The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-26, Page 9A rnunity news a Lucknow Sentinel, WedinnanYt *MO 20, 1982—rage 9 Centre for the The Blyth Centre for the Arts is once again sponsoring Huron County's largest used book sale, June 5 and 6, at Memorial Hall in Blyth. This popular fundsraising event brings together thous. ands of used paperbacks and hardcover books, magazines, and dress patterns. There'll . be special: seetioliS'Of ren"a books, .Camulittna, Sc. once .Fiction, as well: as huge choice of fictIon, in the same building.. that houses. the nationally- famous Myth_ Summer Festival., •Home baked goods, and. refreshments will be. pail. able throughout the book ' Blanclie Ha/oil:ton. moves tpLuelmour By Lonahie McGuire , • doe held for Mary Coiling and Aaron Hackett on Satur. Blanche 'Hamilton has day night' in Wayne Todd's • moved from the 2nd comes. ished at St. Helens. ' slew and N now living in We were sorry to hear that. Lucknow. We send best Brian fionoway and son, MAO n Ynnr new One, Paul were involved, in an an automobile aecident last Nancy and Michael Moskal week white going. to work, Of London spent the weekend We ;wishthem a speedy. with 'Mr. and Mrs‘ Jack reovery, McGuire and Brian.' Nancy McGuire and Julie the rummage sale which McGuire attended a girl • was to be heiti teat .Saturday # friend shortie'. on Sunday • at Mil' Jae ti re 8 "8 postponed becatiseof rainevening for tvlary Collin It •Ili; was held at the .hontt of . It wilt be held May 29th, bee.. Debbie Zipfel of Ripley, AdvertNernent in coining ev.• ents. • Dorothy Engel of Seaforth, tVtr.. and. Mrs, Pred Hag. Katherine Reihl of Gocliiich, ertiart of Olivet have moved Dorothy Stratton of Mitchell, to the Armew area. and Jean Guy of Egmondville Mr; and 'Mrs; Ronald *visited during the weekend McGuire have purchased the with Mr. and Mrs, Walter home front Mrs. .Blanche Black and jim. Hatttilton and will be moving , Mr. and Mrs. Tessa Kara.' shortly. tonis of Toronto spent the A number from the Olivet "holiday weekerid at their area attended the stag and summer home here. .+2J,Y412 rea4/2.4.4•46.:400,0•11!..samabaiiiiIsoitoorkoosiii"..a•a.aa,....too..0.4..a:raii:sook.4 Calendars.... Advertising 0peelaitles - business Gilts • : . • • . Greetings: • , • ADVERTISING IDEAS: OVER 10,000 ITEMS. To• SELECT FROM Matches, Pins, Caps, Decals, T4hirti, Lighters, ,••A • . • etittoni, Key4ags,•Ete. and Etc. • ONE WRITE ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS RECEIVABLES PAYABLES • PAYROLL . , . Also Supplies tor your Presentllystino—;-;..i- COWAN. PRINTING SERVICE, LUCKNOW 8284730 Lynn's Variety 8i Textiles MAIN ST. RIPLEY .4th •AN NI VER:SARY SALE ONE DAY ONLY JUNE 2s 1982 Assorted ••Materials , Some Fashionable •• Wools 0 • NOW AVAILABLE' • BAKED GOODS • Prom Crust &Crumb Shop Now Located In Former • Watt's Variety,, ponsors used boo sale, which runs from lt)i . 