The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-12, Page 17TOWNSHIP OF HURON Garbage Collection FOR RURAL RESIDENTS Garbage collection In. the Twp.. of 'Huron on a trial basis will start June 3.152 contlnuing until Sept. 34.1142. • 1'. Sew* side 011ie Ktnce dies Sevadery Conc. 12. Conc.11 and Conc. $ will h. collected on Thursdays 2. Cent. 6, CONI: 4, Conc. 2 end Nerlit sldo.of•Hwy S4 will be Collected on yrldays All garbage must be In earlier, begs and placed et end of lanes. KITCHEN GARBAGE ONLY 21. Personal 30. In .memoriam HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524.6001 .or Walkerton 881.3655, --40tfar PREGNANT and need helpY' Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432.7197 collect: —9tfar IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM. in your family? AI -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881.3113, Goderich .524- 6001. Ask for an Al -Anon number. —45nx TANNER - ERRINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Ross Erring- ton, St. Helen. s are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Valerie .Joyce to Michael Douglas" Tanner. of Walkerton, son of Mrs. Mar- ion Hodgson of Kincardine. and the late Douglas Tanner, on June 5, 1982, at Calvin United Church, St. Helens,.7 p.m.Reception in Lucknow. YOUNG - FORAN Pat, Mike and. Ronnie Foran are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their Mother, Isabel Foran of Listowel to Art Young of Dungannon. The .wedding will take place on Friday, May 21, 1982, at St. August- ine Roman .Catholic Church, with reception. in Lucknow. IRVIN - FITZ-HENRY Russell and Lillian Irvin are pleased to announcethe en- gagement of their son, Dale. N, Irvin,to Wendy Anne Fitz - Henry, of Kitchener, daught- er of Robert W. Fitz -Henry and the late Mary , G. Fitz - Henry. . The marriage cere- mony will take place in June at St. James -Rosemount Un- ited Church, n=itedChurch, Kitchener, Ont- ario: • Somebody is a looking for your bargain... offer it toda iRWIN In loving memory . of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Leonard R. Irwin, who passed away, May 13," 1981. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance • keeps him near: Lovingly remembered by Annie and family. —19 REED In memory of a .dear wife, mother and grandmother, Debbie Reed, who passed , away two years ago, May 9, 1980. Loving and kind in all her Malys, Upright and, just till the, end of her days, . Sincere and kind in heart and mind, :. What a beautiful memory she left behind. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband, Will and his family. --19x 31. Cards of thanks CULBERT Special thanks to all who remembered' me with cards, flowersand visit while 1 was in'' Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Elmer Culbert --=19 WILSON 1; would like to take this opportunity to ' thank my family, friends and neigh - hours for cards, gifts, flowers and visits .I received while in hospital, .and to all that brought goodies to the hosfse. These acts of kind- ness were deeply appreciat- ed. Tillie Wilson —19 LUDWIG We would like to thank our friends and family for their beautiful gifts and everyone who helped and attended our wedding and reception. Ann and Rodger -i9 JEWITT Thank you for cards, fruit and• visits while I was a. patient in Wingham Hospit- al. Thanks also to, the Luck. now Doctors. Dave e= ors moo .IEW pro,. sir 44.x. r r 31. Cards of thanks. HOUSTON Kerry and Dana . Houston wish to thank friends and neighbours who sent their best wishes during Dana's arrival. Many thanks to Dr,. S. Boron and nurses at the Kincardine Hospital during our stay, ' • Kerry, Wally, Dana Houston —19x MIS VIM MIMI INNS =III [S 32. Coming events RUMMAGE & BAKE "SALE Wednesday, May " 12, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Luck- now District Christian School will hold their annual spring rummage and bake sale, in the Old Silverwood Building, 10 am, to 4 p.m. —18,19 RAINBOW OF FLOWERS Lucknow" and District Hor- ticultural Society presents its annual Spring Tea, including bake and plant sale, Legion Hall; Wednesday,: May 12, 2 to 5 p.m. and 7' • 9 p.m. Public is invited. —18,19 RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, May 22, 10 a.m. to. 5 p.m. at Mrs. Jack Me- guire's, concession 2,, Huron Township Sponsored by the Huron Bruce Children Help- ers. ,Proceeds for, three ad opted children.—17-20 YARD AND BAKE SALE Every week 'starting May 21. Consignments to sale wel- come. Bedding and tomato plants 'etc. available now on the farm of Charlie Wilkins, 1' miles east of "Amberley on 86 Hwy: -19,20 HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held Friday, May 14, 8p. m. Wroxeter ;Community Hall, Admission 51.00; 12 regular games for 510.00; 2 share the wealth; one 525.00 special; jackpot ' $200,00 on 57 calls; purple ball, 5130.00; door and consolation prizes. --• 19ar MAY LEGION DANCE Saturday, May 22 Lucknow Legion Musk by ountry Sunshine Smorgasbord Tickets available a't the door A. 