The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-02, Page 171� etogenarians cele By Lillian, Young . • family fora few ,days.,; day, May 26,. Mrs. Leona Davidson and Mr, and Mrd, Reg Broome 80th Birthday Celebrated Mrs, Rosemary Billcky, jay of Belfast visited with his Open house was held at and Kerrie, all of Cambridge sister, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford the -home of Mr, and Mrs. spent the holiday weekend Young on Saturday,. with their sister, Mr. _ and Liaise Young was one of Mrs, lan. Thomas and family. the many students who at- Mr." and Mrs:; Wesley tended the prom at the P E. Young of Lucknow visited' Madill: School Saturday. even - Monday evening with his - ing. A targe crowd attended brother, Mr, and Mrs. Clif- and everyone had an. enjoy - ford Young. ' able time. .. � • Mrs. Robert Wynne is . Karen and .Liane Young spending afew weeks visit- were two of the.: Lucknow ing with her son in Vancouv- bandmembers who went on. er, • the annual band trip last Sympathy of the common week. They left Lucknow it' is extended' to relatives of school on Wednesday morn - Wilfred Harkness who pas- ing and stopped at Londes- sed away on. May 20 in his .boyo, Clinton and Seaforth 7,4th year. His brother, Jam- - where -they, played at each es Harkness delivers mail school, They stayed . over - from' Teeswater in our area, night at Stratford and on Sympathy of the Commun. Thursday played at 'three , Bob Bregman on Saturday afternoon, May 22 from p,m. t4 5 p.m, in honour of the 80th birthday of Bob's Mother, Mrs. • Jan Bregman. of Blyth. They • had many callersthrough the afternoon including friends from Exet. Miry EM,die, daughter, of er where she formerly lived. Lorne end Doris 'Eadle of Tea sandwiches and cookies Holyrood, is a int WWII* were served . by ' her four ate of the University of granddaughters, Joanne, Guelph tirlth an honours Christine and Diane Breg- Bachelor of " plied Silence man and Chantelle Keller. - degree from the College of Mrs, Bregman thoroughly Family and Consumer. Stud- enjoyed meeting so many of ht the fall, Mary will be. her friends .again. ,employed as a consumer ed. 85th Birthday Celebret%d. • t illi the Caned' Mr. and Mrs Wallace Cattlemen's at le w' s Richardson of ingham en. y it is also.extended to relay schools there. They spent dolt Beef rnformR t' totes of Mrs.. Jean McInnes Thursday night at Erindale tlori Centre in Toronto. - tertained about,12 relatives. on Saturday evening, May 22 of Wingham, who passed College in Mississauga in honour of the 85th birth-: away in Wingham hospital in where they played Friday day of Wallace's mother, her 82nd year on Wednes- morning. They then went to Mrs. May Richardson, also of Wingham, Cards were played through the evening and pictures were .taken. May \ received congratula- tions, cards,. and presents through . the evening ,and everyone had a good . time. May. is 'a sister of Clifford Young of Langside, Wesley Young of Lucknow and. Jean Wightnan of Belgrave. The Richardson . family " farmed near Langside quite a ,few. years'. ago. Rain which :.started Wed- nesday, May 19 was badly Intermediates win opener Lucknow Legion Intermed} iate fast ball team opened the season against. Teeswater last Wednesday and ,defeat. ed the „opposition 6 to 3, Ray Cranston, Doug "Stev- enson and Hugh Todd shared the pitching duties. John de Bruyn,and Wayne Todd led inruns batted in and Dave Black was the best. defensive player. Next-hotne game Wednes- day, June 9, at 8.30. New airvals SCHIESTEL Mr. :and Mrs. Charles Schiestel of ;R; 2, Wingham are pleased; to an- nbunee' the arrival . of their daughter,' Mary Viola Gert- , rude, 7lb. ,12 oz.., on May 30, 1982 at ' Wingham. and Dist- rict Hospital, wee sister for Charles, Charlotte, Tommy, • Isabel and Roseanne. MacKENZIE - Judy, Neil and Brian are pleased to an- nounce the arrival. of Neil John, 8lbs. 8 oz., on May 15, 1982 at' St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London. Proud grandpar- ents . are Mrs. Rhoda Mac- Kenzie, Lucknow and Dun can and Kay Thorborn, Am ••berley. FARRISH .