The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-06-02, Page 2�SIngte Copy 35s Lueknow ai:nboree '83 Published In . Lucknow, Ontarlp,: Wednesday, . Sune 2, 1982 16 Pages J. Dalton observes GOIden•ejtthilee. The son of a pioneer family,, whose name throughseveral generations, • has been a living* traditional part .of the Kingsbridge area for more than a quartercentury, carne home tci a communityovation on Sunday, May 16, Priests from various parts of Ontario joined with present and former residents of the St, Joseph's parish to pay' touching tribute to Rev. Father M. J. Dalton. B.A.,. M.B.E. on the occasion of the' Golden Jub - lee of his ordination tothe priesthood, Father: Dalton' was born in 1902. He . attended Assumption College in 1916 and St. Peter's Seminary in 1926. He was ordained on May 21, 1932, He served at Holy Name Roman Catholic Church 'in Windsor from 1932-36 and St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church from. 1936.39. He taught Bible history at Patter- son Public High School from 193839; During. World War Il he taught at am Overseas, .Services School. ' • In .:1946 , hereceived the Assumption College." Alumni Award for his Work as an organizer of the building program at Precious Blood, Windsor. In 1953 he became'pastor at Woodslee and in 1957 he was, presented witha shield by the Alhambia Order, to become the only living man to receive honours from the order which ' has previously honoured prominent Roman Catholics after death. In. 1957 King . George . VI conferred the AMBE,on Father Dalton the first priest to be honoured by the British Sovereign. In 1959 he became .pastor at Kingsville and in 1970.he became chaplain of Sacred Heart Villa at Courtland. The Golden Jubilee commenced at 2 pan' ' on May 16 with registration.., Scottish Highland Pipers Bert; .McCreath .and.. Jim .Muir of Goderich led the procession to a tree planting ceremony in the St. Joseph's. Church Cemetery, where two maple trees were planted by the Parish itt honour of Father. Dalton's 50th anniversary in the priesthood. The voices of the Sacred Heart Choir of Wingham. led by Sally Campeau, presented renditions of hymns prior and during the mass. The procession to the 31o'clock mass. was led by eight members of the 4th Degree of Knights of Columbus. Father Ed Denting- er CR and parish pastor at St, Joseph's, Welcomed everyone and Father Dalton. introduced the attending clergy' which in - chided Fr. O'Keefe S.J., Fr. Mooney, Fr. Carruna, Fr, Loebeck, Fr. Oostzeeny and Fr. Bensett. The first reading wAs given by Clettis Dalton who introduced the altar boys, Peter Van Diepen, of the Parish, Chris Dalton, son of Maurice Dalton, Port Eight', Ray Dalton, son of Cletus Dalton and Joe Dalton, son of Mike. Dalton, both of Kingsbridge. Annta•'Hogan gave the second reading and Frances Marsman read the°, special. inten- tions.. Fr. Dalton gave the homily ' with special emphasis on the 33 religious voca- ' tions from St, . Joseph's Parish'. Special. ' intentions were offered for more religious vocations from the parish. • Also in attendance at the mass were. sisters of St. Joseph's- community ,and other communities, The . Dalton families and parishioners carried gifts to the altar. • After the mass the Dalton families and the parish asked everyone who attended the mass to enjoy lunch and fellowship in the parish hall. Diane Ewer of Lucknow is conducting a "Dance It" fitness program for ladies two nights a week at the lncltnow Town Hall. Two classes meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings to dance their way to better health. Judy Datema foreground, and Kathy 1VIcKinnon of the 7 o'clock class are shown participating in one of several` dance routines. The program runs another three weeks and. Diane intends to offer the program again in the fall. • (Sentinel Staff Photo) Rev. Father M. J. Dalton 'Fr.. Dentinger welcomed more than 200 guests to the fellowship and after lunch he acted as master. of •ceremonies, paying tribute- .to Fr, Dalton And 'telling some histories. ' ' • • Special guests who paid; 'tribute to. Fre Dalton were. MPP .Murray Elston, who• brought greetings: from the. Province . of Ontario and presented him with a Constitu- tion Medallion. Murray Cardiff' MP also • attende. d bringing greetings . from the country of Canada, Stan Morrow of Detroit, formerly of St. John's De Buff, Kingsville proposed a toast to Fr. Dalton regarding his achievements. Gene Frayne extended .