The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-26, Page 5news Mave houseboat to Lake Huron By Ruth .Buchmeler The houseboat that was built at Holyrood during the winter under the supervision of Lloyd and Paul Ackert,. was taken to Lake Huron. on Saturday. The houseboat was loaded on a truck "driven by Pete Grazier of Lucknow• and followed 'a route down Bruce County Road 1 to the sixth of Kinloss and on down differ- ent roads until they got to Amberley where they put the boa into the water on Mon- day. There were many inter- ested people watching this taking place along . the way and at Amberley.' The Grey Ox committee met on Friday evening; at the home of Mr. and Mrs• Jack Needham. They are pleased to report that the sales of the book went well with only about 100 copies left. Miss Lillian MacKenzie of Stornaway, '.Scotland, and Mrs. William Townson of Sudbury are. visiting • with Mr. and . Mrs. Ira Dickie. Lillians is a cousin of Eiiza: beth. Jack and Blanche Need; ham arrived home on Friday Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May .26, 1982..•.. Page 5 ' after visiting with . their daughter, Jane, of Salmon Arm,' B.C. for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs,,, Walter • Dickie and John Wilson of Toronto were up to their farm " on the fourthconcession, east of Langside for the weekend., Mr. and Mrs. Reid Smith of Arva visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham. The community is sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs, Ken Houston, Amy. and Angela from this sixth concession. The family moved on Satur- day to Pike Lake which is between Harriston and -Mount Forest. We wish them all the best of luck in their new home. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ackert into the com- munity. Kevin and Kathy are newlyweds and will be living on the farm of Ken Houston: Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buck- ton returned home on Sun- day evening from a very enjoyable trip to Vancouver. and Vancouver Island with Dr. and Mrs. Bill Buckton of Waterloo. Sara is flowergirl at Karen's wedding By Betty Ritchie Congratulations to Karen Campbell and DonDegraw of Londonwho were married in Glencoe on. Saturday. Karen' is the 'daughter of . Arn and Dona :Campbell of Trinity. Doug and ; Dixie Cameron, also of here;: attended the wedding as Sara-anne was flower girl. Congratulations to 'S, Ron and Joanne . Menary on the birth off' a girl; Sarah Mae, a wee sister for Lisa and'Mich- ael. The Trinity Homemakers attended the. 4-H Achieve- ment day held at Brookside School Thursday evening. Their leaders for this project, Bread Winners, were Mary Lou Raynard ' and ,Gloria Hackett. John and Shirley Hunter attended the 25th 'wedding anniversary of Jim and Evel- yn Gaunt held at the Pine Ridge Chalet at Hensall last weekend. Visiting with Jim and Isa- bel . Hunter this past week were Bertha McMullen of and Toronto, also JackWan- •da Millar of Tottenham nham who were home for the holiday weekend. Alma MacKinnon of Kincardine visited with them on Sunday. Isabel Kilpatrick visited her mother, Mrs. Laura Pol- lock in Maitland Manor, Goderich last week, when they had open house for her mother who was celebrating her 90th birthday: Barry Kilpatrick spent the holiday weekend ,with Lloyd and Shirley Cavanagh at Gaulais River, north.of Sault Ste, °Marie, •Congratulations to Jim and Nancy Farrish on the birth of a new son, a brother for Chris and Kim. Lorne and Hazel Hackett, Brenda and 'Mac visited Sunday and Monday at Blen- heim with her parents, Glen. and Vera Campbell.. Brian Hackett who is . working at Rondeau was home for the weekend. Visitors with Jim and Trix, Hackett overthe holiday weekend were • her niece, Jacqui Barron and friend Peter Tam. Jacqui is pres- ently enrolled in„the Masters Program in Journalism at Western University `'i in Lon- don. .Flat roof a problem... *from page 1 board's ,ro perty committee,. P P noted that no contractor Will offer ag uarantee on a roof beyond two years after in- stallation. He said an expert has been called in to back up 1� Kyles' specifications. Hayes noted that flat roofs areaain but the hospital p P. takes after a post-war archi tecturalP ertod when flat roofs were designed for buildings. Newton commented that if all started with the United Nations building in New York when someone stuck a book on its end and said, "That looks efficient." „ Board chairman Jack Kop- as remarked, "It's a frustrat- ing experience, but it looks like we are stuck with it. In other business arising out of the secretary's min- utes of the ..board's April meeting, .chairman Kopas noted that a copy of a feasib- ility study and supporting Turn to page 12* FORDILASTS TRUCK PRICES! ON NORTH AMERICA'S BEST SEWN TRUCKS Now's the time•to invest in a Ford Tight truck. Ford is offering cash rebates up to $2,000. Buy now and you get a rebate cheque direct from,Ford. These are' not just any trucks: these are Fords, with all the rugged quality that has made Ford the most successful truckline in North America. . Get full details on this limited'time offer from any participating Ford or Mercury Dealer.•There is a modified rebate plan for fleets. la• t■*�li_l� FORD FORD CgURIER RANGER M.S.R.P* $6,798 $7,339 REBATE $ 200 • $ 300 ' NET $6,598 , . 57,039 '. *Manufacturer's suggested retail prices for base vehicles. not including , Provincial sales tax, transportation and handling. Dealer may sell for less. Visit a.participating dealer and make your best deal.. . Certain items illustrated optional at extra cost, The professional - Service People WE DO IT RIGHT! ::••i.:::::::::::.:if.:. 000:;::: ;:;:;:; Ili* " l.;::.:::.;:ii, :........::::::: . :::.::::, .....e. 66 .000 .000 • ••;f: • o:ii ::::• :.1.::4..i...: •::1:.::::.::•::::::•;::1:.:..:.:::I,::: • :: :• •r':: ft:: �:;:::::•::%•:.•:::; ;.; :..:.•ii; iii; ftli;: $::� :: i•:e iii:::•:• .44 :•::