The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-26, Page 14ri> CO Lucknow _Sentinel, Wednesday,: May 26, 192—=Page 14 heat Women's Institute hosted • the Bruce South District Minusl' meeting of the Federated 111omen's Institutes. of Ontario at the. Lucimow: Community Centre on, May 18; .Members of the district executive who: attended Included from . • the left, Mrs. Will.am' MacPherson; R. 1, Holyrood, first vice-president; Mrs. James Convay, 110, Tiverton, secretary -treasurer; Mrs. Hang Lavis, Lucknow, public relations ;officer; Mrs. Donald MacAdam; R. 2, Wingham, past president and .Mrs; Perrin 'Lowry, R. 1, Kincardine, .president, ' [Sentinel Sta''Photol Ashfield WMS meet The Ashfield W.M.S. meeting was held on' May 20 at'8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Grant Farrish. Mrs. Farrish Opened the meeting with the call, to worship,prayerand reading a poem, Life - The Seasons of the, Year. Theroll call was answered by nine ladies. • Mrs. Ewan MacLean in- troduced the third study of our Study Book entitled, The Pluralistic Nature of the Church.. Resource sheets were handed out and discus- sed: Mrs: Lloyd Collins:read anarticle on why we should, study Pluralism - we should- n't confine mission to over- seas.but practiceit here too. Mrs. Grant. Farrish show- ed a film, From Every Race and Nation. Mrs. • Lloyd Col- lins closed the study ' period with prayer. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson, conducted the business. The Maitland Presbyterial will be .held in .Riply on June 7 ,and the Ladies camp at Camp Kintailis beingheld from • A penny auctionwas held• a social hour. followed: • lan walk for 'life. Ontario'has declared May as `Family Unity Month'. In co-operation with the province,. the Goderich and District Pro ' Life group . is organizing , a 'Make It' A Family. Affiar—Walk For Life'. The Knights of Columbus and many churches are supporting this walk-a-thon and every Christian who is concerned about the protection of the unborn, the handicapped and. the ' elderly is asked to participatein the walk. Ken Reidy, president, is•the walk co-ordiantor:. Walk a -thou sheets are. available at some of the churches and at Dennome's Flower. Shop in Goderich, Lavis Insurance in Clinton, Sti Joseph's School in ' Kingsbridge and from Joanne Verrnunt it St. Joseph's,:Ontario. Registration is at Satur- day, May 29 at 9 a.m. at St. Marys School • in Goderich. Walkers' will leave at • 9:30 a.m. and will walk up High- way 21 to the.' OPP •station and back where a hot dog . lunch will be., served.. The • highway. will be patrolled for the safety of the walkers and children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult: Money raised ' from the walk will ° be used for educational programs, publicity and advertising; ' and to assist the National Office • with research and advertising.: Locally •the money will. assist pregnant, distressed women by of . fering positive support to , choose life for their babies. Whitechurch VMS choose Mother's theme On Wednesday, . May 19 Chalmers ' Presbyterian W.M.S.. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs.' John de Boer. Mrs. Elroyaidlaw gave the call to worship. Mrs. Bill Rintoul read the scripture and Mrs-. Laidlaw led in prayer: The meditation, Mothers, was given by Mrs. Laidlaw and a poem, Mother I'll See You Soon. The offer- ing Was received by Amy Falconer and the prayer by Mrs. Laidlaw. . • The roll call was answered by eight .giving a scripture verse with mother. The topic, The influence of Women at Home • and Abroad, was given by. Miss Annie Laid- law. The president, Mrs. Don Ros; presided for the busi- ness. The minutes -were read by Mrs. Alan Falconer in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Bill Purdon. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw had a contest, Mothers of the •Bible., The Ladies Aid meeting followed. Mrs. De Boer gave. the 'financial report. Amy Falconer received the Offer- ing. Grace was sung and Mrs. de Boer served refresh- ments. Kinloss Kairshea. Branch of the Women's Institute were host to. the Bruce South District. Annual held at the Community Centre Lucknow May 18th. The theme of the meeting. was, Nothing is' achieved until it is thoroughly tried. The distil.ct ` president, Mrs. Donald' • MacAdam of Belmore chaired The meet- ing. Mrs. Harold Howald, president of the host branch welcomed all present. Re- ports of the past year 1981-82 were given by thevarious. conveners. Entertainment and: sing -a -long numbers by Belmore, Whitechurch, and Purple. Grove Branches were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Harold . Biasing; F.WI.O, Board Director l Subdivision t7, in her ad- dress urged branches to visit. Erland. Lee, Home. Guest speaker Mrs.' Brian Ireland of Teeswater, spoke about her involvement in the organization ' of women's. farm groups...There will be a survey report and literature distributed. by students in Bruce County this summer. Miss Barbara De Visser, • Home Economist in'. Bruce County gave her report, thanking. Women's Institute Branches fortheir support of 4-H clubs and their interest , in the Senior Courses. She noted 1748 members took part in .4-H clubs in theyear and 51 county hniiourls given. Several interesting dis- plays were 'set up namely, quilting, Tweedsmuir histor- ies,' quilts and afghans for SEND OFF 1 'iI .COUPON NOW . eting Participation Lodge, a. dis- play of articles from the quilting course, P.R.O, Mrs. Blasing's display of F,W.I.O. ' literature, and Bruce County Tartan display with items for sale, The district executive for 1982-83 • are as. follows: past president, Mrs. Donald Mac - Adam, R. R. 2, Wingham; president, Mrs. Perrin Low- ray, R. R. 1, Kincardine lst vice president, Mrs. Wm. MacPherson, R, R. 1, Holy- . rood; oly:.rood; 2nd, vice president, Mrs. Wm. Mclnnes, R, R.3, Teeswater; secretary=treas urer, Mrs. James Convay, R. R. 1, Tiverton; assistant sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs.' Cecil Humphrey, R. `R, 1, Ripley; public relations officer, Mrs. Harry Lavis, Lucknow.; To: PROPANE SAFETY, 555 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6... Pease send me your free 20 -page handbook, LING SAFELY WITH PROPANE. } st, xc r 1 IMINMEMM 41141,110. II• Propane is a wonder- fully, convenient fuel for.cottagers, camppers.and backyard barbecuers.. It's clean,' Buick and efficient for cooking, refrigeration and lighting. But, like all flammable materials,' propane must .be used with care. Did you know, for instance, that: • • ' CI Propane barbecues should neverbe used in an enclosed area. . 0 Propane cylinders must be stored outdoors and checked for safety every 10 years. d A propane cylinder should always be moved or stored in an upright position. • ,•r o .Propane cylinderr'must be located outside recreational vehicles or in a compartment that is gas-tight to the vehicle interior and ventilated directly to ,the outdoors: o It is strongly recommended that propane— fuelled refrigerators ' • be cleaned and, adjusted every year. You'll find these safety facts and more in our free booklet: Mail the coupon today and get your copy. It's a great reference guide, and it will ensure that propane is always a helpmate rather than a hazard to you and your family. The Ontario Government --Working to 'Help People. • Ministry of Consumer and Cornrnerbial Relations Ontario Robert Elgie M.D., •Minister William Davis, Premier.