`best wishes from the. St. Joseph's parish, He expressed appreciation for .Fr. Dalton's message on vocations from the parish` and added he hoped these wouid be fulfilled. Loretta Doherty. presented Fr. Dalton with a Spiritual Bouquet for'world peace from the Catholic Women's League and Pat Whalen of Ooderich,' 'formerly of Precious •Blood. Windsor recognized Fr. Dalton's ability for. organization during the building program at their 'church. Col. Fred Lillson of Essex Scottish Regi- ment, who was awarded the Victoria. Cross, the highest honour a soldier can receive; and' was mentioned in Fr. Dalton's homily, also attended. Johnny Brennan from • London sang Ave Maria, accompanied;: by Sister Maureen Dalton, • • qletus Dalton thanked Betty Lou Dalton and :the ladies of the CWL. and the ladies of the parish for preparing and serving the lunch. Cletus also paid tribute' to Fr, Dalton and presented him with the Fr. Mike Dalton awards from the Ray Dalton family. The gold medallion will be presented to retiring altar boys in perpetual memory of .Fr, 'Dalton's Golden Jubilee anniversary. The ;Fr. Mike 'Dalton sportsmanship award for the most sportsmanlike conduct will be. presented to a boy and a girl in grades 7 and 8 at St. Joseph's Community: School. Cletus also thanked Bernadine Kinney for her help in decorating the hall and entrance Man old fashioned Irish way, and setting up Trull topage 4• Police investigate thehs • Goderich and Kincardine: detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police are continuing ' their investigation intothree thefts and a mischief occurrence in the Lucknow area on the weekend: • On Saturday morning about 12.15 a.m..a neighbour noticed a youth revving the engine of a car parked in the carport of the Tom Hackett residence: The youth then attempted to push another car parked in'the driveway fromthe driveway. When unsuc-, cessful, he, left the car and walked away. About 12.30 a.m. on the same morning, persons unknown smashed the window of a car•owned by Steven Eckenswiller of R. 1, Lucknow students place at music festival VVitiners in the first annual Midwestern' Ontario Rotary' Music Festival held in ,.Walkerton May 25. 29 include the grade 4 - 5 'lass of'Lucknow Public School under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Joan Black, 'They placed: third with their. son, All Night, All Day. Dean Tiffin achieved .first place in a class for 8. year old boys for his solo, Father Sea. His brother, Stephen topped the class for boys aged 10 with, A Boy's Song. • Marlene Martin tied for third place in the, 10-year.uid girls' division for the song, The Fairy Cobbler, ' Donnie Kraemer' achieved second place in a class for 12 -year-old boys for. The King of Song, and Karey Coughlin placed third in the 12 -year-old girls.' class. singing, The Wing Maker. Sharon Askes and Heather Steer tied for second place in the nine:year-old girls' class singing, Margery Maketh The Tea, Donald Cuillerier and Adam Skilien. front Kinloss. Central School ' placed second and third respectively in a class for eight year• old boys for their ;song, Father Sea. Holyrood. which was parked at the Lucknow District Community Centre. The car's stereo equipment was stolen from the Eckenswiller vehicle. During .the early morning hours of May 30, a 1975 Datsun operated by . Floyd Courtney of R. 1. Dungannon was stolen from St. Helens. ' The : vehicle was later rec*Vere:d east of Belfastwith extensive damage. The car apparently had•, been iriv.olved in an accident. ' (Also during the morning hours of May 30, a 1981 Datsun owned by Phillip Jerome of Lucknow was stolen front the Jerome resid- ence • and tater recovered ' in it Clinton on Sunday. A11 of the above incidents are still under in restigation, Family escapes house fire in Edmohtori Mr.: and Mrs, Tom Lee, Edmonton, i Alberta, were awakened early, Monday morning to find• their house on fire, After taking their. 21 month old son, Jim to neighbours and calling the fire department. they found they could not get buck. into the house. Ken Hamilton, who resides with theta, grabbed 10 year old Duane and smashed the outside door off to escape front their baSement bedrooms. The fire was contained in the kitchen and living roont area with the rest of the house suffering smoke damage. The family was veru fortunate to escape with no injuria.. Mrs. Lee and Ken hanniltctn arc the children ofMr, and Mrs. Al 11;tntitton, Luck um.