lace "trimmed veil completed her ensemble. She carried a bouquet of red roses with flowing ribbons. Matron of honour was Bar- bara MacQueen of Lahr, sister of the bride, and bridesmaids were Helma Ritz of Kurzell and Cindy LeBlanc of Lahr. Flower girl was Denise Johnstone also of { Lahr. The matron of honour and bridesmaids chose floor Announce birth ELLIOTT - Barry and Crystal Elliott, R. R. / 1, Lucknow, are happy to announcethe birth of their son, Kyle . William, 9 lb.., on May 31, 1982 at Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital. A brother for Ryan. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott of R. R. # 1, Lucknow, Mr; and Mrs. Lofty Johnson of Phillipsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Konings of Sarnia. Lnclu►ow Sentinel, Wednesday, Jure 9, 1982—Page 11 Nursing mothers hold bazaar and bake sale The May meeting of Luck- now Nursing Mothers was: held at the home of Lois Lin- dinschmidt, R. 2. Wingham, Two very interesting films' were shown on. childbirth. The first was titled, Gentle Birth. It described the Leboy- er method of childbirth which includes dimming of lights when the child is born and bathing pf the infant immed- .iately after birth. The second film was entit- led, A Child's Birthright. It showed how the newborn is a very responsive human with many distinctive 'character- istics at birth. The film also emphasized how our modern society has moved away from the more natural side of childbirth to a more technical one. Jo -Ann Kirkland discussed the fact that the group is now a rental depot for the Egnell electric breast. pump. It can be rented to any' mother in. the: area for a'small'daily fee length. baby blue gowns accented with lace and flow- ers and they woreblue rolled -rim hats. Theycarried glass candle holders rimmed with wreaths ' of petite flowers. The flower girl wore a similar blue dress and carried a basket of garden flowers. The groomsman was Cyril Brown of Kippenheimweiler and the ushers were Michael Collins of Kurkel1 and Dave Dunbar of Mahlberg. The groom wore a dark blue three piece suit with a white shirt featuring blue ruffle trim and a red carna- tion in his lapel. The grooms- man and ushers wore similar suits with white carnation boutonnieres. Music was provided by Herr Wackers with the pro- cessional being Ode to Joy. The dinner and reception followed in a German "Gast haus" (or restaurant) where• the guests enjoyed a tradi- tional German supper. The couple honeymooned in the Bavaria region of Germany and since' their return have taken Mup resid- ence in Kippenheimweiler. Honoured guests at the wedding were the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. liar- ' old Howald of ,Lucknow and his brother, Antony. Bike rodeo Winners in the bike rodeo held at Lucknow Central' Public School on Monday were seniors, Andy Grazier and Donalda Thompson; jun- iors, Heather Priestap and Rod Crich and primary, Dale Priestap and Alison Halden- by. Constable Dave Donn of the Walkerton detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police conducted the rodeo assisted by members of the Lucknow Kinsmen Club'.. to aid in breastfeeding. The results of the most successful Spring Bake Sale and Bazaarwere announced by Doreen Mali. A discussion followed as to how to use the money most effectively. Lucknow-Teeswater Area Nursing Mothers held a very successful bake sale and baz- aar on May 8.. ) . The sale was held in the Town Hall, Winghamand offered a variety of items ranging from bedding plants to baked goods. The day ended. w4h the draws which resulted as fol- lows: Afghan - Karen McIn- nes, Teeswater; terry diapers - Kerri Comly, Meaford; Ann and Any Dolls - Christy dollies - . Dean Netzky, Tees- e water; chocolate cake - Elno Johnston,. Wingham; baby quilt and ' pillow - Brenda Soers, Mildmay; baby seater set. - Isobel Comly, Meaford; Schedler, Wingham.. The meeting concluded with delicious; goodies sup- plied up- plied by Joan Benninger, Marilyn Moffat and Lorraine Reinhardt. Diabetologist speaksto meeting Approximately 40 people attended the spring meeting of the Wingham and District Branch of the Canadian Dia- betes 'Association held rec- ently at the 'Wingham United Church. Vice President, Audrey McDonald chaired the meet- ing in the absence of.Presid- ent, Isable Burke. Guest speaker for the ev- ening was Dr. Robert Ehrl- ich, a diabetologist . from Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Dr. Ehrlich ' addres- sed the topic, Diabetes and Children and discussed how control of diabetes can be improved. He stressed the importance of diet, the bene- fits of mixing insulins and. the various methods of moni- toring blood sugar- values at The Ontario Farmstead Irnprovment Program. home rather than urine test- ing as a check on, the day to day control. Dr. Ehrlich then called on Helen Phillips and Shirley Scott, two dietitians who work.in conjunction with the doctor at the Diabetes (`entre at H.S.C. They again stres- sed the importance Al diet and the need for consistency each day. Upgrade your fences and outbuildings this year and generate local employment with help from a Farmstead Improvement Grant worth Up to $2000... 'Ontario will pay half the cost of eligible improMemcnts ($2000 maximuni grant per farming operation). ELIGIBILITY Yo'u'reeligihle if the value of your farm production is at least $12,000 or if you own and farm a minimum of 40 hectares (100 acres); Eligible im- provements include: • new and ~�.. replacement, wire fencing \ • (outbuildings improvements ("painting, rooting..sidint . foundations) • removal of derelict hai.ldin s All improvements must he done by local labour or contractors, and materials purchased hctore the end 011982.. mum API'1X IFor further infon»ation and to Obtain application f()r11T"s, write or phone yoUr IocaI,Ontario Ministiy of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) office. I:)cadlinc for applications iiiust , . he, date -Stamped no later than midnight. December. 31, 1982:. 'I'lle ( )ntariO'l;(ivernm+e'nt— Wi)rking to Help'1)e ple. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario t)(rIni; 'rrrni)rell Minister Wrllr)r77 [),tv� 1'r(',Infer