The Lucknow Sentinel, 1982-05-05, Page 19comrnisorn ity news Bob and; Mary •MacNay of Amberley vire .delighted to announce the marriage of their only 'daughter, Sharon Louise, . to'David Douglas Hill of Sydney, 'Australis on March 5, 1982. William Oldrey Triggs performed the ceremony. The bride wail attended by Lorraine Doyle and W. Payne assisted ,the groom. The happy couple entertained friends at.a Champagne Breakfast on Sunday, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside - at 11 Broughton Street, Sydney. They .will honeymoon in. Canada while attending the wedding of thebride's brother In July. Huron; students attend national science fair Five Huron County students will be competing in the Canada -wide science fair at York . University in Toronto May 15 to 23. Two of the students come from •Turnberry Central Public School,' one from Grey. Central, Public School and a team of two boys from. Clinton Public School. Steven Bray of Turnberry. Central Public. School, along with the other Canada -wide contestants from Huron, competed : at the recent county -wide science fair held at Brucefield. Steven's' topic was "Are youburning the right wood" and he com- peted in the junior division of the physical sciences. Placing second was Jamie Pickering, also of Turnberry. Central Public School with his topic on "erosion". He competed in the junior division of. the life sciences. Michael Saxon, with his conservation and ecology house,,. placed third overall.. From Grey Central Public School, he competed in engineering in the junior division. The team of David Andrews and John Lavis of Clinton Public School placed fourth overall with their project "sound". They competedin the junior division of physical sciences. Stocker sale On Monday, May 3, 1982, 418 head of cattle . were auctioned at the stocker sale held at the Lucknow Com- munity Sale Barn, "Harvey Ritchie consigned 8 steer calves, averaging 675 lbs., that were sold to 'Ralph Foster, Goderich at 871/2. Russel Irvin bought 20 steers averaging 650 lbs., sold by Bellview Farms, Bluevale at 901/2, C. Murray sold 7 steers averaging 815- lbs, to Mr. Kernaghan, Benmilier for 85.75. ° Dave Moffat sold 15 heif- ers which averaged 500 lbs. ° to Don Bean, Carlow, for 771/2. Six heifers averaging 710 lbs. were sold by Bert Moss to Grant Gilchrist for 811/2. What is the difference between arthritis and rheum- atism? Arthritis literally means inflammation • of a joint. Rheumatism is a vague term and is usually applied to unexplained aches and pains around joints, such as in the muscles or tendons. Free information 1 about arthritis may be obtained by writing: The Arthritis Society, 920 Yonge St., . Ste. 420, Toronto, Ont. M4W 3J7 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 5, 1982—Page 18 Attend geological society annual - The annual meeting of the Grey Bruce branch of the Ontario Geological Soeiety was held in the United Church at Port. Elgin, April 24, with about 50 in attend- ance. The lounge was filled with displays of family charts, scrap books including early births, marriages and deaths, and cemetery record- ings from both ' counties, reference books including thesecond edition of "Trac- ing Your Ancestors in Grey and Bruce", just compiled by Betty Warrlow. It contains a wealth of: information on sources of help to the geneal- ogist. Mrs. Audrey Underwood presented Mrs. Mrs. Betty Warrlow with a Liffe, Mem- bership in appreciation of her services to the branch. Vol. unteers were asked to copy the 1871 township census for the townships in Grey And Bruce counties, to be sent to the O.G.S. for indexing. Secretary Mrs. Shirley Lundy is stepping ;down after five busy years as secretary, librarian and doing publicity, She will still be kept busy as the librarian. Dennis Mulli- gaii, former vice-chairman is moving to London, Ontario. Doug Goar expressed ' the regrets of the branch in losing Dennis, but as one of his last duties .as 'vice-chair- man, Dennis brought .in the new slate of officers for 1982.83, They are asfollows; past. chairman, Gerald Merrick; chairman,:. Doug Goar; vice chairman, Clayton. Schweg- ler; secretary, Mrs, , George Hoskins;. treasurer, Tom • Murray,; committee conven- ers, publications, • George Cluley; cemetery recordings,, Mrs. Audrey Underwood; collections, Tom Armstrong; publicity, Mrs. Lillian Wood; hospitality, Miss Izetta Fras- er; newsletter, Mrs. Betty Warrilow; librarian, Mrs. Shirley Lundy. It was moved by Tom Armstrong and sec- onded by Gerrald' Merrick that the new slate of officers. be approved as read. Frank and Helene Weaver gave a beautiful, pictorial display of slides, covering both counties and also of the Presentation. of Colours.: of. the Grey Simcoe Forresters. by Lt. Gov. Pauline McGib- bon. Helene also gave an account of their findings in the Seaman family tree.. We are fortunate . to have Frank and Helene as members. They are renowed photo- graphers, as well as enthus- iastic genealogists. Tom Armstrong expressed the gratitude of the branch and presented them with a small token of appreciation. Doug Goar added his thanks, and brought the meeting to a close. Huron -Bruce NDP plan survey Area New Democrats met at the farm of Tony and Fran McQuail on Sunday, May 2. They went for. a wild flower. walk in the McQuail 'woods. Dog tooth violets and spring beauties ' were in profusion with trilliums andmarsh marigolds just starting to bloom. Horse bolts from buggy By Kathryn Todd Mrs. Enos Miller was involved. in a minor. buggy accident 'on Thursday when her horse bolted from the buggy, . While Mrs. Miller was trying to catch the horse,. it collided . with the ,car of Mrs. -Wayne .Todd: Minor Injuries were suffered by the horse and some damage was done to the car, but Mrs. Miller received no injuries. The Lucknow Fire Depart- ment answered a call just. south of the ' village on Sun- day night. With all the ex- citement brewing it turned out to be a false alarm as someone was just burning some rubbish'. S' Ripley Huron Central news... •from page 15 earth where "Prime Minister Trudeau' awarded us all medals. It was a. wonderful experience and we thank all of the actors and production crew. ' The week ' of course in- cluded our Open House and we were delighted that so many parents were able to come...and to check that The • Family Tree s that' . we're doing are accurate so far. Thank you for all your help. On Fri.t, Apr. 2, Ripley's girls hockey°teamcompeted against Lucknow, Teeswater and the District School in a half day tournament. The girls gave it a good effort, but were . unable to win a game. However, Tanya Hillier and Helen Needham were able to collect goals during the day. . Following • the walk New Democrats from Huron - Bruce and Huron -Middlesex ridings made plans for a special Survey. , All across Ontario New Democrats ' will be using the month of May to find out what issues are of ' most concern in their area. They will use a survey card and a leaflet to talk .with people. In Huron -Bruce and Hur- on -Middlesex ridings local New Democrats plan to con-• duct their survey . in several ways. Survey cards will be'' taken door : to door and handed .. out in shopping malls. In some areas the survey will be conducted by telephone. • Area residents can expect to hear more,about t spring s ey in t c weeks. M • ' r - . dents will be asked to fill out a survey card and the survey results will be made public. ocher's Pat Specials Selected BULOVA & CARAVELLE, Watches 25%0off Royal Doulton Figurine Jeivel Boxes 20% off Another Great Gift 10K Pendants (without chain!) Open Six Days a Week Monday - Saturday Agnew Jewellery Gifts LUCKNOW 528-3532 0