The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-05, Page 25100kno*ft,pacio. MI . Lucknow'legion.dczrt club h�lds banquet On Saturday, May 1, the Lucknow Legion Dart Club held their second annual banquet and dance. The club members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal thanks to the efforts of Kate and Koen Van Dijk and . several of the ladies. Club president, Bob Greer presented the trophies for this year's achievements. Dean Ellis and his team memberi, Wilma Clarke, Wayne, Cranston, Elmer Cul-, bert ' and Russell Whitby, captured both the regular season and playoff champ- ionships. Gerry .Ross received troph- ies for most starts and most combined starts and finishes. The most finishes title was claimed by Bob Greer. Wil- ma Clarke received an award for her high score of 174 points: The most improved player trophy was presented to Leonard Clarke. Elections were held for next year's executive, The results saw Leonard Clarke as president, Bill Adamson, treasurer, and Wilma Clarke, secretary. Music for the dance was • Lucknow Sentinel, .Wedneady, May Si '1982 --Page 24 provided by Steve's.;C9ntry Gold. The evening was high- lighted by an. impromptu performance : by guest Hugh Johnstone, accompanied by Leonard Clarke and Bob Greer. Here's hoping next year will be as successful as this year for the Lucknow Legion Dart Club. Canadian arthritis research paying off Dr.. Jerry Tenenbaum, a Consultant in Rheumatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, addressed volun- teers from the Bluewater Region of, the Canadian Ar=;\\' thritis Society at their annual meeting in Walkerton on Attend guide . . conference Eleanor Johnstone, Luck - now Girl Guide . leader, Car- roll 'McKim and Bev Thomp- son attended .the Provincial Annual` Conference of . the Girl Guides. of Canada at' Sault' Ste.. Marie on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley visited recently'with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Schantz of Rip- ley. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foreman and boys. of Hanover and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stanley, and family of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott of Purple Grove on Sunday. Winners of the draw spon- sored by the Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop in Wingham are Keith ; Mont- gomery, Wingham, 5500' and Herb Kenyon of Wingham, 5100.1 On Sunday., April 11 sev- eral members of Old Light Masonic Lodge of Lucknow motored to Clinton to present a 60 year jewel to Mr. J. R. White, member of Old Light for the. past 60 years. Mr. White operated a drug store in Ripley for many years before retirement and since has retired to London, Ont- ario. Births MORRISON - Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Morrison of R. 5, Lucknow are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter, Lisa Anne, 7lbs. 1 oz., at Wingham and District Hospital on May 2, 1982, a wee sister for Terry. BOWERS - Don and. Dorinda (nee, Forster) of R. R. 1, ' Ripley, Ontario are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Meredith Dorinda, . 6 lb. 6'/3 OZ., at Kincardine and District Hospital, on' April 27, 1982. Nineteenth grandchild for Walter and Isabelle Forster of Ripley and a third grandchild for Jack and Betty Bowers, Chesley. Saturday, April 24, 1982. His • comments included the scope of rheumatology and • the common diseases. which involve a major seg- ment of our population. He noted that the role of The Arthritis' Society is to enable treatment for arthritis . and also future pursuits in re. - search. Medical scientists and researchers' are using • a team approach as they feel that this working together will xesult in the conquest of this disease. He praised the work of The Arthritis Society for their efforts to improve knowledge :and. ' treatment of arthritis sufferers, and also comment- ed onthe importance of each volunteer's contribution to- wards The Arthritis Society work. Attending from Lucknow were Mary Maclntyre, Thel- ma Brown, Catherine And- rew and Olive Chisholm from Dungannon. The Ontario Knights of Columbus report was also given and addressed the fact that the Knights of Colum- bus in Ontario has contribut- ed close to $3 million over the last: ten years in support of arthritis research: Locally volunteers' will be embarking on their cam- paigns in September which is Arthritis nionth across Can- ada. Cele brate ann iversary Benson ' and Florence Shackleton : of R.R. • 1 .. Dungannon celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, April' 18 with a family get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton were married on March 25, 1942 in. Bluevale at the home of the bride's parents. They' have three ,children, Mrs. Alvin (Carol) Becker of Hay Township, Gerald of Ashfield Township and Valerie 'of Hanover. Another son, Lindeen died several years ago: ' The Shackletons also have two grandchildren, Heather and Larry Becker. All were present for the 4Oth , anniversary. celebrations. INSULATION imm For Comfort -For Savings i1 Hill 11 1 11 1, e. Now In Stock Friction Fit FibreGlass Home Insulation R8412-R2O-R2$ INSULATE NOW FOR YEAR ROUND COMFORT BUILDING CENi1R1E. JOHN W. HENDERSON LTD. LUCKNOW, ONT. Business Hours Mon. to Fri• 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. • Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon PHONE (5191528-3118 V.8 JUICE: ;1,19 SUNUGHT POWDERED 6 LITRE DETERGENT ;4.19 WHITE LABEL- 450 G. SALTED SODAS 95' SNACKBREAD CRACKERS OCOOKIES p 2" G. BANANAS CELERY 1i 19 6 14 SCHNEIDER BREADED WHOLE CUT UP si HGICKEN$4.25 SCHNEIDER'S BOWLS HEADCHEESE WESTON RASPBERRY SWISS 4'S ROLLS 49 79 Main's Groceteria Lucknow 528-340. OPEN SIX DAYS 7 WE DELIVER All in Stock Wall covering Strippable Vinyls Regular Linos Up to $5.49 $2 .95: perlsinalr roll Reg. prIce up to $17.95 $114095- par *Ingle roll GET PROFESSIONAL pARPET CLEANING RESULTS (AT DO -1T -YOURSELF PRICES] RENT OUR RINSENVAC—the portable, easy-to-use carpet Cleaning machine RINSCJTVAC Cleans Carpets Cleaner... Koaps Them Cleaner Longer Rent for only $12 a day CARPETING CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM Yr. R ('lNYll1'L HUNG r+AtURAti4G OCTAL DRAPERIES PINLAY DfCORATORS I LtJCKNO.W WALI;PAPEfL AND C•14 PAINTS PHONE 528.3434 4.