'For sale mer n.n u.r. o mem! e M — 1101 elm 32. Coming wants .r, SPRING FLOWER SHOW AND TEA Enjoy a cup of tea at the Ripley and District Horticul- tural Society's Spring Flower Show, Tuesday, May 18, 2 to 4 p,m, in the Ripley f,egion Hall, —19 TENNIS LESSONS Ripley -Huron Recreation tennis lessons, for anyone over 18 years of age, will start on May 18, 1982 at 7 p m. at the Ripley Tennis Courts. Lessons to run for four weeks, cost $15,00 per person. —19 SUMMER CAMP Vacation at Frontier Ranch founded 1958. Children's summer camp, Complete rid- ing, waterfront and sports program. Accredited mem- ber, Ontario. Camping and Christian Camping Interna- tional. nterna tional. White Lake 613-623- 3577. --19nx HEREFORD CLUB SALE Ontario ' Polled Hereford. Club, Spring Showcase .Sale. Saturday, May 29th, 1982 Markham Fairgrounds. Show 10:30 a.m., Sale 1 p.m. For catalogues; Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario. --19nx BRIDAL SHOWER There will be a relative and friends shower in honour of Wendy Fitz -Henry, bride to be. of Dale Irvin, lin Saturday, May 15. The shower will be held at Brookside School at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. ---19x CHiLD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron ' County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held .at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day, May 19, 1982 from 9:30 11:30 a.m. for:' 1.- Health Surveillance 2. .Anaemia Screening 3.: Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening:' 6.. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THiS CLINIC --19ar Attention Farmers. —19,20ar KiNLOUGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Kinlough Presbyterian Church Anniversary services May 23, 1982, 11 a.m.-and 8. p.m. Guest' preacher (former minister) 'Rev. T. J. McKin- ney. • Luncheon following morning service. —19,20 CIRCUS 1S COMING The Circus is coming to. town, Saturday, June 12th! The Rotary Club of Goderich is sponsoring an appearance of the famous MARTIN & DOWNS CIRCUS on Satur- day, June 12th, performanc- es at 2:00 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. at Harbour Park, Goderich. Advance sales tickets are available at $2.75 each from Rotary Club members or in Goderich at pincher's, Campbell's, Hoffmeyer Ap- pliances and Leisure World. in the Mall, in Bayfield at Tender Spot Meat Market, in Clinton at the News Record and in Lucknow at the Sentinel office. —19,20 e .. 4111P A10. TROJAN WARWICK SEEDCORN Still Available Allan R. Miller 528-2299 .I - AP I I ..I I .. .► FOR SALE 20 b gs of seed barley. Phone 395-2806. —19x APPROXIMATELY One ton treated mixed ; grain, also some Oxford oats, . Phone 528.2299, Allan R. Miller. -•-19ar B. Custom work OMNI CUSTOM C\6N and bean planting, 8 • 30" "row Max - emerge planter. Phone 529- 7348 or 529.7062. ---18.21 C. Wanted Wanted Cattle, sick or dis- abled, pay top dollar. Call 392-6829 anytime, —47tf Lucknow Sentinel, Wedn.aday, Mtty 12, 1952—Page 17 D. Livestock MINS --NNW NMI. ... INFO .... NAM IMO HOLSTEIN DAIRY .heifers bred and open, tested and checked. Wm. Shetier,. R, 2 Lucknow, at St, Helens, 18,19 4•1.1.111110‘111.1.41111.11/40111,1•111111 REGISTERED and grade Saddlehorses for show and pleasure; Also broodmares and trailers. Horses trained. and fitted. Will trade, Man Mahon, 613.678.3010. Van Kleek Hill. --19nx TWO PUREBRED, register- able, ole year. old, Suffolk rams; ready to start breeding this '82 season. Contact Lesley Moncrief, 395.2480, ----19tf YORK x DUROC boar for sale, serviceable age. Phone 529.7194, Allan Johnston, --19x -,,.,..r,.- ....01116.-1•._....0.._11. 40 matched Hereford steers, about .700. lbs, each, received from Alberta last Novem- ber, Harvey ' Ritchie, 529- 1246, --;19 NNW raVI - VIEW Nail ...r IMO NMI VIrr E, Farm services rem mow saw tour .tem —..,..n. •...... SEED CLEANING 'And Treating (Bag or Bulk) FOR SALE All Grass Seeds & Covets Seed Grain (scarce) • ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL And Trucking. Lucknow 528.3500 --•-1ltfar !C''"r.?ttCr. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo , Unloaders; Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Sts)1s and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd ' Johnston,' R. , R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395.5390. ---30tfar F. For rent FOR RENT 22 acres summer pasture for cattle. Phone 395.. 5133. —19,20,21 --.-1•1•_,1•1•..- AGRICULTURAL CHEM1CAL PRODUCTS We offer a complete lino of herbicides and Insecticides for corn, beans, OUNTER grains and flax: ' . . LASS For more Information Call:. Harold 'ElphiCk,. R. R. 3, Lucknow 345-5307 5L ATRAZINE.... CUSTOM SHEEP SHEARING J.L. Farrell Ltionsa>d Operator for Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers Distributor of Strings .'& Sacks *"Wool Collector R.R. No.1 Ripley; Ontario NOG INN phone 519 -3411S -57S7 Subscribers If your Luckn�w Sentinel label reads May65432. Your Subscripton is due