6 on Saturday, and from 15 on Sunday. As well, book browsers and buyers will be able to see firsthand what goes on behind a production by taking specially conducted tours of the theatre. ' There is • no admission charge to the book sale. ,Dieseis PO Skop PARTY PACKAGE full limbo PoP (Coca Cola Products) ORURO kin • SPECIAL PRICES Ross Street • • •Lueltnew •82114838 • Father's Day • is Coining • DECORATE , NIS •• Room Memorial Hall is located on , illyth's main street. Donations of used books, magazines and dress • pat. terns will help raise funds for • the operation of the Blyth Summer Pestival. Books may * be left prior to May 29, 1982 C1ASSIEIED ADSPRODUCE RESULTS! ale at any of the following Iota. dons, E,A.T. Company, Bay- field; Taylor's Groceteria, Eelgrave; The Blyth Stand., ard; The Brussels Post; The Board and Batten, Clinton; Hill and llorgal,' 5$ Elgin Ave, E., • Goderkh; Janice BiSback's, 86 Queen Street, Hentall; The Huron Exposit. or, Seaforth; Harris Station. •ery, Wingham; Listowel Country Cable Ltd., 360 Wallace Ave., •N., Listowel; and Stratford Festival Thea* tre, §tae Deer, STAG & 1)0E •FOR • SCOTT FEAGAN RAMONA ANDERSON on Friday, May 28 et I o'clock pan. EVERYONE WELCOME $36° /PERSON . , „ ''.. .i T H: lit Phone 3511630 fot 24 hour timv e Ithitinntion ' PUITII18. MISIODAT. MAY 29 NSA RIMY, , • , NIAT 291h • • • SHOWTIMBil Wodnosdry and Thumb* it S p.m only, -. • Otklay inttllototdoy at? and • p.m. If they've really got what it takes, it's going to take everything .. • • ... . they've got., • . ' • • )(1•.' FtWIRIG'SURRAT, MAY 3Oik 111 OISDAY• JONI SHOWTIMI11:00pera. 2A01 WINING • E•legant & Executive. •• INTERIORS • by appointment only ROTH (519) 528-2702 MIKI (519) 529-7271 drapes • • jledspreads remaleimawarrearrourramorow,ramb ros4,sirs OtAtt R.k. #3 Oodetieh, °nitwit) 3X9 • • itie Army ts &I it .to tibia hi the do iiibAVire twit sking Lt • to turn at night, And itin gbriffietiti dungen hint by the Bout • • Itithattt 14yot, keeps get caught . *Rh his pants dontn, • '• IttoONT PREKEirts • ' • A HOWARb Krk, PRoDUCTioN A MicHAELPREKKMAN ERA • RICHAfth paoR .80MRiNnOPHP.Ro, MARGOT KIHHER RAY sHARKETHWRODucERJAMEs KIRIODOn • HAW) WON THE hooK Bt JAMES KIRKWOoh • . • ScREENPLAT nvJAMPAlitOliveat ANb Eibint• Holds Mani) a HOWARD* KWH.* WITTED a MIME!. PRE45MAN 1,ARAMMKTImcTUNt: k 1 .ar Au. 4a••• Dates Available tucimOir District Community. Centre FRIDAY, MAY 28 John Hodgins and Joanne Lewin 'SATURDAY, MAT 20 Bridget Dalton and Bernie Van Oseh SATURDAY, JUNES 'Mike Tanner and , Valerie Errington FRIDAY, JUNE 11 Bob Shepherd and Karen Slathers OPEN DATES AVAILABLE JUNE 111 Friday 4 • JULY , •1 1 Friday 9 Friday 18 • • AUGUST • Friday 13 1 Friday 20 CALL THIS1011VIDER BETWEEN :00 A.M. ANI) 6100 P.M •• • ONLY • • •• 528.3532 4.• .dr 411P 411.' .01PP 444PRO11112 THEATRE'S THEATRE j • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • MD, NUN.. MAY M. .1104 OrANeW Rf%Trvey.. c.,.. 06 04te GODER1CH 524-7811 THE ROAD WMPIRIOR sLs• redi 01,v101044), •tree. •STAIRS 1414 MAY 211 • • EIE:ST OHICIENAt. SCORE • vArintils HEST OkilliPIAL KNE.f:NPIAV • • C01,111 WELLANLS. • . litsT COSTUME .MCIANA cANONEko • • . thAtuots riat • .0 . .• atkii 40"4.4, - • • • HicAmily HWY 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524 9981 acme - DRIVE-IN th‘ 0.001411 4 e.keiMil V 611111 ' . %II t ki I, N' 1 Ltiliali. iliTHUI1813Alt MAY 211th4Ftlh , .somori.....istyhtioato \, \\URI( \N, \VI RI \V)1 rs, ONDCYN aOrassitsmiti niVNOtris • • eiCANIVONBALL RUN" STARTING FRIDAY MAY 28 IN THIS HOSPITAL YOUR NEXT VISIT MAY BE YOUR 1 AST IPP E TLC; t- • rA011 411 • fl.)4011'0.t VtaallOPNCY \A8iTiNG Hal ',P.) ›- So frightening you II never rer.over. "This school is our home, we think it's worth defending:' TAPS RFSTraltInr.0 vtaaltV704 VI tar* .0 41,41.AL 411 • .41AL* • a' di. sc,:,* • •