- Jim and Nancy larrish, R. 7, Lucknow are pleased to announce the ar- rival- of their son, Kiel Jor- dan, 7lbs.. 8 oz., on May 18, 1982. at Winghatn and Dist- rict ishrict Hospital; a little brother for Chris. and Kim. Another grandson for .Jack and Mary Parrish, R. 7, Lucknow and Helen Gardner of Wingham. MENARY -. Ron and Joanne Menary of R. 7, Lucknow are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah, May, 7 lbs. 9 oz., on May 17, 1982 at Winghani and Dist- riet Hospital, a wee sister for Michael and Lisa. BOAK Jim and Patricia Hoak of R, 5, Lucknow are delighted to announce 'the arrival of their first child, 'a boy, James Anson, '9 lbs, 2 ozr, an , May 18, 19S2 at Wingham and District' Hos- pital. • needed and Wednesday ev- ening we saw two rainbows.. It has been 'wet off and on sincethen and was not too good for campers on the long' weekend. Mrs. Mary Austin of Lon- don suffered a iecond stroke and is back in London hospital:.. Mrs. 'Austin ' is a sister of Mrs. Robena Stew- art of Teeswater and'.' has several nieces' ,in the Lang - side district. , Mrs. Nell of Stayner visit- ed with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs', Bob Bregman ' nd Visits daughter in British Columbia Mrs, Symon 'de Boer of Lucknow returned t~ridayi, from a, .seven week vacation with her daughter, Pietie and . Henk Kragt of British Col- umbia. Visiting at the home of Rev: Bill : and Peggy , Hender- son for the holiday weekend were Marg Henderson 'and Sandy Henderson of Toronto and Rev. , John Henderson and family of Waterloo. Ilost.ParIY Helen and Dave Hender•. son, Opal and Claude Dore, Marvin and Ruth Orr and Bud and Rita Orr held an, 80th birthday party celebra- tien. for Melvin Orr of Chesley, formerly of Luck- now, at the Ripley Legion Hall ' on May 30, Brothers, Andy Orr,, Exeter, Jimmy Orr, Parkhill and their wives, as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren; also Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mac- Dougall of Chesley attended. 'M'usic was provided by Andy Orr, Jimmy Orr. and Bud Orr. Going Out of Business Everything Must Go! STORE HAS BEEN SOLD Choose From 'Mattresses • Bedroom Suites -OiI Paintings 'Kitchen Sets NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ALL SALES FINAL - CASH, CHEQUE, VISA Listowel furniture 135 Main St. E. LISTOWEL 291-2179 Lucknow Sentinel, W days at esdaY,, Jeune 20 2982 --Page 1A.6 Ontario Place and played. there.,' They returned to Luck» now school Friday evening, tired but happy. They had enjoyed their .trip, Dawn. Wraith of Wingham, who was seriously injured 'n a motor cycle accident early Langside Friday evening, May 21, is now improving though still in University Hospital, London, She is the granddaughter of Mrs,, Fanny Wraith of Wing* *ham, formerly of Lucknow. We hope- she continues to improve. SKIM 1 KG. PEANUT BUTTER HEINZ IN TOMATO 'SAUCE 14 OZ. SPAGHETTI PARAMOUNT COHOE 73/i. OZ.. SALMON WESTON CARAMEL OR .COCONUT 300 GR. • COOKIES E.D. SMITH ' CHERRY 19 OZ. : PIE FILL POLISH SAUSAGE SCHNEIDER'S PARCHMENT MARGARINE GRAPES CELERY • RADISHES • LB. .2 . BUNCHES Bain's Groceteria Lucknow 528-3420 OPEN.SIX DAY'S WE DELIVER Lucknow Lucknow Farm Su PRESENTS. US 0,ss dust PLAIN 60 fserrER" .loRe, THEekcas H&/A 'CAUSE 7t/etr4RC L'010 14 ANP ALL.. . ?N� RCAL . a m44'c xri, IS H/GH aCYANN PAI SrARreNA. . 528-2331 Pl4' 1: 21'1;011'3 PPQDLCeRS 6erIRE MAX/MUM 11RED-/N pt,r; 4#At. C M AA EfriiityHOD AND iHG CME vlez Niue&Ike like to have company so stop by and see them at: LUQKNOW FARM SUPPLY planning tnrnorrow with research Way