The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-26, Page 19dungannon newer Luclntow Sentinel, Wednesday, .May 26, -.1982 --page 19 Welcomes the arrival of first granddaughter By Made Park Congratulatio. ns to. Don; 'and Jayne Broughton of Lon- don on the ,birth of their •6 lb.. I/2 oz. daughter, Rebecca Jean, on May 4 at Victoria Hospital; Rebecca is th€first grandchild for Mrs. Jean Broughton and second grandchild for, Mr, and Mrs. Don Ivison .of Tilbury. Jean visited with her granddaugh- ter for four days last week: Brad•Park entertained sev- eral friends on Saturday when he celebrated his eighth birthday.' John and Kathy Stanbury enjoyed dinner out in London on, Saturday evening to cele. brate their wedding anniver- sary, Congratulations! Visitors on Sunday with Bill and Mark Park and Brad were Mike and Val Bendig and Joe of Goderich, Tom and Millie Lawlor of Auburn and Mrs. Gertrude Park. Elmer and Gail Cookwere in London on Saturday to visit Gail's mother, Mrs. Roy Ashton, who is a patient in. University Hospital. Mr. Ashton accompanied them. Marie Park visited her moth Btiv►n:iz 13111,S, • 1981 BUICK SKY LARK, 4 door, '4 cyl. 2- 1980 MERCURY MARQUIS Broughams, with air 1980. MONTE CARLO, with air ti 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door sedan 1980 ASPEN, 2 door [Special Edition] 1979 THUNDERBIRD 1979 CHEV IMPALA stationwagon with air 1977 MONTE CARLO, with air TRUCKS 1978 DODGE, Carry Van BLYTH PHONE 5234342, We're, listening to you._ Since I was elected leader of the Ontario NDP, I've met and spoken to thousands of Ontarians who are concerned 'about the future of our province. We'd, like to hear from you. "Cheek ONE" The issue that affects me most is: 0 Jobs, unemployment, layoffs , 0 ' Increasitng remits O Housing shortages O Small\business security O Farm 'security 0' Interest rates 0 Environmental pollution 0 Social services'and medicare cutbacks 0 Provincial taxes 0 Municipal taxes 0 I would like to receive information about the NDP policies on the issue that I've checked above. Name •' Address • Phone MAIL TO: Bob Rae, Leader Ontario N.D.P. c/o Tony McQuall R. R. # 1, • Lucknow, Ont. er through the week. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Art Young (Isabel. Foran) who were married at St. August- ine on. Friday, A. reception was hell in the: Lucknow Community Centre following the ceremony. Dungannon U.C.W. The May meeting of the Dungannon U.C.W. held at the home of Doris and George Cowan, was well at- tended. The theme of the devotional was, Trust, and it was taken ' by Beth McCon- nell and . Delores Culbert, who gave readings on Trust and Peace. Emily' Drennan read an article. entitled, A. Lesson in Trust. • Nora Saunders,' 1st, vice president, took over " the business part of the meeting, thanking the Cowans for the use of their home. The quilt • which . the • ladies tied and which was displayed in Cora Sherwood'sstore window has been sold. The feature for May was a sing song led by Mr. Cowan. This proved to be very lively as Mr..' Cowan added some action selections. Everyone enjoyed a social. time and a delicious lunch. was served by Nora Saunders and Delores Culbert. Brookside Broadcast' ' By Tray, Livingston, Cathy Baltzer and Fern. Muth On. Wednesday, May 19th Brookside held their annual Track and Field Day:.. The winners are as follows: sen• for girls, Kelly Markham, runner, up, Chris Gibson; senior . boys, Wayne Bos, runner up, Leroy Dougherty; intermediate girls, Shelly Good, runners up, Laurie • • Pentland and Nancy°Hunter; intermediate boys, Scott Hackett, runner .up, Murray Curran; junior girls, Donna. Raynard, runners, up, Steph- anie Durnin and Lelsa Rau junior boys, Scott Gibson, runner up, Kirk Livingston; midget girls, Julie Pentland, runner up, Melissa. Logten- berg; midget boys, Philip Luedemann, runner up, Joey Curran; primary girls, Sheila ' Haymers, runner up, Tanya Hodges; primary boys, Joel Wright . and' Duane Durnin, tied' for first.. Mrs. Jolly and Mrs. Young's grade . one classes. went to the African Lion. Safari on May 20. Mrs. Tebbutt and. , Mrs. .Nivins' grade two and. three • went to ° Goderich on ' May 17. Mr. Liddle's . grade , five class went camping at Camp Men- esetung on May 17 and 18. The Pre -Kindergarten . screening was held on Thurs- day, May 20, The children worked with the, staff, mem- bers, from the Student Sery- ices Department In Clinton. The Ping Pong tournament was . held at Brookside on ' May 14 with East Wawanosh Ind Brookside participating. Results are asfollows; grade 8 girls, , Veronica Bakelaar E.W., runner up, Chris Gib- son B.P.S.; grade 7 girls, Christina Farris)). ; B.P.S., runner up, Ellen Taylor E.W. grade 6 . girls, Jean McWhinney, B.P.S., runner up, Donna Raynard B.P.S.; grade'8 boys, Graham Taylor E.W., runner up, 'Doug Wood E.W.; grade 7 boys, Shawn Hackett B.P.S., run- ner , up, Leroy Dougherty B.P:S.; grade 6 boys, Steven. Coultes E.W., runner up, Walter Martin, B.P.S. •$U';tk! SATURDAY, MAY 29th CKNX-RADIO PRESENTS THE NX -MX 125 QUALIFIERS 2:00 P.M. ATTENTION RIDERS TWONOURS WEST Of TORONTO. LONDON COMPETE AGAINST CANADA'S NO.' 1 PLATEHOLDER, ROSS PEDERSON AND MANY OTHER TOP CANADIAN RIDERS IN THIS 250 SUPER CROSS STYLE EVENT. 125 SUPPORT QUALIFIERS, MAY 29TH. ENTRIES ARE LIMITED 50. MOVE FAST, ASK FOR... CHUCK OR BECKY COLLINS THIS SUNDAY SEES THE TOP PRO'S COMPETING FOR 01* VERY LUCRA- TIVE PURSE OF $5000. . SO WHETHER A RACE FAN OR A DRIVER WE'LL GUARANTEE YOU ACTION..AOTS OF IT.'